The Guile Video thread

Ok thanks I’ll work on that stuff man. The reason that he wasn’t comboing anything after the overhead punch is because he usuallly uses to link into a headbutt but it’s a glitch in the game that wont allow Guile to be hit by a a overhead punch unless he is in the corner. Thanks for looking at the vid though man.

You are most welcome ^^
at 1:14 X 2 -> fk, my friend told me is using the pling method

i think youre right. we pretty much decided that was the problem with that match. i just gotta keep him out. i got other vids that arent up yet where i win because of that. thanks for the feedback. ill watch your vids and comment a little later. YingChin. never thought about ex flashkicking through that cr. mk. fireball. good idea.

Aero, I noticed that Ken punished with jumpins over booms. So I bet he’d be a sucker for one of my favorite tricks: the random jab. I use it to bait hippity hoppers into c.FP.

SonicFlash 122, the lesson I bet you learned was Balrog’s headbutt is a bastard. I offer you the same advice: random jab to bait it instead of boom.

So to summarize: random jab. It’s fun and useful!

That’s a great vid of the Balrog mathc up. I’ll make sure to study that well and put those things to good use. And I’ll try the random jab too Opinionhaver

Let me take the time out to send a special thanks to Opinionhaver and yingchin for the advice you guys gave me. I played that same Balrog again and went 5-1-1 against him! Yingchin that video you showed me on the Rog matchup is priceless dude. It really helped! Thanks again guys I know for a fact I am a better player because of you guy’s adivce!

Anytime, sir. If you’re on PSN feel free to add me and we can go a few sometime.

SonicFlash i watched your vids. but pretty much what people gave you advice on seems good especially since you say you stepped up your game already. As for me. Watching my vids i can see how much i brain fart. take this for instance…


it’s me vs. Joon again. Theres a third match that i do win, Two straight also. But this is me still fucking up. Also Joon is really good

Im still pretty new to guile so feedback would be nice. [media=youtube]1PiJ4VLVRkc[/media]

Nice guile good reaction time.

That Joon guy does seem like a pretty solid Ken but I don’t think he is good enough to where you can’t beat him on a consistent basis. You should use the C.Fierce Punch a lot more dude it is Guiles best anti air and pretty much stuffs all jump in attempts at the right distance. I think the reason that you were not using it though is because when Ken was jumping in on you in some of the matches, you were standing. It took a while for me to get this down at first but now anytime I see a jump in, crouching or standing, I’m hitting D+FP. I counted at least 5 or 6 times you could’ve punished his jump ins. Another thing is you’re use of focus attacks. I never use focus attacks on Ken especially while he is jumping in becaue that fucking fire fist comes out so quick. I’ll make another list like I did last time so this can be laid out better.

-Use C+FP more. Go to training mode and record ken doing a Jump in RH and just punish it while crouching or while standing. This is a big help and in no time you’ll be hitting D+FP like it’s a move command instead of a normal. One way you can bait your opponent into jumping is, is by doing a LPBoom while standing and somewhat close to your opponent, then doing the C+FP to stuff a jump in as they try to avoid the incoming boom. The LPBoom has the fastest recovery of all the booms so if you’re going to use this it has to be a lightBoom.

-Stay away from focus attacks while up close on Ken. That’s a very dangerous thing to do with a Ken player because Ken is best used up close. It’s ok to suck up a fireball everyonce in a whil with FA but other than that don’t use it.

-Joon missed his fire fist a couple of times and you punished it accordingly, **BUT **you look like a good player so it’s time to take that aspect of your game up a notch. By that I mean try a stronger means of punishment instead of the C.MP>Flash Kick. Instead you should do S.FP(Close)>Flash kick… This is a great punish and does a lot more damage than the BnB C.MP>FlashKick combo. The timiming is a little tricky but with practice you can get it down to where you nail it everytime, you just have to practice, practice, practice. The C.MP>HeavyFlaskKcik does 230 damage and the S.FP>HeavyFlash Kick does 280 which is a significant amount more.

-Another thing I think you should keep in mind while playing a Ken like Joons is that you need to do your best to keep him in front of you! Think of it as a basketball game and you are defending Joon. As long as you keep the guy with the ball in front of you he can’t hurt you. Same concept applies here.

I thinks that’s about it though man… Good luck and get in that training room. It’s my best friend!

I think you have a pretty good idea of how Guile should be played but there is always room for improvement. It was a couple of time in the Ryu match where you could’ve followed your sonic booms a limited Ryu’s options. This is one of the main ways Guile applies pressure and it’s also a luxury because no other character can follow their blasts w/o canceling so take advantage of this. It was a couple of times where you had a succesful jump in and in didn’t finish the combo. Make sure to put a flash kick or boom (prefer the flash kick) at the end of those combos to deal more damge. And also you were kind of letting him set the pace of the match because you were just walking up to him. Try to get him coming at you and then make him dodge boom and stuff his jump ins with Guiles anit airs. You should watch some vids of some of the japaneese Guile players it’ll help a great deal. You’re headed in the right direction though. GG’s

damn nice advice dude. i know that about my game. my lack or crouching fierce. How about if im standing and i press neutral fierce? that would come out quicker and do the same right? gotta cut out that focus attack stuff i try pulling. For some reason i learn really slow. I’ve developed my own style but i leave out fundamental shit i should combine wih my style. So you’re right. I do have times when im on the money doing all the right shit. hopefully some of those videos surface. Also with Joon im always scared of his kara throwing so his mix up is scary and i gotta try teching all the time which is why he landed that ultra. I gotta get some shit down for up close too. But keeping him away should be my main concern right now. thanks a lot mang

TRF Tournament

Fujisawa VS Zangief

Fujisawa VS Fuerte

Fujisawa VS Ryu

If you know names of the other players just tell me.

Yeah Kens Kara throw is pretty annoying which makes zoning all the more important. But the S.FP and the C.FP both have a start up of 5 frames so they come out at the same speed but use the C.FP because it is much more reliable. You have to be pretty much directly underneath ur opponent to hit the with S.FP as an anti air. But yeah I have those hot and cold streaks too so I know what you mean. Right now I’m hot so I am going to try and put up some matches on the next couple of days.

You know what I think Aero, is that you play to play more than you play to win. Some of us just aren’t content to sit behind an impenetrable wall of booms Yoshio style.

hahha you’re right man. Guile is the most fun for me even if it’s easier for me to win with Balrog, and i barely know him. fuck that though. I definitely am content dancing and reacting in the moment for sure but it’d be nice to win more because it’s been 10 months playing this dude. It’s more fun to go against the odds and it feels good to win that way. Overall im like 60 percent win/40 loss. thats a D damn. I play good players though.

You are most welcome, back here at Singapore, the Barlog are all god mode
Just a single mistake it is game over,same with sagat
Use more random jab, Barlog player like to block low and look for head butt, sometime u can and overhead them

Hi Aeraoplane

Seem like you are using more, and u scare the hell out of him, forcing him to throw fireball at you, don’t do the, zone him, If I am in that kind of range to fireball with him, I will follow by a f.hp (back hand fist), guile have a faster recovery time than ken, Ryu, and try not to Focus when Ken or Ryu player jump in, that can “all you can” before you can do anything, if you are playing a Ryu play, try to watch out for super meter , at close range, a normal fireball, you react with a sonic boom, they follow up with a super fireball

If the person is close enough, a neutral upper cut is the same and a cr.hp (uppercut) and is faster

if you play with Rufus player, they like to dive kick->>slam,else jump up and dive kick again, I try it out with my friends, if you do the cr.hp(uppercut) too slow, u will get hit, but if you are brave enough and stand the moment they jump for dive kick,neutral uppercut them, force them away from u