hehe i found a video of me on youtube
wikum (guile) v Mr_Flowers_ (sakura)
check it out:
hehe i found a video of me on youtube
wikum (guile) v Mr_Flowers_ (sakura)
check it out:
Good match, he ate quite a few st.HP. I’m surprised he didn’t pressure you with neutral jump kick on wake up.
Not sure if this has been posted already…but this shit was sexy!
rui-kun baba is sick, no doubt.
MoD vs Sabin Part 1 - [media=youtube]FImhpOBfMa8&feature=sdig&et=1258228721.95"[/media]
MoD vs Mike Ross Part 1 - [media=youtube]teZ-sbyirfU&feature=sdig&et=1258228721.95"[/media]
The rest of the sets are on his channel, of course, but here are the sexiest ones for this thread if you don’t have time to watch them all.
vs Sabin 5 - [media=youtube]G8eopXgNA7k&feature=sdig&et=1258228721.95"[/media]
vs Mike Ross 4 - [media=youtube]YEg4OlOK2Yc&feature=sdig&et=1258228721.95"[/media]:amazed:
some guile combos towards the end
Dagger G vid
BTW, what would’ve been the correct direction to block that ultra @ 6:55? Hold right?
Dear lord, around 3:10-3:15, serious Guile pressure!
TRF 11/6/09
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8833422 Part 1
12:50 Yoshio vs. Vega
22:45 Fujisawa vs. Gief
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8833590 Part 2
02:40 Yoshio vs. Ken
05:35 Fujisawa vs. Rufus
13:15 Yoshio vs. Rufus
20:00 Yoshio vs. Rufus
hrm, I don’t think the rest are uploaded yet
TRF 11/09/09
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8834462 Part 1
08:50 vs. Akuma (tekenesu?)
19:10 vs. Bison (usaru?)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8834802 Part 2
00:00 vs. Balrog (tekenesu?) <–remember kids AA FK super > ultra doesn’t work
05:30 vs. Fuerte (usaru?)
it’s “tekeretsu” and “osaru”
This was fun to watch… I’m going to have to bite this.
First match, first round = RAGE. I hate Capcom*.
Corner pressure at the 4:00 mark.
Plenty action final round @5:27
HOLY SHIT @ the finish. Bad-fucking-ass.
Some old sf4 beta footage. I had totally forgotten about this video. Note the announcer sounds the same as the SSF4 announcer. Also note how Ryu’s FB goes right through Guile as he’s mashing c.short…and Guile sloooow c.rh
Whoaaa, so different. Is it just me or does his sobat and low forward look faster here? Also, weird that ryu’s jumping roundhouse results in a clean knockdown when they meet air to air. Sonic boom looks like it starts up slower, but i could be on crack.
Sweet, back in port. I can watch youtube again.
I always love that nicovid scrolling commentary. I can read kana, but not when it’s scrolling so fast. So it’s funny when you just see scribbles for commentary, then when guile flashkicks in the completely wrong direction at 21:30 on the 11 / 6 vid, you just hear laughing, and amidst the kana you just see a lone " ?! " Also, unrelated, in case you were curious what scrolls across the screen sometimes when abel lands an ultra in nico vids, it’s just wooooooooooooooooo… ya know… in case you couldn’t… figure that out…
Dang… everything is slower in the beta. Booms looked like they had twice the startup of normal. The c.lk thing was funny too… guess they decided to remove that for guile but keep the shoto c.mk bull.
Nice finish, sucks that the EX FK got beat out by a regular shoryu in the FADC, shoryu/throw mixup.
I’m really confused as to why Guile doesn’t have any low-profile normals; it’d really help him out in dealing with cross-ups if his c.lk still had the property.
Stumbled across another Jap Guile player going by the name of Machi. HAvent seen him in other vids. His zoning seems to be ok, but he really should have won this match. The gief player could have EX green handed him many times IMO