The Guile Video thread

Priceless matches! I crack up when I watch fujisawa play. He makes focus attacking people on wakeup seem like viable shit. He just seems to always guess right, like when he forward dash cancelled it early then swept fuerte.

Also love the whoring of nj.hp vs. gief. I don’t think that gief really knew that it stuffed lariat. Come to think of it, I wonder how effective strait spamming that thing is if you can stick him in a corner.

A beautiful textbook ryu loss. Guile makes good pokes, gets a life lead, makes good guesses and nabs the life lead, only to get messed by ryu’s options ala corner EX fireball > ultra on reaction, juggle a normal fireball with a super, etc. Also, I believe that that ryu is none other than Fuudo, one of the… top three (?) ryu’s in japan if I’m not mistaken. Still very good play considering the calibur of the ryu.

s.RH beats it clean

but if you switch to nj. RH it will beat his s.RH :rofl:

finally a win. i beat Joon 2-0 this time. wonder what was different? was it me doing better or him messing up? Also Yingchin. I do that once in a while for sure. thanks for feedback. I hardly play rufus players but ill try that neutral fierce ur talking about.


then we have a fight with a Chun-li named Neal (Ark Impulse on SRK)…second round 1st match has a cool ending. 3rd fight 2nd round goes by so quick. lol. Chun-li is tricky.


ggs man, chun is a pain to me aswell, fast and has good mixups

So I was browsing youtube and I discovered someone posted one of my online matches.


So obviously I turtled too much but I really have no idea how to play against dhalsims with guile. I feel like if I focus through a fireball i get poked. If I try to catch one of his limbs with a focus I rarely get a crumple and I just get poked again.

Oy, im such a newb and this video shows it.

Good matches aero, you got yourself a good guile there. A few pointers I’d give are…

Too much EX flashkicks in combos. The extra damage isn’t usually worth the meter unless it’s near the end of the round. If you want to grab more damage for big punishes, I would say you should learn when you have time to squeeze in a crumple (after a blocked EX srk for example), and then either xx hk flashkick or start working on your post crumple UDK combos. It broke my heart to see someone who can land some one framers punish a whiffed ken ultra with lvl 3 crumple > xx EX flashkick. BROKE MY HEART! :chainsaw:

Questionable meter use. I’m seeing a lot of strange things going on with your meter. A lot of random FADC’d booms at midscreen, a few strange EX booms, and at one point I think a saw a clean > xx FADC > poking string. There’s nothing wrong with having a super stocked. Sticking to using meter for EX booms, EX AA flashkicks, safe wakeup / reversal flashkicks, and your super would go a long way.

Anti-air you were mostly good, but I saw a lot of flashkicks getting stuffed. Which version are you using? LK works best for anti-air, but even if you have been using that, you aren’t hitting it deep enough. Wait just a little bit longer and it will hit cleaner. Or just use EX flashkick and get massive, clean AA damage, every time. You could also go a little bit farther at using s.lp to bait jumps, but for the most part your doing pretty well.

Vs. chun, learn the post crumple UDK combos and start charging focus attacks at hazanshu (her flip kick) range sparingly. Catching chun with a lvl 2 > UDK > s.hp xx boom will HURT. Chun is a good character, but her health is so low that doing big damage like this can be a major factor.

Really though, you got a good guile, just need some tweaking, thats all.

I’d like to ad that if the chun has a favorite whatever to hazanshu, stick out st.HP at her whatever and it will stuff her hazanshu (at least it does for me…someone correct me if the timing on this is weird)

First it does nice damage but more importantly, it conditions her not to use it thus slowing down her rush and it helps your crouching game a bit.

Also, with Chun…and this is very important. Never cross her up towards the short end of the screen. If the crossup puts you close to a corner, you’ve lost a handful of options against her. The little damage you can get out of it isn’t worth it.
Try to keep her in front of you as much as possible, watch your booms when she has a stocked Ultra (anything but will be punished by her ultra…but the baits her Ultra for a counter-Ultra punish) and air grab her as often as possible. Chuns like air…teach her not to got there.

All in all, great vids. You could have punished that Ken harder but that’s already been said so I wont repeat it.

Got some vids today from freeplay in shibuya, but my new camera has weird refresh rate issues, so all the vids came out dumb.

A shame since I came out of a bit of a hiatus… before I was either destroying people or getting destroyed. I wasn’t learning, adapting, or even having much fun. Took a break and came back, got beasted by a few people, adapted, and prevailed. I’ve been using jump back a little bit more to bait jumps from the op into EX flashkick a little more and it works a charm.

Good job against Joon man. Glad to see you are finally taking control in that match up. I think the difference in the two matches you won and your previous ones was the use of your anit airs and zoning. I think you only missed one C+FP opportunity (@ 2:08 I believe), which made it tough for Ken to get in. You did a good job of spacing to on Ken’s wake up because you threw out booms on his wake up and you were out of range for his fire fist and ultra so he was whiffing them. I think you do too many open jump ins though, in the Ken and Chun (especially Chun, you’ll probably notice it when you rewatch the match) matches. Try jumping less and if you do jump in, make sure you are following a boom or jumping in on an opponent after they shoot a fire ball and are vulnerable… GG’s though… And your execution on the C.LK>C.LP>C.MP>FlashKick is pretty damn good… Keep it up man.

And what do you use to record by the way? I was looking at some recording options and trying to see what works best.

This is a good post.

Hi Aeroplane

Gd match with Ken, you used more s.hp to zone him and trade with him, more air slam ^^

Anyone have the link to the video on niconico that shows all of Guile’s best upside down kick follow ups after a focus attack against every character?

BTW, this post is a repost from the Q&A thread, but no one answered my question there for a couple days. I want to find that video ASAP and start practicing those combos.

That was a damn fine Ryu, I watched his other matches as well and he ended up taking first at this TRF. I still felt Fujisawa outplayed him but still lost in the end. His mistakes weren’t even major ones imo, an ex hado going thru his regular boom that lead into ultra, jumping backwards onto a fireball which led into super, and a bad jumpin which lead to srk ultra x 2. Ryu made the same mistakes and only got (ex) flashkicked. Ryu was building meter for free and Ryu with super is a lot scarier than Guile with super.

I know I did some stupid mistakes, jump ins and dash ins ><, someone teach me how to be better plz!!!


Guile Vs. Gief from a month ago, NCR

I have the video, but I forget the URL

The Zagif u fought with, not really AAA level, u did everything right,
Just a few days back, shirobon posted ,priceless !
Fujisawa VS Zangief

a very textbook fight

From your video at 1:30, most of time cr.hp will work
when you sonic boom 2:20, if zan spin, jump in like what u did at 2:09, but can do the bnb,>cr.mp_fk

at 2:27, most of zan got the habit to press the three button and spin if they see anything jump in or over thier head, is like guile player will fk or cr.hp for jump in.
Counter with jn.hp->>fk, jn.hp will hit 45 degree down is better than j.:d:mk

at 2:34, FA

at 2:40, I got the habit to do the same thing, totally don’t work
sometime you are lucky u get one hit, else they block
Anyone got any video for the timing to execute the ultra at corner for jump in?

thanks for input. Thanks to everybody im glad there was a lot for me to read. UDK combos are hard as fuck for me to pull off but i always thought i should get some of them down. My gameplay is always sporadic and impulsive. I have a hard time with patience and efficiency. But the feedback i got makes me feel like i only have to patch up some rough areas. This dude takes a lot of work for only having two special moves. Imma hit the training room and try adding to my arsenal with what all of you have suggested, Thanks again.

Anyway you can throw it up on YouTube or one of those free file uploading sites like

Pete, it was posted somewhere in the video or combo thread if you just comb through the last few pages. It wasn’t that long ago.

the more i play this game the more i realize its 90% guessing. gief is the character that dumbs down the games mechanics the most in my opnion. you lost because you made a few bad guesses in the last round.

with j.jab, j.forward. j.fierce, splash, empty jump and every short jump variation you really cant think very much. aside from flash kick, all of your anti airs will lose to at least one of these, and if you guess wrong you eat a giant dick.

mix up your anti airs, be as random as possible. if he predicts you, you lose. what a gay game.

i think dash in throw is viable, just dont use it often. its a great way to reset the chase. if gief corners guile, guile should lose for free

i like backfist in this fight, and as slinkun has stated, neutral jump fierce is sick against gief