ok i got a major question about able 3 hit strong man hand thing… How the hell to u block it? like down, back, down? or u cant block it?
whenever i see fujisawa, he does something new. like nobody seen before. he is a fucking inspiration and a guile surgeon
I often times use super like this to get out of sticky situations, but it’s never occurred to me to try this shit. Yet another very situational and occasional Guile “tool”. Also sexy.
Same here. As someone who plays against Gief, Viper, and Chun Li constantly, I’ll use Super/Ultra to get out of cross up situations every now and then. Never occurred to me to use BOTH haha.
fuck yeah! I never thought the ultra will connect if the super anti airs the opponent. i almost never use his super as I use a lot of EX moves. But i guess if you have a life lead then you have the luxury of building your super metre. I wonder which way Fujisawa was charging before he did the ultra? It could very well mean that he went to a DF position during the super,
Sexy is right! I use ultra to get out of crossups fairly often, but almost never find myself with a full super bar unless I’m delivering a pretty comprehensive ass-beating, in which case I usually am being crossed up! Regardless, I would have never thought to use Super instead of Ultra in that kind of instance: it’s just want to use the Ultra to get out and reset, saving the meter for EX moves. Nobody would ever call my play sexy though, that’s a fact!
Is it just me, or is Fuji’s anti-cross up Super to Ultra look like it’ll work outside the corner too? I can’t really test it by myself, but it definitely looked like, w/out the corner, you’d still get like 2 or 3 hits of the Ultra (definitely though, the corner helped Fuji get’s almost all of the hits of the Ultra).
I am not trying to hate on your game A-Rodt, but Opinionhaver is totally correct in his assessment. Lose the c.rh as a pressure blockstring move and only throw it if you know it will work. It is just way too dangerous. Maybe the first time your opponent sees it they are caught off guard and block, but the second or third time you are getting hurt. Abel, Honda and Gief can all use their command throws in between the hits. Sagat can straight up Ultra. Lose it.
Also, j.lk as a starting poke isn’t bad, but you have to follow it with an actual combo structure. The reason you see so many c.lp xx c.lp xx c.mp xx fk or boom combos in videos is because they work, they are combos. I guarantee you try the random FK’s against a knowledgable opponent and you are effed. Just tonight I whiffed a lk.fk (trying to catch his c.mk poke) against Autodemon and he literally walked forward (with Akuma) during the recovery and did 3 loops of jab to roundhouse. At that point I was grateful for scaling. Needless to say I lost.
edit: Fuck, that Fujisawa super to ultra is awesome…
TRF 10/16
5:45 vs Fuerte (not for the faint of heart)
TRF 10/23
5:58 Yoshio vs Gief
13:35 Yoshio vs Boxer
17:00 Yoshio vs Rufus
5:54 Yoshio vs Ryu
12:55 Yoshio vs Chun
Not sure why Yoshio gets to keep playing even though he keeps losing. He starts off solid but gives up the late comeback. The Ryu match was rough, giving up 50% in 1 combo is annoying.
Is there no way to escape the wake up grab? I thought back dash is a viable option?
It is, it looked like that Guile doesn’t have much experience against Fuerte.
JR Rodriguez put up another from a session we had in september. I feel like i get my ass kicked harder but i have my moments. Fuck up a lot of focusing which im better at now.
In the first round of that last match, JR got his monkey ass WHOOPED in some Street Hoops!:smokin:
man thats an impressive guile right there esp with an offensive akuma with such crazy mixup.
Yoshiwo was really on point in his matches. I mean, yeah he DID lose, but he was in really good form, especially vs. the Zangief and Balrog players, who were no slouches. I love the way his totally destroyed both of them.
The Chun-Li player deserved every inch of that win. It would feel better to say Yoshiwo lost to some bullshit in that match, but he really didn’t. The Chun player was incredibly smart. Chun can be a very difficult matchup for Guile, simply because she’s so skinny and it’s hard to play footsies with her. The matchup is still dangerous for Chun, since she’s one of the characters who actually feels it if she gets hit by Guile. Like some of the better Chuns I’ve played against, she closes a lot of space by utilizing her focus cancels. Yoshiwo did get somewhat agressive on a pre-metered Chun, jumping in on her and such, but it all came to a halt when she had meter.
Yoshiwo made some really bad judgements in that Ryu match. I believe there are some jump ins that were predictable and that Yoshiwo should have punished Ryu for. It seems like Yoshiwo lost his patience, which is surprising, considering how patient he is.
Yoshiwo BP is also coming back up, he’s ranked AAA again. He’s making a big comeback. Pretty soon he’ll get his master rank back. He seems to know these matchups really well, and plays a very solid Guile. Very different than Fujisawa who use a lot of tricks, and is a little flashier. At times like these, I wish Yazu lived in Tokyo. He has like 2x as many BP as either Fujisawa or Yoshiwo. Plus I really want to know has Yazu reached grandmaster status. Though I don’t think he’d be the first grandmaster Guile.
hahaha well we go back and forth and he gets to 10 first. he put up yet another vid. Featuring my last victory…hahah you can hear me getting stupid cause i have a bluetooth on. i was excited
thats happened to me. on more than one occasion too.
me too. happened to me recently.
Hah, good stuff. I figured out vega’s roll is unsafe back when I had my arcade boards. I always FA him.
If you look at the frame data, you can see the numbers in parenthesis() in the Active frames column. These numbers in parenthesis are the frames it’s not active. If the number is big enough you can come out of block and counter. I wish the new japanese strategy guide had these numbers, for the new characters, etc. The old guide was much more detailed.