The Guile Video thread

Someone posted the ustream of all matches from this earlier, but here are the individual matches

Furansujin (Gu) vs Aloha (Za)

Furansujin (Gu) vs Tetsu (Fu) - cool ending

Furansujin (Gu) vs FZ (Vi)

Wow, great showing from the Frenchman; he made Aloha look like a G2 bum! And Aloha’s awesome!


This guile is sharp he gets really aggressive at times and puts of good corner pressure similar style like dagger G’s guile


This video features is one of the few Guile players in my area (name is 26 so Syngin you know who this guy is). I played against him myself when i first started playing and got my arse handed to me on a platter. He is definitely head and shoulders above me but I learned a lot from him

Sweepy McSweepster.

He stopped playing Guile and moved to Ryu AFAIK.

Also, is it just me, or is this white on black shit REALLY HARD TO READ? Urg.

its not just you it is a little hard to read and yea the guile in the vid i posted did do a gross amount of sweeps i just fancied hes aggressiveness and corner pressure

I met up with a lot of players last night and had some good games with all of them. 3 of my matches were recorded

me vs. traze818 playing Balrog

vs. Sakabato4 playing Bison

vs Viscious playing Akuma then switching and raping me with Rufus

need help against rufus i gotta play him more. Any tips? that dude was hard

viscious has a good rufus. i suggest jumping less, do your best to stay grounded. The risk/reward for jumping at rufus when you’re both on your feet makes jumping in a pretty crappy option. back fist and standing fierce are nice… try to flash kick galactic tornados. keep his dive pressure honest with flash kicks if he gets in; once he knows you’re willing to take risks he will have to mix in blocks after dive kicks. d/f roundhouse and work pretty well as anti air against rufus too. like many matches, fierce is your best button in this match up

ALSO does anyone know where the wiki went? i cant find it…

Hi Aeroplane

at 2:25, you sonic boom he spin, follow up by a s.hp(jab,not upper cut),same as abel, if start of game you sonci boom they roll,hp jab

try to maintain distance,turtle all the way, predict for a jump, tap tap cr.hp(cr.upper cut) or s.hp(strong jab) or f.hp (back hand fist) or air slam
keep pressing s.lp to hold a positon and sonic boom
I spotted a habit ,a bad one, u “store back” for sonic boom and keep moving back to the corner
and you try to jump and got kick by his,that’s where u get the corner combo

As for the dive kick, same as viper, if you are not sure of a direct front attack or overhead, best option, focus and run or focus counter

Try to take note of his super meter, as a guile player, I like to press cr.lp or when they are down,ended up with the ex.roll cancel ultra. Try not to do anything until they do something, they have a habit to ex roll as well, they will assume they have the upper hand,if they miss, the rest is up to you to combo

at least I don’t see him doing the dive kick all the way and confuse you with slam or>>ultra>spin

thanks for the tips. i was nervous about the match too so psychologically i was fucked. I hardly play Rufus so ill definitely be more collected about it next time and use some of these tips. I should actually learn Rufus’ moves cause he does shit i forget him having.

yeah he got a solid guile

this vs Mike ross E.Honda

the thing about Geom is he is not scared of taking risk, i wonder if he was in a touney would he play guile the same way?

TRF 1/1/10

10:10 Yoshio (Master status) vs Akuma, not pretty…

I can never figure out how to watch vids at
Google translate isn’t much help either it seems.


i almost shat myself watching that the execution… so insane

New combo vid up by Modinside: [media=youtube]NWxBJQxYio8[/media]

Mostly corner sb/fadc shenanigans ala gilley. Impractical sure, but lots of fun to look at. Maybe with Sonic Hurricane some of it will be a little more useful in Super.

Couple things I’d never seen/thought of doing, like the different-direction super->ultra @ 2:02.

lol @ the music

He uses some of my bnbs in that video :wink:

The aa super ultra thing is old sauce now - used by one of the Jap players in a TRF IIRC (maybe Fujisawa?). Use the super as aa against a late cross-up and there’s a good chance you can land the ultra. The super needs to connect poorly though - a solid aa super will consume all the juggle potential; that’s why cross-up works so well.

Good execution of the loop - that’s a tough one to get down.

So using that juggle on an aa sb - I land aa sb quite often, but never considered that follow-up.

Yeah, I’m probably going to have my next combo video out by the end of January. I’ve got some crazy stuff no one has thought of yet.

his choice in music is :tdown: :rofl:

Looking forward to it.

Gootecks has been playing exclusively Guile, beating a Balrog and a Cammy