Part 4
6:40 vs Fuerte
13:40 vs Chun
Watch the beginning for the final at 20:00, ELF mirror, both hit each other for no damage in the beginning and then taunt. Not sure how they can hit each other for no damage.
Part 4
6:40 vs Fuerte
13:40 vs Chun
Watch the beginning for the final at 20:00, ELF mirror, both hit each other for no damage in the beginning and then taunt. Not sure how they can hit each other for no damage.
Note, this gioef punished aslightly misplaced…this gief is ridiculous.
TRF 7/24/09
part 3:
19:30 Yoshio vs Sagat
part 4:
0:00 Yoshio vs Rufus
You’re talking about the 1st round right? Where he EX handed the whiffed There’s no way he did that on reaction. Nobody can react that fast. That’s just insane, the Gief had to have just thrown out that EX hand trying to get lucky.
Edit: Just saw the 2nd round where he punished the whiffed with (I think) into green hand. That’s nuts.
I hate to say this, but Yoshio needs to learn to take more risk. He plays too cautiosly, and as a result backs himself up into a corner. I know I do it a lot myself, but that’s a limitation in my playstyle. In either case, Yoshio played that Rufus matchup perfectly. But Rufus, being the retard he is only need to get one or two lucky hits and go into the ultra. I find that annoying, because it’s clear that Yoshio was working way harder in these matches.
If I were to be critical, I think Yoshio needs to work on his zoning. He doesn’t appear to like to throw out a lot of sonic booms. Even against that Sagat player, he was content with closing the space and then trying to get some up close offense going. I really hope Yoshio does well at SBO, but it appears people are figuring out his Guile. Oh well I guess there is always Yazu. I still think Yoshio is weak in the zoning department. I’m finding Guile stop less bullshit from happening when he revolves his game around sonic boom spam. I think Yoshio has counter poking and footsies on lock. If he zoned better, he’s more a beast.
RuFuUuUuS!11!!1!! What a great character.
Hey all; I’m just here to let you know of a new training system myself and Illwill79 have divised.
In this training program, we have regular tournaments, a mIrc chat room, a dedicated sub-forum for feedback on matches and several players who record matches.
The training program is strictly for dedicated players. You dont have to be the best (though we do have several strong players) you just have to be dedicated.
If you would be interested in joining this new program, please see the OP of this thread :
It would be best if you learn the rules dumbass.
TRF 07/25/09 2on2 tourney
22:30 vs. Abel
4:20 vs. Blanka
17:20 vs. Abel
Part 4
0:20 vs. Vega
7:10 vs. Ryu
3:00 vs. Honda
I just get Japanese symbols…and no videos…
^^^thanks, dude. I’m able to see the vids now…
Damn, Japanese players are outtahand!
TRF 07/26/09 2on2 tourney
12:25 Yoshio vs. Blanka
20:25 Yoshio vs. Sagat
Looks like they’re still uploading the matches. I’ll edit this later if they post anymore.
Yoshio not looking as strong as he was a few months back. I wonder if they’ve figured out his Guile or if he’s rusty. I would also love to ask him why he NEVER goes for crossup short kick, even if he has the advantage and it would get him out of the corner.
Wtf does that have to do with Guile? And your definition of getting worked is clearly different from mine.
SFIV Sydney Semi and Finals
Heres 2 matches from a 2on2 Sydney comp.
Ryu is the first fighter on the team, hes pretty good I think the whole fight is worth watching.
[media=youtube]NX9xo5ox4jM[/media] SFIV 2v2 Sydney Semi Guile 3:25 Guile vs Blanka and Guile vs Sagat
[media=youtube]1Cz3wyAZtfI[/media] SFIV 2v2 Sydney Final Guile 4:40 Guile vs Balrog
me vs fellow srk member IronMike on Games for Windows Live
I started off pretty sloppy first game and kept going for unsafe overheads, good games though, would be interested to hear what you guys think I’m doing good or bad
That’s a shitty Balrog. He didn’t answer any of your jump-ins from what I saw and didn’t combo… so it’s hard to crit you IMO with these vids. You might try air throwing instead of It’s better spacing, unless of course he is j.hp early.
Can’t see the videos, but both of those matchups make pretty worthless. It seems against the most experienced players, normally just puts you at a very disadvantageos position.
Many of the good japanese I play are pretty on point with their auto-correcting shoryus, causing me to try to jump a little later on their wakeup to hit a bit earlier. However, the earlier hit isn’t ambiguous at all and puts guile at a pretty undesireable position in the face of a shoto with not enough block stun to link another attack. So unless your some kind of yomi master or playing someone without a shoryu or blanka, it just seems risky.
Doesn’t stop me from messing around with it a lot though for a link combo xx flashkick afterwards. The best is getting someone trained to block it, then doing an empty crossup into > c.lp > xx flashkick. This is one of the few ways to beat a shoryu spammer who waits for the then mashes on DF.
guile’s crossup is ass on this
needs more block stun
ive given up crossing up players at AI already
everyone has mastered anti crossup DP (the gayest thing ever in SF4)