The Guile Video thread

ah great link, loving the combos/block strings he does.

yeah, there is no right or wrong style so each to their own. I only use FADC on a flash kick to get out of tight spots and/or FADC a LP sonic boom if I am currently on the offense. I did see ModInside cancel a S HP which can be used if you can spare the EX bars which you will eventually replenish < SFIV Tournament in Hawaii

Dagger_G played in Pearl City and took the win, moving on the the final tournament.

And I’m not even saying which city I played in… It was my first and… well, you’ve heard it all before.

hey spammeh i have you on my friend’s list…and i dont think we played yet…

lets play!!

Mango: which such a time difference…do you get players from the east coast? if so how are your matche? laggy?

no more fuson videos anymore

ya think we’ll have a good connection considering our locations? :karate:

Possibly…lets try it anyways…should be interesting…

i’ll send you an invite when i see you online…


He’s retiring to pursue an internship.

I lol’d at first, but then I read his thread. Sad is me. We still have Dagger_G though!


[media=youtube]OIcHXHESoyQ[/media] - ug (GU) vs. HOT (BL)
[media=youtube]rg0XFkFvLhk[/media] - ug (GU) vs. Kenpippi (AB)

GeoM MoDInside Vs Blanka


At 2:10 the J HK crosses Blanka up mid Screen Although Blanka managed to block it. Never thought that this was possible. This guy uses the FADC to good effect against the non-armour breaking ball, this is a potential answer to this move.

This guy is good and he uses Guile’s tool to great effect, even on one of Guiles hardest matchups

GeoM MoDInside Vs Ryu


The corner trap employed plus dash cancelling the B HP into a throw will make some players crap themselves. Very Beastly like game with a good mix up game to boot. So IMHO, Dash cancelling normal moves to some extent can be extremely effective

not very impressed with this guile, is he well known?

The Dash cancel with guile’s normal moves are essential for mix up. Guile’s mix up game consist of alot of FADC which makes players always guessing what your going to do next…and the second video is a really good example…

06/19 TRF 11:00 vs. Ken, also Daigo vs. Mago at 6:35 0:30 vs. Honda, 10:00 vs. Ryu, 16:55 vs. Fuerte

watch that 2nd one…someone’s been watching my combo video :lol:

very unique japanese guile cause they never use FA

EDIT: here’s a couple more guile matches from acho

wow, i really liked that daigo vs mago match…

Love that vid. That air grab can suck you in like a vacuum and thats why I love to use it.

Probably the best aggresive guile i’ve seen yet. better than Fuson909’s guile. no joke. insane mixups and focus cancelling.

wow, that was a pretty crazy guile, im going to go try out the new combos i’ve been watching lol…

That block string from Isy was pretty sickening,
j.FK > c.MP > SB > c.LP > c.MP > SB > c.MK FADC Throw.

GeoM’s vid shows a b.FP FADC Throw, i gotta try that haha :slight_smile:
as well as FADC out of blanka’s air roll is good infot hat i didnt know…

Yeah i saw a number of GeoM’s vids, and show some good mix ups. Fuson’s guile is still pretty Aggressive and Yoshiwo’s Guile is based on a more defensive/conservative or no-nonsense approach. Obviously we can’t pre-plan doing these moves in a match but at least you have it at your disposal when you have the opportunity to use it. GeoM’s Guile is also very aggressive with lots of cancels.

At present, I am trying to incorporate the various styles so that way you can adjust your style in response to how your opponent plays. Not one particular style works agains all your opponents, and hence it is not a “one size fits all” kind of thing. But yeah we have learnt something from the vids either way