Poor Slinkun…:sad: Why come every time he’s in a video on the internet he has to fight a Gief?!
It’s finger linkin’ good!
To add to the influx of videos. Here’s a set from yesterday.
[media=youtube]E-O0CkwBG10&feature=PlayList&p=4284993EF730BF13&index=0[/media] - The owner of the arcade in shibuya is a guile player as well.
[media=youtube]PkrjKDhfo3U&feature=PlayList&p=4284993EF730BF13&index=1[/media] - Me vs. chun
[media=youtube]hGgK7IfnWl4&feature=PlayList&p=4284993EF730BF13&index=6[/media] - vs. boxer
[media=youtube]bcEGkCZGYGI&feature=PlayList&p=4284993EF730BF13&index=7[/media] - vs. abel
[media=youtube]bcEGkCZGYGI&feature=PlayList&p=4284993EF730BF13&index=7[/media] - vs. viper
Funny how there are no Guile vs. Ryu videos from TRF, NSB, et al.
Did you mean in the grand finals?
I meant to say “very few” rather than “no”.
I kinda figured I just wanted to dig some of those up for myself. The best player in my city mains ryu so I was hoping to gather some brain candy for the next time we meet.
match between me vs a sagat. I usually always beat sagats for some reason
this chun almost always beats me and I have so much trouble with her.
Im going to have a money match soon and any tips would be appreciated.
My first tip was going to be put these in the video thread too, but never mind:wink:
So great pressure and mixups! Especially the throws; I couldn’t predict when you would go for one, and even with the best of the best you can usually feel it coming.
I think the biggest issue by far is that, in these videos at least, your use of Focus hurts you far more than it helps. Those little chunks add up over the course of a round, and the most you EVER got out of a crumple was a throw. Meanwhile, you get thrown after an absorb or two, and the damage goes up to SPD levels at minimum. In my opinion(and I’ve been known to have those), if you play it a little more patient by blocking the things you would FA, you would have more life to play with and your already excellent offense will be that much more potent when you trap them and turn up the heat, so to speak.
I see what you did there.
thanks for the advice
I throw after focus to get her in the corner. In the long run it will be better I think.
But im usually scared of ex sbk or even hasanshu =/
Thats also why I FA a lot too.
But you’re right I should be more patient. I beat him before with the exact same advice haha
I also see what you did there.
Can you say, “corner pressure…”
Honestly, it’s not so much that you FA’d too much, it’s that you FA’d at the wrong times. Also, don’t be afraid to just chill in down-back every once and awhile against hazanshu-happy chuns. While FAing them is a bit of a toss up, flashkicking them on reaction is pretty easy to do.
Also, if you do land a crumple, throwing her in the corner is the poorer choice. It’s SO FRIGGIN EASY to hit her with the UDK > s.hp xx boom combo it’s not even funny. That teemed with the multitude of ways that she can escape the corner, AND her lower life make landing a fat crumple combo the winner.
You made every mistake you could in that Chun match. The Chun didn’t punish you. But when you throw a sonic boom at her in the corner from sweep distance the ultra WILL hit you. Also the best way to fight Chun is to turtle, and throw sonic booms. I think that’s the only consistent way of beating her. It appears that you weren’t trying to play a distance game with her, and you tried to stay too much in her face. Trust me, this is something as a Guile player you don’t want to do. Also, though this chun has never done it, Chun does have a 2 frame reversal for her super. So if you try to do something like cr.medium xx sonic boom, she can actually reversal you through it. I’ve had this happen to me a few times and it’s not fun.
The Sagat match was played a little better, but this Sagat wasn’t that scarey. No kara tiger shots or knees. Also you have the bad habbit of throing sonic booms in the corner at point blank when a character has meter. I’m just saying, you can be ultraed in those situations, do I suggest you STOP throwing sonic booms in the corner. You were utterly predictable with them, and someone who is more of a risk taker would just pull that ultra out of nowhere.
I guess you need to learn to space out your sonic booms better. You throw them from some hideously unsafe distances all throughout your matches. I can somewhat understand, since no one was punishing you for them. However, I’m telling you that throwing sonic booms point blank on wakeup is definitely not safe. It seems you haven’t felt the fear of kara tiger upper cuts yet to show you exactly where you need to be throwing them out.
Did some tests with this over the weekend. Thought I’d give my input on what I found regarding this little bit of info.
It seems the best way to pull this (from point blank range) cr.jab x3 > st.hp. The third chained cr.jab hits exactly at it’s 2nd active frame every time which gives the necessary spacing to link the st.hp. Of course, plinking the st.hp is highly recommended.
BTW, this was tested against Ryu. I’ll run it up against the other characters later tonight.
hmm flash kick to punish hasanshu… I think I will do that more often. I realized you can just cr. jab her out of it. Il try to use less focuses next time around. Thanks
When I corner a person, I’m scared as hell to do anything if they have DP or any reliable wake type move. I try to make my block strings as safe as possible.
sonicboom cr. lpx2 (for a non mash-able string) wait (for bait or whatever,) then sonic boom, cr. mp sonic boom etc…
Ive, only done an unsafe boom once against Sagat on wake up but I’ve gotten hit by wake up ultra once or twice but rarely. Usually people don’t pull that kind of thing during tourneys/Ranbat type games. But I guess its always possible.
I do my best to bait DP as much as I can so they will think twice about doing it and then I can go ahead and apply pressure but its still tough.
Thanks for the replies, I will play more patient against chun next time.
The Chun matchup is strange, very strange actually. It’s really hard to figure out how to approach her. Also people will pull out random ultras in a tournament setting. The assumption is that it’s hard to react to your sonic booms. I guess when you play more East Coast style players with good reactions, you’ll find people who have an eye for spotting badly spaced stuff. I know people in your area probably don’t do it, but the better your opponent is, the better they are at spotting little opportunities like that. Also, I know I’ve been critical enough, but please don’t try to cross up Sagat EVER. auto correct DP is definitely nothing you want to get hit by. Overall, just be mindful of what you’re doing. Luckily you played against people who don’t know how to punish Guile. You were open for punishment more than you think, especially in the Chun match. Better Chuns are good on reversals, you you left yourself open to reversals a lot in that Chun match.
Other than that, you just have to play a lot of matchups really boring, especially the Chun one. She has a lot of obscure tools against Guile, like her dreaded two frame reversals which kills any opportunity to do a block string on her when she has full meter.
I have a lot of catching up to do
17 vs 17
There is a guile Player, France jin ( Furansujin ), toward the end, about 3/4 of the clip
He is good, anyone got any more video on this guy?
- juggle with LK Somersault Kick > Ultra
- HP > Super > Ultra
- dMP > HP Sonic Boom > LK Super > Ultra (took a few tries)
- FA (crumple) > dash > Ultra (opponent was kissing the floor but got kicked back up! )
- FA (crumple) > dMP > LK Super > Ultra
standing HP. and always use LK for the Super, MK and HK pushes the opponent too far
Saw a video in the SSF4 thread where they showcase Cody (vs. Guile).
From what you see, do you think there’s any tweaking on him yet?
@ 2:32 or so.