The Guile Video thread

As a guy utterly addicted to airthrowing, I would say no. It’s pretty easy, though you have to anticipate it. Basically what you need to do is knock Rufus down, stand right in front of him, about sweep distance away. Jump up and mash throw. And you got it. You can’t really do it on reaction or anything. It’s a nice mental thing to give a would be messiah kick spammer something to think about.


cool. just that i watched the gilley airthrow vid…and some of the ones he does i find really hard (blanka’s ultra for example). i can do viper and kens ultra pretty much every time though lol. i’ve made a habit of doing it to flowchart kens to try and make them think more about not spamming ultra on block/jump in

Yeah, I’ve found that mastering Guile’s airthrow gives me the match I want to have with people. I think because people know that Guile has shitty crossup defense, they just go apeshit with crossups all day. The problem is that they become predicatable with them, and doesn’t seem like there is a lot you can do about it. Enter the airthrow. This way, when someone starts getting stupid about crossups, you reset the distance, and it puts the fear of God into them. I works well against Ryu players who love to want to engage some crossup fever against you. Airthrow REALLY make people sit back and think twice about what they’re doing. It’s funny because the airthrow is especially damaging, but it scares the hell out of people. Half of the time they don’t see it coming.

I played in a tournament today, and I came up against this able player. He knocked down my Guile and I think he was right outside of sweep distance. He tried to do the moon kick, and i was able to back throw him out of it. I’ve also been able to airthrow predictable moon kick spammers. Airthrow is really good for people who are super predictable in the air, It’s also a Godsend against medicore Viper players.

heres sum new matches with me and geom [media=youtube]2EFN-_SyziY[/media]


it scares the hell out of them because guile’s airthrow is kickass…plus it says to them “i’m in charge of the air, boy!”.

i see a lot of guile players doing airthrow out of a focus crumple. i personally would go for, fk after the crumple. they do airthrow just to show off…stupid really because it’s low damage and hard to pull off every time

i watched you guys play before, you’re both good…but damn i can’t watch guile mirror matches lol.


I can’t do mirror matches. I get so impatient.

Which reminds me, am I the only one seeing this influx of Guile players recently? I swear, I run into at least 4-5 Guiles every night now.


this is more matches against JR Rodriguez.

I’ve fought you both a time or three in the past.
I remember you sending me a message after a match saying “you need more Guile training”.
lol! I think I’m ready for you now. Hit me up for a match sometime.

Here is a match of mine from a local tournament yesterday. I got top 8 at least. Too bad this was the only match recorded, but it was top 8 so it was on the big screen. Anyway, I did horrible in this matchup. My opponent is usually a shoto user, but he told me that he never uses shotos against Guile, because he has a har time fighting Guile with shotos. So he decided to use Vega, and it worked out for him. I didn’t know this matchup at all, and tried to play it in an ST/HF way. A friend of mind told me I could just focus/focus dash his walldives. Criticism welcome.


TRF 10/04/09 part 1
12:30 vs. viper part 2
04:30 vs. sagat
15:25 vs. bison
21:25 vs. ken

you need to rush that shit down against vega. dont give him time to think…corner and destroy. you sat off him far too much. to be fair, he is actually quite a good vega though.

if you decide to turtle a bit…sit in the corner and his drop (inzua drop or whatever the hell it’s called).

he doesn’t have a good overhead, so if he’s crouching you usually got a nice easy jump for jump hk/hp. follow up with target combo/throw.

if you are worried about his ultra (which i wouldn’t be), sit off and try to bait it by throwing out jabs. guile will recover in time unless he hits it at the exact time he needs.

i’ve honestly beaten the last 20-30 claws i’ve played. this match is guile’s for the taking once you know how to win it.


yoshiwo taking on a Sagat. I just stumbled upon this while looking for azaryuyna vids so there might be more.

Yoshiwo actually won the first set. Thought this was hopeless for guile lol

I don’t know how good this guy actually is, Wikum. It just looked like wall randomness to me. If Branh had done jump back airthrow/mk every time Vega left the ground, he’d have won both sets in 2 minutes. Also Vega is definitely not free when crouching, cause he has that flip kick that can combo into, if nothing else, an EX flip kick.

You could tell that you weren’t prepared for his wall dives. You can focus dash his wall dives and his recovery is quite long. You can also just block and then turn punch him. If he starts doing the air throw off the dive then you can do what you were doing (j.hp or airthrow). I would stay away from the EX FK against wall dives. His recovery on his wall moves are long so you can punish them hard. What I usually do is as soon as I see them go for a wall, I hold back and see if they glow yellow for the EX, if they do, stay holding back because its going to be an EX sky claw. On block you can pretty much punish with anything. If they don’t glow, I walk forward because they will usually try to do a cross up barcelona attack. On the ground, the df hk (looks like a bazooka knee) is the thing I fear the most. On hit they can juggle and on block they can throw or bait a throw and punish so that’s something to look out for. Also, if you block the ultra, ultra back, it hurts claw a lot.

I don’t recommend it, but his flip kick is worse than Guile’s fk. Hit it deep and you can knock them out of it, but I usually don’t try this unless I’m getting desperate. Oh yea, on his slide, unless its close to max range, > fk. I find that once you eliminate his wall dive shenanigans, you should be able to zone him comfortably.

BTW, what’s up with his taunting?

Alongside what Blitz said, you should tone down the unsafe point-blank flash kicking. You landed it once or twice, but max-range is still unsafe if your opponent reacts fast enough to it.

In general, against Vega, I’d say don’t leave the ground. Given the awkward angles he travels at, air-grabbing can be tough as you found out, even air-to-air’ing him can be annoying.

It’s easier just letting him whiff jumps at you and punishing for it.

Thanks for the suggestions guy. I honestly have a Vega complex, and I get scared as hell when anyone use him. Back in the CE days I fell for his walldive bullshit far too much. And while I’ve figured out how to stop it in any game it’s been in, it still annoys me. It annoys me far more than fighting Sagat ever will. With Sagat it’s always been a matter of having more patience, having better zoning, and playing better footsies. None of this normally comes to play in a Vega matchup. Thanks for the suggestions, I got some really good stuff I am going to try to incorporate in this matchup.

Blizj:  As far as the taunting goes.   It's a LONG story.  But basically me and this guy were rival Marvel players at a now closed arcade.  He always though I was worse than him in any game we play.   Fast forwarding to SFIV, him and his crew were there.  So he decided to taunt as a sign of disrespect.  Notice he dropped this after the second match when I found out him taunting is an easy way to close the distance.  It's all in fun though.

you should have raped him at 3:19 when you got that jump in heavy on him with mid punch flash kick to super or boom to super you pretty much would of had that match on your wake up he kept bouncing off the walls and geting you if you see that you should dash get outta there to reset the match pace with him

Vega is Guiles easiest match in my opinion. Sonic boom shits on him hard. Guile destroys Vega air to air, all he has is that gimp ass jump strong. After you chip him once he has to come to you, and it’s done. Every time you get a knockdown you can jump in and mix up with ticks, overheads, etc. Just block when hes does the jab strong strings, no chip dmg there~

I have a lot of xp in this match againt tatsu, and it is not 5-5 (eventhubs sucks). Definitely in guile’s favor.