The Guile Video thread

The latest batch of a-cho videos have arrived and they’re on youtube. The return of Ug Guile is here. I don’t know this Guile seems decent, but sloppy in some areas. I see a lot of me in him. He appears to get nervous when characters put pressure on him. Otherwise I think he’s fairly smart. He’s only a B rank, so he’s obviously new. With a little more experience, I think he’ll become a top A-cho player.

[media=youtube]r7zYcGCxF08[/media] vs Ken
[media=youtube]emecqvLUmis[/media] vs Sagat
[media=youtube]KJSoJYpDPfA[/media] vs Blanka

I can’t remember if it was Matsu or Yoshio versus Kaqn’s Ryu (I think he plays Viper now) that shows him EX FK’ing through fireballs. It was posted half a year ago, it should be in this thread somewhere.

Ahh, Matsu. What happened to that dude. His Guile is tops.

Great question, I don’t know…He had like 30k BP half a year ago, he had to be the top BP guile at the time.

I tried searching for him on youtube but there hasn’t been anything in the last year (barely any results overall). Maybe someone with better japanese player search abilities can take a crack at it.

It seems lots of people have been giving up on Guile after he consistently shows up at the very bottom of tier lists next to Claw.

I haven’t given up on him yet, even though I have been using Boxer and dictator more the last couple of of weeks. But yeah I am really surprised that Claw is so low in the tier rankings. not sure if capcom nerfed Claw as well, but he is not as good as he should be in SF4. In HD Remix, he can easily dominate a lot of matches

I think Claw is definitely deserving of the bottom ranking. I don’t think Guile is as bad as claw but he’s definitely near bottom. He does little damage, has a hard time keeping people out of his face, cannot turn pokes into combos easily, and has no practical ultra set ups.

I feel bad for the few tourney Guile players left. He has uphill battles against tournament regulars like Sagat, Ryu, Rufus, Viper, and Akuma (I think Boxer’s matchup is 5.5/4.5 in Boxer’s favor but eh). Then he has uphill battles with fringe tournament players like Sim and ELF. He does have an advantage over Honda and Dictator but not too many of those players (Honda seems to be growing in popularity though).

Even players like Yoshio, I think most are in consensus that he’s near top, if not the top, Guile player in the world, cannot win any tournaments, even any TRFs. I’m surprised if anyone is still trying to use him who are serious about tournament play :sad:

i dont think guile is as bad as claw either. he is just harder to use and needs more skill to be good with.

hope he is in the next sf4 and with a few changes. any number of changes would be good or just ONE of the ones i list below.

old school flash kick, old school reach, an ultra similar to abels or even sonic storm. hell the ability to flash kick dash cancel into an air throw would keep me happy. lol.

Yea, although I would like to see fk, FADC, df. hk into air throw :tup:

Here is the SBO c-1 block qualifier which Yoshio and his honda partner won:

Here is the only other Guile who has qualified for SBO.

Its nice to see Guile come to Sagat’s rescue :lol:

I think this is the finals for F2 block:

Nice to see Guile beat Viper when it counts, also very nice finish by his partner in round 1 versus Blanka.

Not that I want to be a conspiracy theorist or anything like that, but most of us here will know that Guile is played differently in SF4 from previous games as his normal move attributes have changed considerably. I can’t rely on the C MK as much in SF4 but it is a way better option than the stupid C HK.

Now I have to rely on aggressive zoning and other pokes like the S HK, F HP, B HK, F or B MK, as I find that if i play Guile like in SF2 I will get punished. I try not to get stuck in a Down-back position for too long, as this can make you a prime candidate for mix ups.

Back when I played SF2, I used Guile’s defensive game to relatively good effect (although not as good as Jeff Schaeffers as he was a god with Guile).

I am lucky that one of my good friends who comes to my place regularly has an very good Ryu as this has allowed me to discover what normal moves to use and in what situations. For Example, I had to use the S MK a lot as an anti air as he usually jumps in at an angle where the C HP will miss.

The only time i use his ultra (I still think it is not that great), is of a crumple FA or punishing anything that leaves the opponent wide open.

I do have to agree that many of Guile’s match ups are uphill and you have to work you arse off, but in the end I can reasonably say that at least half of his matches are more than winnable.

But the only things on my wish list are better defensive options for cross ups (particularly on wake up) and an easier way of connecting an ultra.

yeah that too, or df. hk flash kick fadc into air throw. hahahahahha. im glad im not the only who thinks that would be so worth all those up hill battles hahahahahahhaha.

Wait, that 3rd link is the same as the 2nd. Where’s this guile vs. viper action? BTW, that other guile who qualified for SBO is great. He throws more SB’s than any I’ve seen :tup:

Whoops sorry, I fixed the link in my original post, but here it is again.

Yazu is his name, I think he’s pretty impressive.

The problem I have with is that its so slow (7 frames of startup and it puts you at -4 on block and -1 on hit). There are a lot of moves that can punish a -4 move on block. Even if it does hit, it puts you at -1 and doesn’t allow any follow up combos (other than target). The shotos mk easily leads to the fireball, which Ryu can set up an ultra or super from, plus it stops the step kick and turn punch which is annoying.

At this point, I’d be happy if they didn’t make c.lp -> a 1 frame link or the s.lp to s.hp. If these were easier to link, Guile’s damage and intimidation factor would go up because nobody wants to eat c.lp, c.lp, -> fk consistently.

Guile is kicking ass, and taking names.

Pad for life ! But I did use american sticks vs john choi though since it was on PS3, I’m pretty universal either one.

Here’s another clip from fuddruckers against Nima (Akuma/Dictator)
I wish they had the clip of me vs A-Rival’s Chun Li, it was one of my best matches!

Dunno if he comes in here, but I’m bored, here’s some recent vids of Dagger G. We’re having a evo qualifier tournament on Sunday which I’m a part of as well (I’m Jamgief if you’re wondering) so there’s probably going to be more vids.


lol never mind, I see Wil already posted them. But yeah, look forward to more from this Sunday’s tournament.

As for tournament play, I am more into casual play as I usually have no time to attend to tournaments due to work commitments and social life. Then Again I am happy to have met some good competition online.

In spite of Guile’s uphill battles and every other negative thing that has been mentioned, I can take heart that the few friends who come over to my place to have games every now and then (they are very good players) have said that Guile is still competitive and can still give other characters a run for their money.

Although sometimes there are question marks in my mind about that as making one or two small mistakes in high level play will cost you big time.

wow, so impressive.

Oh, my fuck. . .

That Viper in the third video was NUTS at the end of round 1.