The Guile Video thread

4:32 vs Zangief

9:08 vs Sagat

12:20 vs Akimo

4:25 vs Bison
11:35 vs Balrog

This Guile player got pretty far in the tournament. He loves his airthrows and abuse those shits. I love his zoning abilities. He isn’t spammy with them, but he knows how to utilize. Set up some really nasty airthrows in a lot of those matches.

Oh, and he absolutely destroyed Akimo in that match. You would have forgot he was a grandmaster based on the ass whooping that Guile delivered. I’ve seen this player before, anyone have any idea what his name is? He fights somewhat similarly to Fujisawa, but I don’t think that’s him.

That was a nice Ultra at the end of the 1st round vs. Zangief. That’s clutch, realizing he had the db charge cause of the Ultra animation. Can you punish EX Hand with a reversal Ultra? I need to check the frame data, but if you can, I think he could’ve reversal Ultra’ed at the end of the 3rd round. Doesn’t matter though, he won anyway. That was crazy, using neutral jump hp to mix up. I never though about it, but I guess the way Guile leans moves his hit box a little out of the way? That’s just theory fighter, never tested that thought.

Bran wasn’t joking about the ass whupping this guy delivered. I’ve never seen a Guile player get so much mileage out of “walk behind sb, see jump, walk back, st. hp.” I think that’s because his spacing is so good. Someone with a really good mind for visuals and kick ass after effects skills really needs to make a video on proper spacing.

Hey Branh, if his name is posted in any of those videos and you have a program that can show japanese characters, I just got done learning how to read/write Hiragana and Katakana.

I’m not really sure that a video showing “spacing” would really work. Like, you could comprise a bunch of clips and stick them together, but I think it would do little to actually help people. Zoning, spacing, and baiting jumps is just something that only gets fleshed out by playing the game itself.

He’s that guile listed as (^-^)
He’s been around for a while.

Yes, blocked EX greenhands are punishable by ultras. A reversal will do the trick, but I think you don’t need to reversal. EX green hand has a lot of recovery, so I could imagine that a regular ultra would punish him too.

I really do like this Guile player though.   He had some really good ideas vs Bison.    He walked started each round with sonic booms, walked back and foward out of scissor knee range, and did a back sobat.   He also played footsies with b.FP, and kept Bison guessing on the ground.    As many people may know, Bison owns Guile on the ground.  He has more range with his kicks, so it was a good idea to use play with ranges with that back Sobat, making it hard for Bison to get in.   It's unfortunately things ended the way they did, because of Guile shitty stun rating.    

vs. Balrog unfortunately he totally didn’t know what to do. This Balrog was very aggressive and decided to take the fight to Guile. This Balrog had an interesting style of fishing armor breaks to push people back against the wall. By the time Guile was against the wall, he started fishing for st. fierces, but most good Balrogs rarely dash punch in the corner. Why? They don’t need to, they can walk in and out of d.jab range, or set up tick throws. Really bad for our Guile hero this tournament. Hopefully he’ll come back with some new ideas, I really liked his style.

Hey guys I just hosted/played in a big 2vs2 in San Diego. Some big name SoCal players were there also.

I got my shit pushed in by ComboJack and I would like to get a few words of wisdom from other guile players. Cause I’m sure there’s some things you guys see that I don’t/


First set starts at 0:00.
Second set starts at 4:11.

A couple of things I already know/noticed:
-I just switched to maining guile last month or so. I like Guile’s playstyle and I am determined to get better with him.
-I could’ve Sonic Boom’d more tigershots instead of blocking them, or neutral jumped more.
-I should have anti-aired every of his jump-ins, but I lacked reaction at the time (probably nervous/jittery) or I was trying to do something else.
-Shouldn’t have made those un-safe jumps, i was trying to be psychic with his tigershots. Should’ve just reacted.

A couple of questions I would like to be answered:
-Based on this video, what can you tell are my SF4/Guile fundamentals that I lack?
-What could I have done better/what shouldn’t I have done?

If it matters, I’m trying to get a balanced playstyle similar to Yoshiwo’s, leaning more towards defense.

Thanks in advance.

It’s hard to win a FB war with Sagat (a good one, anyway). I find I have my best success getting in close, poking and baiting out punishable moves. If you duck the high tiger shots and jump the low ones, you should be alright.

Unfortunately I don’t know what to say about THAT Sagat. He definitely wasn’t your typical Sagat, he was very good. He played a very cautious turtle Sagat, had a really good understanding of ranges as well. I think he tried a some smart stuff against you as well, I think you should have been more prepared for that. I think you perhaps could have utilized and standing fierce in the matchup a little more than you did. Again beyond that, your Guile isn’t fundamentally bad at all. It was really hard to move that Sagat player out of a comfortable range, because of his really good turtle.

I imagine combojack is quite familiar with the Guile matchup since he was Fuson’s SBO qualifier partner.

I think you need to stick out some more pokes, you should be able to out footsie Sagat (watch out for TKs though) and as you have already mentioned, you need to stop his jumpins.

I personally prefer to play Sagat from up close, just outside his sweep range. S.hp will stuff many of his moves, including tiger shots. This is the range where he will normally TK which unforunately I don’t have an answer for other than to block it and continue to apply pressure. Once you build a lead you can continue to apply pressure or go back to a full screen match where you can just match his fireballs and neutral jump over the ones you can’t. This is more like how Yoshio plays his Sagat match.

I play this match the same way blitz does. I would love to be able to out zone sagat, but truth be told, I am not good enough. To beat sagat in a projectile war with guile you need to be pretty talented.

Also, jack beats me pretty consistently

I never played combojack but I got beaten pretty badly the two times I played somuchdamage. I’ve felt the full power of his random TUs. I think if I had to do over again I would stay the hell away from him and try to play him at full screen Yoshio style.

5v5 Shiozawa Cup that took place before SBO:
Yazu participated but he’s listed as Hachigarashi

Team USA is also shown, but only the vids after the drama. Apparently they beat 3 players on the opposing team while only losing 1 player when the match was reset for an illegal character change. They had brought on Sabin in place of someone else and didn’t notify the opposing team. After the restart of the match, they beat the Sagat player to then get OCV’ed by Aloha’s Gief.

That Misse is a bastard.

somuchdamage, is very talented as well.

Nice meeting you earlier warahk, you look just like how you are in your av lol. Thanks for the guile tips earlier too.

Lol, thanks, Tatsu did an awesome job. Good games!

Now it’s starting to finally make sense. Hachigarashi and Yazu are the same person. I remember the thread I made about the top 5 Guile BP leaders in Japan. Hachigarashi was number 2, and at the time Hiko was number one. Yazu then qualifies in Japan in April with over 65k battle points at the time. It had appeared that Yazu just appeared out of nowhere with a shitload of BP. Now I see that Yazu is just an alias and he’s really Hachigarashi.

On another note, 87k BP? WTF? Guile players have that much BP now days? Why doesn’t this guy ever got to TRF? I think he could get top 3 each time. Perhaps he lives too far away? I guess unlike America, tournament players in Japan aren’t really all that better than great casual players. Kuroda never entered any tournaments but was the best 3s player in the world.

I also have to ask, at 87k BP, wouldn’t he easily be a Grandmaster? I’ve seen grandmasters with less BP. Anyway, I do think there exist 1 grandmaster Guile player, but can’t veify that.

It warms my heart to see the Guile family getting together and leveling each other up.

Here is one of myself.

I am still adapting to my new tourney stick.

Be gentle guys.


Is it harder to not do c.RH on your new stick?:wink:

I’d have liked to see some more EX FKs, which can shut down a lot of Gouken’s jump-ins. Also after those random tatsus and supers, that would be a good time for a nice Focus attack->something. But hey, at least the Ultra came in handy for you!

Yeah that damned kick is like a drug. A bad habit.

I know my Guile isn’t up to snuff, but it was one of those on the edge of your seat matches that made the game so worth having.

2 reasons I got sfiv was 1-for Guile 2- for matches like that.