The Guile Video thread

he got worked by that Blanka.


Me vs Abel in both vids. Any tips or opinions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Wow, you really got gayed there at the end! So lesson learned: don’t let Abel out of the corner.

I’m gonna move backwards first; Abels Ultra.
Know the distance that it takes for you to recover from lp.SB for his ultra to whiff and bait it…or don’t. If you’re inside the Ultra range, you will eat the Ultra every time. No questions about it.

Fighting Abel, you have to change your style a bit. SB space control isn’t as good against him as he has a few way to get around it and get in your face really fast and hard. st.firece owns abel for quite a few of his ground and air moves so use it but dont overuse it. He’ll just start delaying his attacks a bit.
learn to throw him out of the roll on reflex. This is extremly important against him. You have to know at what situations he’ll use it and take a step forward and just throw him out of it.
The Abel you played doesnt seem to have that much Guile experience as he let your cr.rh slide. A good Abel will remind you how bad it is to do that move outside of a punish quicker then you can remeber why you just did it.

On knockdown…rush the hell out of him. Dont start anything with cr.short as he’ll command throw you. Don’t be afraid to telegraph a bait either by turtling. I’ll make them rethink how to atack which allows you to fuck with their regular setups enough for you to have a chance.
Dash is Abels worse enemy (and you did make good use of it when you did use it).

Finally, a very good Abel owns a very good Guile hard. He’s pretty much like Sakura. A decent one you can own hard. A really good one will not let you land…regardless of your skill. Try really hard not to get knocked down…even if it means you have to poke him the hole match.

Hope any of this helps

fuson’s team vs my team grand finals at a 3v3 yesterday, players are not labeled for some reason. I apologize for the video quality, also i only beat fuson cuz he was being impatient.

First Set:
[media=youtube]Fa2FR7w4gXw[/media] me vs moval
[media=youtube]oJN97LCSqO0[/media] me vs dragonite me (purple) vs fuson (green)

Second Set:
[media=youtube]e9E9r-7g06k[/media] me vs moval
[media=youtube]XxkOI3JYDQ8[/media] me vs draonite
[media=youtube]pvUSlWQBalc[/media] me (purple) vs fuson (green)

Thanks for the tips guys… And yeah Opinionhaver I did fuck up at the end of that round. The only reason he hit me is because I FADC my LP.Boom in order to follow it faster and apply more pressure. Yeah I know, that was stupid. I think out of all the matches I’ve played against Abels that’s like the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve gotten hit by and Ultra through one of my booms so it doesn’t happen often. I just have to make sure not to make that mistake agian. thanks for watching guys.

Well done, you were in fulll control of the Honda match. Guile is one of Hondas yucky matchups IMO, so I think that it could be 7-3 in Guiles favour. You may have a different perspective though

Nicely played, you kept the pace of the game during the entire set, congrats.

Nice vids Warahk

Can someone tell me what page those nicovideo vids are on of MasterGuile??? That Guile was a monster.

I was able to understand everything that was SAID, why spanish? are your friends Mexicans?

The tournament was in SANTA ANA california

There ARE a lot of MEXICANS in SANTA ana.

Hope THAT helps

A guy going by the name K I R A is a master level Guile. Yoshiwo and Fujisawa are better IMO, but then again K I R A can’t be a crap player if gets to master level. I guess some of you guys know more about this player than I do. I see him as a very defensive Guile who doesn’t use bread and butter combos often but can do them if he so chooses.

I haven’t seen much gameplay of Matsu recently, mainly Yoshiwo and Fujisawa and Yazu. Yazu’s zoning is pretty strong too.

No other Japanese Guiles spring to mind

Hey Aero, was this at Fullers (Destructive) pad?

Nice Guile, man. I was the other Guile there but my game was way off.

yup. sup dude? I thought that mightve been you. That night was cool as fuck.

So someone in my scene (read: Me) finally decided to stop being lazy and bring a camera and tripod to our casual sessions.

I’m playing Guile in all the videos:

vs. Sagat:
[media=youtube]vf8TdnJ4qpM[/media] (I made a stupid comeback in the 2nd round that shouldn’t have worked. That’s my voice in the end, calling it stupid).

vs. Gouken:

vs. Elf

vs. Seth

vs. Viper

vs. Chun

We had another camera that was recording after mine ran out of memory, I’ll post those when they’re uploaded.

That Chun-Li vid makes me sad. Your friend has an okay Chun, but nothing spectacular. It seems like you’re lost on exactly what to do in that matchup. Anytime Chun does that, you can stop it with a st. HK works well against any of Chun’s jump-ins from about sweep distance. She doesn’t control the air in the Guile matchup. Also throw more sonic booms at her. I like your movements, but you were moving way too much against Chun. Focus attacks aren’t worth doing against her. He foot speed is too fast and she knows how to bait out focus attacks too well. Conversely she has the best FA in the entire game. Can’t win any focus wars with Chun at all.

I guess you should focus on throw sonic booms and zoning, and moving back and forth to try to find a comfortable punishment range. In this matchup, f.HK and st.HK works wonders against a skilled Chun. Remember to constantly throw jabs, and d/b so you can bait her into a flashkick counter. In general you want to keep her in front of you and contain her mobility by dancing out of her ranges. It’s a 5/5 match, but a hard 5:5. I spent the better half of 2009 learning this matchup

Nice job on the second round of the second Elf match making him eat all those hp :rock:

I hope making the video flicker wasn’t part of your tactics against the viper. :bgrin:

I did seem to notice something: you burn meter almost whenever you have it. Rarely do you seem to have more than 2 bars. So my suggestion is to not burn meter so much so fast. Of course, this depends on your opponent. Fireball wars, yes, use the meter. But in other cases, I think it’s better to save meter so you can use it to get out of sticky situations. I’ve been trying to rely more or specials and normals instead of EXs so I can conserve meter for rounds 2 (or 3). You might see otherwise in my videos, but I guess it’s one of those “do as I say; not as I do” kind of things. :coffee:

I also noticed that you were dropping your cr.lp --> links… and I think I hear double-tapping. I could be wrong. As you probably know, plinking makes those links more consistent. Perhaps you could give that a try?

On a side note, does anyone like to play mirror matches? i.e. Guile on Guile. There’s just something about them that makes it interesting. I guess for one, you don’t see Guiles online (yes, not exactly a good medium to play SF on…) too often.

Here’s some recent GU vs GU stuff I had along with other vids I uploaded (but didn’t post, but can be found on my youtube page).


5-5 imo. dragonite does not know the match.

TRF 4/1/2010

Guile (Tan 5) vs Zangief (1:30)

Unknown Guile. This guy seems to be ok. He landed a couple of backfists at the beginning for cheap damage. This Zangief player didn’t seem to have a clue about how to play or whether he knew the match up well enough.

Guile (Tan 5) vs Zangief (10:10)

This Zangief at least put up a fight. Tan5 used some of Guile’s normals to good effect. overall he zones pretty well but im not sure how well he does vs other characters

Hey Syngin, you have been real slack haha:rofl:. Usually you’ll be the first to post some TRF videos :P. BTW you should come to box hill thursday next week for a 3 vs 3 tournament as well as the singles…I’ll be there.

EDIT: More TRF 1/4/2010

Guile (Tan 5) vs Chun Li (BASH) - (1:36)