@ people who have played the arcade version of sf4:
what is the AI like on the arcade version? can you set it? or is it the hardest setting on 360/ps3?
@ people who have played the arcade version of sf4:
what is the AI like on the arcade version? can you set it? or is it the hardest setting on 360/ps3?
The Arcade AI is crap. The hardest AI on arcade is full of holes (always eats Ultra, for example).
I always wondered about that; thanks for the info. Hopefully we’ll get good info with Super.
OK, after playing around with this some more I think I’ve come to a conclusion. I think Guile can come out of blockstun faster than other characters. Everyone in the game will autoblock vega’s roll if you hold back when you block the first hit, except Guile. I always assumed everyone could hit Vega out of his roll like Guile could.
Remember a long time ago when I discovered that Guile can reversal super blocked moves that he shouldn’t be able to? At the time, I thought there was something that made his super hit faster than it normally does. But what I think is happening is Guile can come out of blockstun one frame faster than normal…only against certain moves.
This will require further investigation I think.
I had a suspicion that this was the case after seeing the Claw video as it’d make the hp.crf really crap (as if the start-up didn’t do that already). It also seemed strange that only Guile was shown to punish - I mean, he’s never the subject of videos
The question is: does the extra frame only happen with super/ultra/fa?
Edit: scratch that - it’s the start-up, isn’t it.
Edit: So, on the wiki, Guile’s lk super is listed as having a start-up of 1+2. Translates to?
Edit: Also, is Guile the only character that can punish Boxer’s swing punch on hit (ex.fk) if they try for a combo?
1+2 = 3
Being a smart-ass aside, the first frame is for the super/ultra freeze. You know how during a super’s freeze frame, your op goes in slow-mo? You are watching 1 frame of movement in slo-mo. The other 2 is obviously the standard startup, but, ya, it’s just 3 frames.
I’m unsure what you mean by swing punch. You mean his turn punch or the overhead? Either way any time you get hit with any boxer dash punch you can never do a true punish. Even if you could, anything that a flashkick could punish, a shoryu could too.
… I really hope those startup frames swap between shoryu and flashkick. Why the hell does the non-charge move come out a frame faster?
@Gilley: I’m really interested in what your results are once you find out. It would be really interesting to know.
Syngin means the overhead, which is punishable on hit IF they miss the link to c.jab. They usually do, because it’s a 1-frame link(I believe) and it’s their only legit follow-up(I also believe), and I question how many Rogs even know this. It’s easy with Guile because he has to be charging down in order to be hit by it; I never tried a DP.
It’s a staple setup and very very very well known. The Rogs I train with never miss the 1 frame link. It pisses me off everytime too.
Yeah, there’s a Boxer here who is on point with his links, but he switched to blocking after a swing punch on hit as I was consistently punishing with ex.fk.
Without some tool-assisted testing, I wouldn’t want to make a call either way on whether it’s a Guile thing or a missed link.
lol wtf are you guys talking about? That shit is plus 10 on hit. Have you guys ever done balrogs links? He has massive plus frames on half his moves.
“Balrog Execution” - oxymoron of the year.
Syngin, any balrog who blocks after swing punch on hit is plain shitty at his links, sorry. I could roll my face across my joystick and hit that link.
EDIT: The reason rogs miss this link is because a lot of rogs are casual players due to his accessibility and are not aware that you should always use c.strong after swing punch against guile because c.lk will whiff 90% of the time due to guiles weird hitbox.
Hey Syngin, remember when i played you at lunchtime the other day using boxer? You EX FK’ed me even though I connected the overhead. I always seem to think that it was easier for Ryu to ram out an EX SRK, but i was mistaken.
Guiles hit box is different from Ryu’s where boxer needs to do a C MP after landing the overhead on Guile and C LK on Ryu. C MP comes out slower plus C LK will miss guile almost everytime.
Also, I noticed that you created space between you and I without doing a back jump and i couldnt quite work out how you did it, espcially when Guile’s backdash is pretty short.
There are a fair number of boxer players here in melbourne too, and most of them are no slouches either.
have a look at this. Yoshiwo uses that S HK (close) to beat Blanka’s cross up at 2:11, or the one with “no apparent use”. this is your quote dating months back :). Not sure if this was done through pure luck though. I’ll leave this judgement to your analytical skills
Naw, that was me that was doubting close s.hk being useful. I have since used it a few times on chun and honda as well as experimented on other chars as well. It’s fun to hit with.
Kind of wish it was cancelable, it looks sweet ^_^.
I love that kick.
I use the s.hk(close) against Sumo’s bum all the time - praise be to Gilley for that nugget of genius. Apart from him and Chun, I really only use it on the ground (I did nail a Ryu trying to cross me up the other day though). If you can get a throw as a punish and you don’t need the positioning, s.hk is better damage and shit-loads more stun. You can also nail it after an lp.sb > ex.cancel f.dash.
@Warahk: Must be the hit-box. This dude has no problem with his links, but I’ve so often punished him, he just blocks now.
is boxers overhead swing>lp/lk a 1 frame link? how come i land that consistantly but not guile’s upside down kick>punch.
I don’t know exactly if boxers thing is a 1-frame link, but the reason upside down kick > c.mp doesn’t combo often is because it’s a harder 1-frame link. Not all one-frame links are equivalent: otherwise upside down kick > c.mp would be just as easy as c.lp > c.mp, it’s definitely not.
The farther away the two button inputs are from each other, the harder 1-frame links become. There’s a lot of downtime between the upside down kick and the c.mp, whereas the c.lp > c.mp feels very rhythmic making it easier on your hands.
Cool, my posts are apparently hidden from the rest of the community. I already stated the plus frames, which can be found on the wiki, and mentioned that c.strong must be used against guile, but all the posts beneath me seem to have completed skimmed over it.
Swing Blow is +10 on hit. Please do not give credit when it is not due. c.short is 4 frames, this makes this a SEVEN FRAME LINK, thank you for reading~
Comparing this to guile’s links is a slap in the face.
ya dime, i still roll my eyes every time i get hit by a reset overhead punch > c.anybutton > headbutt > ultra
ya dude as a former fellow down backer i know the pisstivity of getting reset by stupid overhead>blablabla >ultra…
rog wants his fight money… and he dont care if he has to hit 'em low to get it :nunchuck:
but i recently acquired dem imba teleportation and air fireball Hax… so if the gloved one tries to reset me i’ll be happily mashing dp+3p for my get out of jail free card… thats what he gets for tring to reset a cheap ass shoto
in other news your guile is sick, keep that shit rockin’.