The Guile Video thread

can’t read Japanese so I’ve got no clue how to watch the video.:xeye:

click the red text next to the video

edit: nm, those videos weren’t in that format. most of the trf vids people upload have like a thumbnail of the video with some red text next to it. For those clips just click the text and it’ll link you to the video. For Blitz’s links just click the play button in the center :stuck_out_tongue:

TRF 07/03/09 10:35 NO NAME vs. Sagat 10:10 Yoshio vs. Viper 0:00 ?? vs. Rufus/3:30 Yoshio vs. Balrog 9:25 NO NAME vs. Ken/16:35 NO NAME vs. Ryu 0:20 NO NAME vs. Bison

they’re still uploading matches from this, if there’s anymore w/ guile I’ll post them.

couldn’t find anything about this with a search, probably b/c i don’t know the name of the format, but whats with the names and rank displays as they are. Is this an arcade machine they log into, or online connections. If it is an arcade machine, why don’t these exist within a 100 mile radius of me :frowning:

Japanese arcade machines and IC cards. The machines are networked and the IC card tracks BP, rank, and costumes.

TRF tournament 7/3

Part 7: 9:27 No Name vs Ken, 16:23 No Name vs Ryu
Part 8: 0:00 No Name vs. Bison (Kim1234 from USA!)

I like this Guile here. He has a unique and unorthodox style and he adores his air throws. He’s pretty smart too. Very good use of the character. Oh and Kim is a BEAST with Bison.

I’m sure NO NAME could probably explain himself, but what is up with all the focus attacks on the OP’s wake up? No one ever falls for it and the only time it worked was that focus attack, dash, ultra (which was fucking bad ass).

Maybe if you knew your opponent was super aggressive, then you FA to bait a wake up DP, then yeah, it’d make sense, but most of his opponents have the sense to back dash and then they punish the whiffed FA.

He mistimed it a few times but it was pretty close. I don’t recall Bison ever doing a psycho crusher to armor break the focus so if he had waited a split second, he would have gotten some level 3 FAs plus free combo afterwards. I find a lot of people are expecting you to bait with a FA so when you actually do release a level 3 one, you can catch them off guard with it.


Vids of the elusive Hiko, old as dirt, but still interesting. At one point the top BP Guile leader, probably still is. But who knows, Reno never updates his site anymore. He’s not too shabby either. Great pokes, decent zoning, great ground game, excellent spacing. Just can’t seem to deal with a lot of pressure it seems. Drops every round, still very solid at least.

Dude plays sloppy.

You should post some videos of your gameplay so we can see how it’s supposed to be done.

On the topic, I have been trying to upload my videos onto my youtube account and it takes bloody ages. each video i have taken is something like 220 Megabytes each (all videos include my Guile & Boxer Vs Ryu). I’ll be looking to record other matchups (Abel, El Fuerte etc) where I lost.

I have to try again at some point but uploading a 220 megabyte video files to youtube (they are around 3 minutes in length) takes ages so if anyone knows a faster way then I’m open to suggestions.:xeye:

That video is from 2008, so of course it is sloppy. Stop defending it. Random air kicks, and horrible combo execution.


I’m not defending it so much as I didn’t think he was sloppy and I’d like to be inspired by some tight play. Given you’re making the “sloppy” call, I figured (naturally) that your style must be pretty solid and thus I might be able to learn something from you.


One of Dagger_G’s matches in last weekends tourney

nice, Warahk

good stuff



Dagger G vids starting to be uploaded at

Only 1 vid so far of him playing Guile (hard matchup versus Viper). If only he had ex fk’ed when he did his c.lp c.lp xx fk but he was probably saving 2 stocks for a safe FK.

I just posted that one :stuck_out_tongue:

I heard that Viper was eating -everyone’s- shit up…

Damn you beat me to it!

Apparently he lost the finals due to him accidentally hitting start, that must have sucked.

Lol. All the more reason not to mash buttons?