“Spacing, spacing.”
I would say that but it is hard to set any true zoning game with neutered booms and fk.
Really in that gief matchup…the gief was random and well guile cant deal with jumpins over his head at that angle…so.
“Spacing, spacing.”
I would say that but it is hard to set any true zoning game with neutered booms and fk.
Really in that gief matchup…the gief was random and well guile cant deal with jumpins over his head at that angle…so.
Neutered booms? Are you serious?
Dont worry LAMERBOI, you’ve come to the right place… From what I saw of the video you have somewhat of a good idea of what zoning is but you can still tighten it up some. Zoning opponents out is one of Guiles few strengths. (Guile doesn’t have a lot of perks so you have to take advantage of the few crumbs Capcom gave Guile.) Something I would suggest is trying to go into match ups with certain characters with certain things in mind. For instance whenever I play the Gief matchup I try to do a couple of things that I think increase Guiles chances of winning.
Keep as much distance between you and Gief as possible! (Gief does not have a fireball so make him eat your booms the entire match)
When using your sonic booms follow them and mix up your options! (I posted this earlier while commenting on someone else’s vid but Guile is the only character in the game who can follow his blasts/fireball/boom with having to FADC to do so, so take advantage of this) One thing I like to do is while following my booms against a Gief is wait for them to do Gief’s Spinning Lariet to avoid the boom, then doing a sweep (C.RH). You have to be careful to watch Gief’s EX bars though because he can EX Green Glove right through fireballs. Also a good thing to do after following Booms is just to wait!!! Simple as that! Shoot a boom walk behind and get close to Gief and then just crouch down to see what they will do. If the jump in while you are in range for the C.FP, punish them! If the jump in while you are in good position for and air throw, air grab! If he EX Green Gloves through your boom, punish him with a combo like (C.LP>S.LP>S.FP>S.FP)! The point being, make it hard for Gief to get close to you! Guile has the tools to keep characters out and that big fucker can’t do anything to you if he isn’t up close so keep him out!
-Another thing I thing you could’ve did better was hiding you charges a little better. There were a couple of times where you were just crouched down (Some would argue that this is the ideal position for Guile to be in but I disagree.) Try backing up and using the bazooka knee to close the distance when you backing up to much! The is a good way yo hide charges and throw booms!
To sum it all up though, Zoning is very important against Gief! Like someone already stated, Gief dumbs down the game and doesn’t require as much skill to play as other characters like Guile so he has some perks. Up close Gief will kill you! So yeah, keep him out…
**Seeing some of these matches makes me really want to do a good and informative Guile tutorial vid! I don’t think a lot of Guile players know about these boards so they don’t really get access to the knowledge that will make them better. A lot of players don’t have the basic foundation set to expand their games so I think if someone did a vid explaining things like; spacing, footsies, anti-air tactics, zoning, and basics combos, players who are trying to learn Guile would have a better idea of how to play him! I know when I first started playing this game it took me forever to learn how to play correctly and even longer to grasp the concepts that I listed above. Street Fighter is just as much a strategy game as it is a fighting game IMO and more than anything I hate to see Guile lose even if it’s not me playing! LOL… Does anyone agree? If so then I’m going to try and put one together! I just ordered a capture card and I have access to some pretty good editing programs so it wouldn’t be that hard to do.
Sonic, no offense, but you sound like an idiot when you try to explain to someone like LAMERBOI, who is a tourney player BTW, what zoning is. You really need to know exactly who you’re talking to so you don’t come off like a douche, which you do. I’m just trying to help you out, man.
That goes for everyone new to these forums: know your fucking community.
man some people in here beat some g2 giefs and think they know whats up lol
lamerboi and warahk, i sympathize with the gief matchup woes. I have one big problem in my area. His name, is Vegita-X, one of the best giefs in the country no doubt. ill post up vids next time we get a long session. this matchup is so one sided its stupid.
i remember slinkun posting about level 1-2-3 giefs. some of us have to deal with level X giefs, those ones off the radar.
Opinionhaver, I from Atlanta, GA and go to college in Valdosta, GA (All of my time is spent in between these two cities.) Point being, I don’t have a clue who is playing tournaments in California! I don’t know the community because I’m not in the community. That’s like me expecting you to know about all the gamers in my community! :wtf: All I saw was a vid of a Guile player who lost to a Gief who I thought he should have beat AND he also posted, “I know I did some stupid mistakes, jump ins and dash ins ><,** someone teach me how to be better plz!!!**” Which is pretty much asking for some opinions about the match so he could improve am I right? If you want to call me out for trying to help the guy out then that’s fine, doesn’t bother me but that it what this thread is for. No matter what level you are at or what venue you play (tourney’s, consoles, whatever), if you post a vid in here people can give feedback which is what I did.
I actually think I said some stuff that would help to. It’s not like I’m telling the guy a bunch of bull. I mean this is the “Guile Video Thread” not the “Guile Video Thread That You Can Only Leave Feedback For If The Players DOES NOT Play In Tourney’s”, am I right? Lol… I guess I appreciate you trying to help but I just want you to understand where I’m coming from so take it easy…
LAMERBOI’s been around a while - a known pad Guile with solid skills. I’m in Australia and I know this; not being in California isn’t much of an excuse. OpinionHaver probably called you out a little harshly, but if you’re taking Guile seriously, you should have heard of him. I’m guessing you know more Japanese players by name than American?
This ken player Wao has a pretty cool strategy of walking up to gief on okizeme. Meaty attacks actually beat out spd and he can be grabbed out of a lot of his wakeup options. Guile’s options aren’t really as good, but you can stuff most of his wakeups with cr.jab. If you’re up in his face like that then you can combo into st.jab, st.fierce x2. Gief can choose to backdash, but just option select the cr.jab with cr.rh and you should be good to go.
Just to start off, let me say I didn’t mean to sound as harsh as I did, I just wasn’t trying to sugarcoat. No hard feelings at all.
Yeah, I’m in CA, but I know who BranH is. I know who people are because of SRK, not my region. Because I read and pay attention and interact. I can forgive you not “getting” LAMERBOI’s joke that you bolded above; you just took him literally. But that’s exactly my point. Everything you said was true, yes, but also any retard already knows that! Next you’ll be telling Dagger G that Guile’s far standing fierce is a useful normal, then apologizing for not living in Hawaii.
Once again, I am only trying to make a point, not to insult or belittle. My suggestion to you, Sonic, is that you lurk a little longer and get a feel for the Guile players before you continue to give “pointers” to dudes who could wipe the floor with you 10 out of 10 times.
Oh, and thanks for having my back, Syngin…BTW, did you know that the Sonic Boom is an important part of Guile’s arsenal?
syngin, I appreciate you telling me this in a respectful manner and to answer your question, no I do not know more Japanese players than I do Americans. To be specific, I know about 6 or 7 Japanese players by name and about 15 or 20 American players (Probably more if I sat down and thought about it). Let me say something just to clear some things up because we all seem to be misunderstanding each other. This is the first time I’ve ever seriously played a SF game! EVER! Before this game came out I had no prior knowledge to to the depth behind it, the community that followed it and didn’t know a thing about the strategies behind the game. I’ve put in a lot of time practicing, playing matches, and researching things on these boards so I could improve my game and, needless to say I’ve improved in my execution of the game and my knowledge of it as well. I’m just saying this to say that I don’t have some of the same backgrounds as some of you guys when it comes to this game so if I don’t know about a certain player in California or Alaska or where ever it may be, just please try and understand that I’m still new and if I say something that you don’t agree with or is off base then it is truly not intentional. So me not being in Cali and not knowing players there is not an excuse, its a fact. But like I said, you explained it to me in a pretty respectful manner so no issues here, thanks for your feedback.
Opinionhaver, I don’t know what it is but you have a bad habit of saying that you’re not trying to be offensive or insult anybody, then doing just that. Even though you felt the need to say I sounded like and idiot and a douche in your first post I didn’t say anything disrespectful to you or call you anything other than Opinionhaver when I responded. And in your second post you said you are not trying to insult or belittle me but then you ask me if I know about Guiles Sonic Boom and tell me to lurk around the boards a bit. I’m not going to lash back out at you and call you names and insult your intelligence because I’m an adult just like you and thats petty, and we are both better than that. I just ask that you have the same respect for me that I have for you. I call you Opinionhaver, because that’s your name, and you call me Flash (Not idiot, or douche), because Flash is my name. Syngin did have your back, but even he said you came off harsh so I’m just saying…
Just as I explained to Syngin, I don’t have some of the same backgrounds as most players because this is the first SF game that I have played seriously. I’m starting to get a better idea of players in communities and what not, but my knowledge of it isn’t as extensive as players such as yourself. I did take LAMERBOI literally when he posted the vid and I responded in the manner I thought was appropriate. When I saw the comment I thought he might be a somewhat new player like myself so I tried to help him out and give him my opinion on the match, that’s all, so I really don’t see what the big deal is. Out of all the people on SRK, your name would suggest that you understand that. It just sounds like you are saying that the next time I want to leave a comment, I need to check the board threads, youtube, nicovideo, and call a couple of people to do a background check on the guy just to make sure I’m not telling him anything he doesn’t already know. That’s just not practical. I’m not going to ramble on about this because this is not what this thread is about but let me just say that there is a difference in telling someone to “be quiet”, and telling someone to “shut the fuck up”. Both are trying to get the same point across, but ones more offensive. Just give me some respect and I’ll continue to give you respect. There is no need in disrespecting people over the internet.
And just to clarify, I know who Dagger_G is so I wouldn’t explain anything like that to him. And yes I know about Guiles Sonic Boom just in case there was ever in doubt that I didn’t.
It’s OK Flash; we’re all brothers-in-arms here. Just giving you a heads up with a tiny pinch of salt.:lovin:
I agree 100%, and I appreciate the heads up!
That’s the best trick in the book. start every insult off with "with all due respect sir…"
and then proceed to call him the hole of an ass.
Lol. Yeah, I know. Just a misunderstanding though. It’s all good.
Well spotted; gonna take that shit to the lab for sure.
meaty attacks beat spd… i went a year without knowing that?
could someone explain to me exactly how option selects work? i never bothered to learn them because i didn’t think guile had many but maybe i am wrong?
i’m guessing in this instance you press jab and roundhouse buttons at the same time, or maybe the roundhouse very fractionally after the jab. if gief stays where he is the jab comes out. if he decides to back dash then you get a roundhouse. so i am guessing in this situation it’s similar to plinking. please let me know.
this is probably the wrong forum to be asking…but how does ryu’s jump in hk into srk option select work? do you input the srk during the j.hk animation?