The Guile Video thread

5v5 Dagger_G


vs Combofiend C. Viper


5v5 - Dagger_G

VS Arturo - Seth
East Coast

Tournament Play

??? Vs Ryu

Gilley Vs Rose

Dagger_G VS Dhalsim

Gilley VS Balrog

Dagger_G VS Guile/Honda

Yazu vids


Cities you’re the fucking man. I’d rep you if I could.

Yazu Guile don’t play any games. Really really really good zoning. Nothing too fancy here, just solid defensive Guile play. I don’t know if he’s better than Yoshio or anything, but it’s possible. Even Yoshio zoning isn’t that good. But I think Yoshio, Yazu, and Fujisawa place different emphasis in their playstyles.

Yazu - zoning, footsies, spacing (text book Guile)
Yoshio - Footsies, pokes, punishment
Fujisawa - baiting, tricks, mindgames

Don’t know which one I like the most, but I hope more Yazu vids come out. Let’s hope he does well at SBO. Seriously, I think Guile is such a competitive character. He just needs to be explored, since he doesn’t have braindead pokes and combos like Balrog does.

Its hard finding videos on Yazu but he’s definitely got a solid Guile. I think Yoshio is the most textbook Guile and his understanding of the matchup is the best of all 3, s.lp to stop Dictator’s scissor kicks, s.hp to stop Boxer’s specials, etc.

I don’t think I’ve seen enough of Yazu to quite say what his style is, other than throwing twice as many booms as any other guile.

Fujisawa is the most fun to watch, but he still makes a lot of mistakes.

For someone who’s considered one of, if not the worst arcade character, I feel he’s missing small things here and there that would make him one of the more feared characters in the game.

Thanks glad to help out

This is almost exactly how I’ve been playing this match up lately. I like the overhead after the punished jumpin. I’ll have to throw that in my mix. 4:30 vs. Sagat 14:15 vs. Akimo’s Honda 1:10 vs. Rufus

More Fujisawa






Well Yoshio definitely knows more about ther matchups than Fujisawa. Yazu, we have to wait for more vids of him. He has amassed a lot of BP for a Guile player, so I’m sure he has some knowledge of the matchups.

I will say, based on the 3 or 4 vids of Yazu I’ve seen, I like his Guile the most. His Guile is extremely confident. Something about his Guile takes me back to the old Tomo Ohira days, he seems to play a similar Guile. Not that I’ve seen Tomo’s Guile, but after watching Shaefer and Watson’s stuff (who allegedly have a style most influenced by Tomo), I can say Yazu plays this older style. His Guile seems very confident as if he were back in the CE and HF days. Even that match with Ryu just show how good his spacing and zoning abilities are. I would like to see how well he fights other characters. But I’m really slowly becoming a big fan of his.

To me Yoshio’s Guile seem a little less confident. Not to say Yoshio is bad, because no one who qualifies for SBO first try is bad. He seems to get nervous and lose a lot of valuable positioning. As a huge fan of Guile I find this heartbreaking, because his BP has been dropping in recent videos. His Guile doesn’t have the same confidence I see from Yazu, but again, I’m basing this off of just a few vids.

As far as Fujisawa is concerned, well the guy is obviously nuts. He clearly doesn’t give a fuck. The guy isn’t confident, he’s fucking out of his mind. Seems like the youtube video likes him, and hey he wins matches against opponents that Yoshio don’t. So it’s working for him so far.

I think you need to be really confident when playing Guile. It seems to get better results than being scared.

Just wondering, in the Gilley vs. Rose video, is Gilley the guy in the hat or the guy in the red/white shirt?

hes the dude with the hat

still havn’t seen that vid of gilley (i think) vs rose from evo, if anyone has a link post er please :).

Evo taught me one thing primarily, 90% of my flash kicks should become standing heavy punch

Would you mind reading the answer about 10 posts below? :xeye:

Hey all you sonic booming Guiles, Idk if you’d guys be interested but DarthPaul is coming up with an interesting idea to get people together seriously and train hard…He made this thread for people that want to dedicate their time to maybe attend next years EVO or any other local or non-local tournies.

Check it out:

Since when is uploading a match considered as a Youtube T&C violation :tdown:

anyone have some good poongko guile videos? ive only seen a few and though i havent seen him playing against anyone good, i do see some cool stuff he pulls out. nice cross up mix ups and seems to land those one linkers often and not to mention his rush downs are pretty cool just like what he does with his ryu. (sorta)

Yeah, I saw one, and it was horrible.

TRF 07/17/09 <-- 4:20 Yoshio vs. Viper/16:55 Yoshio vs. Itabashi Gief

The gief video just highlights what I’ve been talking about for a while. Guile really doesn’t have anything to deal with crossups in SF4. It’s really bad when a character can get beat by ONE thing. If the FK could hit behind guile, or if they gave him a way to turn his FK around for crossups(like they did w/ DP characters) then it would help him alot.
