Seen this guy a couple times…is it “Machi” or “Mach1?”
I don’t post in here too often, but I had to ask you guys about this because I can’t figure out what’s going on. At about 7:26 into the movie Guile jumps in on Rufus and Rufus blocks most of his string. So Fujisawa ends his string with a standing short pauses for a short while and throws out a Sonic Boom… It seems too fast to be able to build up a charge for the boom after a neutral standing short!
So the string is …pause… lp.Sonic Boom
I tried recreating it in the training room and couldn’t do it. At least not at the speed that he does it. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to charge. The only explanation I could think of is if lk is rapid fired then maybe you can start charging for the boom before the standing lk actually comes out. Am I imagining this? As far as I know there is no charge partitioning in SF4. If anyone has any insight into what’s going on that would be awesome. Thanks. (pause)
The will chain into a neutral, but will not. The will yield a neutral if there’s only one input prior (chained), but a bazooka knee if there’s more than one. Make sense?
Note: without checking the video to see if it’s a combo, this is how I do it. If it’s a combo, it might be: (chain) (chain) (link) (chain) (pause) sb
But I doubt it.
Ah that makes sense. Didn’t know that the bazooka knee wouldn’t come out if it was chained. Although it seems a little strange to risk accidentally throwing out a knee. But I guess he’s probably got that timing down, or maybe he was hoping for a knee. Anyhow, thanks for the response. I’ll go back to the lab and try to mess around with it.
Yeah, it’s weird. I think Guile is the only character that has this property. Try this combo to get a feel for it: b.lp b.hp
Wow, catching up on my video watching. From watching niconioc mark more I think i need to… jump back roundhouse more? It’s something I see him do alot. It seems like he’s not really worried about giving up a ton of space for 100% safety, but he seems to get himself out of the corner well enough. Found this match of Tango vs. a very good dictator.
This has the possibility of being oldsauce, but it shows exactly how guile wins this match, but also shows how good dictators can work their magic against guile using their speedy walk and dashes.
the actual command is;
cr. lp or cr. lk x 3, ub + lk
…yes, you read that right… ub + lk.
2 things you need to watch out for…
you should be mashing the cr. lp or cr. lk first, hold ub, and then press lk. otherwise, you may accidentally pull out the Flash kick.
make sure to return the stick to charging back while the standing lk is coming out, or else you may end up jumping backwards before you can do the sonic boom.
can be pretty useful to pull out in a match one or 2 times… you can mix up between doing the sonic boom or just a far standing fp after the lk.
It’s MACHI. That’s an old vid. He mains Akuma now.
Another Guile player going by the name of Furansujin. Take note of what happens at 0:45. He lands an Ex boom when blanka gets hit by the LP sonic boom (after the EX roll). Simular situation to when Sagat lands a tiger shot after an EX one
TRF 11/13
0:00 no card Guile vs no card Honda
0:00 Fujisawa vs MASATSUGU
0:00 no card Guile vs Sagat
Good run by Claw, first time I’ve seen Claw in the final match.
TRF 11/20
14:15 Yoshio vs Gief
12:15 Yoshio vs Chun Li, really well played by Yoshio
4:25 Yoshio vs C. Viper
8:30 Yoshio vs Ryu (third place matchup), I don’t think this Ryu has seen a Guile like Yoshio before
What do I need to download to watch these videos? Do I have to sign up? The text is all in Japanese, so I don’t understand. Thanks.
Every time I watch one of these videos and see a good Guile player lose to some combo into ultra from another character, it makes me hate SF4 just a little bit. =P
You might have heard of this site called google. I’m gonna start deleting all questions reguarding how to view nicovideo. :annoy:
could someone tell me what could i improve on in the guile department?
Looks good from here. Consistent links, minimal use of sweep and random FK…I guess what you could improve on most is quality of competition, cause that guy was crap. You know you’re garbage when you get a knockdown as Gief and don’t even go for a crossup.
Well, no offense, but that was a pretty sub-par akuma, definately needs to work on his anti-airs. Obviously, he was weak in that area, and exploiting weaknesses is just part of the game, so jumping in a ton ended up in your favor, but play against some better players, and they will make you hurt.
It would help if you posted some matches where you lost, but as mentioned, you jump quite a bit. Against a runaway akuma, just walk forward and bulldog him into a corner. That’s really all it takes vs. a low to mid level run away akuma. FADC through any air fireballs and just keep walking forward, blocking and anti-airing on reaction. Once he’s in the corner, sit at s.hp range and toss booms while throwing out occaisional s.hp’s, focuses, and’s and wait for the teleport / air tatsu and punish accordingly.
Other than that, your a bit too ballsy during the wakeup game. Again, like the jumps, it seems to work for you at your level, so good on you, but better players will make you hurt. When guile knocks an op down, he has very few options when it comes to pressing the advantage. Unless you can hit c.lp > with great consistency or just strait close hp someone on there wakeup, there really isn’t much purpose to throwing out pokes on your ops wakeup. I normally just back off and throw a boom and see what they do, or go for a safe jump crossup > combo xx flashkick. I digress though… think of it this way… look at the strait up risk vs. reward vs. sagat on his wakeup if you aren’t crossing up. HP Tiger Uppercut does 170 damage, beats ALL of guile’s moves, and can lead to ultra… while your best option normal or throw does 130 damage and 120 damage respectively. Add Sagat’s health to the mix and you’ll see that it’s just not a good idea.
ok got you. i have another set that i am uploading. right now but i have one when i was playing antwan ortiz (who taught me how to play with rog)
Against Gouken, there’s not an air2air problem that a backbreaker can’t solve.
I just started using guile a couple months ago and I can tell you that you need to hit the lab and put in work. I would start with training just your bnb’s. The thing about guile is that you have to captialize on any opportunity to land a combo. You landed some chain to link combos with normals I noticed which is really handy for the stun, but a jump rh jab jab jab jab fp is only like 200 dmg. You get that from doing a jump in rh c.rh and you get a knockdown.