Uh, my advice is mix in a move besides c.RH and completely random no reason FK. Seriously, I’ve never seen someone play like that, ever. As far as your c.RH “punishment,” 2 of them were Gief Ultra! Besides, it’s not just about whether you get directly punished, but it’s your missed opportunities for damage and complete failure to take advantage of the knockdown when it does hit that should discourage you from using it.
I’m not saying this to be harsh, I’m just trying not to sugarcoat things: the matches you won, you won by luck, and the Ryu was garbage anyway.
You’re getting way too predictable. You need to learn to whiff normal moves on purpose to try and bait Zangief to jump and/or use up his meter.
Here’s some tips I learned from fighting my friend’s Gief:
Do cr.rh and “psychic/random” FK’s way less unless you have the 2 bars of meter to FADC them and make them safe (even then, it’s kind of iffy cause you might want to save that meter for later).
Use different speeds of sonic booms to throw off his lariat/jump timing.
If Zangief is almost right in your face and you’re walking back while he’s walking forward, a random step hard kick or spinning back fist will usually catch someone off guard.
I think you need to angle your jump in’s differently, so that they hit Gief’s head and not the lariat area. If he blocks, cr.mp to sonic boom is a safe follow up.
If he has no meter, you can be a little more reckless with the sonic booms. Once he does have any meter though, be wary of EX green hand. Do whatever you can to bait it out and punish with Ultra/cr.mp to FK/throw.
Do what you have to do to get out of the corner, but don’t be too obvious about your intentions.
There’s no safe way to get out of the cross up. Just block and guess. If he crosses up too late, you can dash under him and get out while he’s trying to cross up.
Air throw is your friend.
I’m not saying I’m the perfect example of how to fight Gief, but here’s some casuals between me and my friend’s gief. I’m a little more reckless than I normally am, but it still shows pretty much everything I mentioned above. I do cr.rh wayyyy less cause my friend can see cr.rh and punish with a cr.lk to EX hand combo everytime now (this video is almost a month old).
Well not the top Zan, top Zan I met never jump or spin when sonic boom, they just move slowly and pressure you.
if you sonic boom, and they spin, that’s the best chance
I would play safe, jump :hk: => c.:hk:
else if with ex bar
jump :hk: => s.:hp: => :mp: + :mk: cancel => c.:hk:
Try more poke, what I like to do is a very simple combo
s.:hk: =>s.:hp: => :r::hp: back fist,try to maintain a close distance ,1~2 man distance
after two round of the above combo, I will try to :r::mp: for some cheap hit
if they jump with the flying super man, c.:hp: or N :mk: work best within 1~2 man distance
if they jump with the “K” kick, u need to do a FA
if you are within 3~4 man distance, mid screen and they jump in, s.:hp:,don’t move back and press s.:hp:,just stand there and press s.:hp:, worst to worst you trade
I learn from a few top guile in singapore arcade, when zan come out when the Ex green hand, time for 3 hit super, s.:mp: => fk => super,punish them
I know you can do close s.hp to FK, but I could never do it consistently. The way it works is you have a down charge already, and you ride go up, hit hp when the stick is neutral, then immediately after hit a kick button for the FK. It does more damage than cr.mp to FK, but I’ll trade consistency for damage any day.
I do it probably 30% of the time when punishing because of my shitty execution. It works the same way standing hp >fk works in that you hit the punch while the stick is neutral (or straight back) on the way to hitting up for the fk, after charging down.
Hey guys,
Wanted to know if you guys had any suggestions. I’ve taken a few combos from the combo thread and tried incorporating them into my gameplay. Obviously they aren’t perfect yet but here’s a video of my gameplay.
First off, I’m talking to my opponent over xbox live so that’s why the one sided conversation.
Now re-watching it, I realize I jump WAY too much and I also tend to fall back to the sweep a lot. I enjoy playing an aggressive Guile so do you guys have any tips on how in the world to stay on the ground and gain ground to attack the opponent? Thanks.
Stop sweeping - you were lucky Dictator didn’t punish you for all those sweeps.
Too much random fk action (and hk.fk at that).
You followed your target combos with a sweep which that Dictator ex.sk’d through - learn to learn; you should have just started blocking after the target and then punished the ex.sk.
c.lp c.lp c.lp c.hk is not a combo. Stop doing it.
Back when SF4 just came out, Super Arcade was the only one that had the game in socal. I was playing this sagat player and he cornered me just like in that video. He started to jump over my head and I activated guile’s ultra. I got the 3-hit version of the ultra. On the first kick, guile hit sagat as he was going over my head. Then for the 2nd kick, guile turned around and juggled sagat. Then 3rd kick wiffed. I haven’t been able to duplicate this since that time. This video just reminded me of it.
Did it auto correct for Fujisawa? It looks like he hit the super and he was charging :db: for the ultra since he knew he was going to be to the left of his op. I can’t get them to pop up like that, I always get only a single hit on ultra and super when I use it to escape a cross up.
Lol wtf? I have never seen/had this occur, that is nuts. I freak out when stuff like that happens.
I find that it is easiest to auto correct guiles ultra when cornered and being crossed up
There is no auto correct involved. This looks really easy to be honest. I use ultra all the time for the 1 hit anti cross up. He did the same thing here but with lk super, then charged and juggled ultra from it. So hot, maximum flash~
I don’t think it would be that useful only because it requires full super + ultra, if you’re good with meter management, and im not, I could see it being pretty decent though. The only real way to put the hurt on a cross up attempt.