The GranGlue Fighter Lounge: Corona Virus bodied Shadaloo Free AF

Pertho, you playing Granblue? Who you use?

That is because you have never played on a burnt out Asus monitor that ran 10 hours per day, 7 days per week for over 4 years in a row.
The people from Sao Paulo that came here weeks ago complained about the same thing during both tournaments they played.
That went away when a local brought in his benq.

Thats fine but display lag doesnt eat inputs.

You may feel like your input was eaten, but that had nothing to do with the image processing going on in the monitor. What happened was that the button you hit couldmt come out because the state on the monitor was behind the console.


Now, I know sucker punches suck, but fuck that guy

I might be buying a Boss looping pedal soon :slight_smile:

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I love Smugs stream

Also wasn’t you all saying Nash is super strong now?

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Goddamnit, @Maravilla was right all along.


bruh im about to lab charlie lmao

E3 got cancelled. Won’t be surprised if Evo gets cancelled due to the virus too.


My Mrs is in Amsterdam this week. She said Holland has no cases.

I’ve booked to go to Tokyo after the Olympics around the 22nd of September. I’ve wanted to go there since being a kid. It will suck if we can’t go.

What do you guys think… right now we’re trying to prevent the spread. Would it be better to let it go through and hopefully run its course. It seems its going to come anyway. Right now we’re going to stagger it. Probably cancelling a lot of stuff and affecting business for a long time. Would it be better to say fuck it, let it plow through and try to keep it away from the elderly and ill.

Side note. In England people are panic buying toilet roll and pasta. There has been none on the shelves for 3 days at my local supermarket. Actually zero. None. People are fucking idiots.



The Three Shells will lead us to salvation.


I want them to embrace a more stylized graphics art direction akin to what ASW is doing.

I think that the current one doesnt do justice to the character desings of capcom artists.

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Same thing is happening here but with hand sanitizer. Like people are actually rushing to the store and buying it in bulk. So stupid…like soap and water do exactly the same thing.


hand sanitizer I get people freaking out and buying, there is some value to it

buy why toilet paper?
Do people only keep like 3 days of toilet paper on hand or something?


Soap and water is honestly better most of the time. Plus, most people don’t use hand sanitizers correctly.

Norway’s been bizarre the last two weeks. The way this has been handled has been downright embarassing. People seem to either be afraid they’re gonna die (probably not), or outright terrified that they might have to do the ultimate sacrifice: not traveling to southern europe for the holidays (not kidding, this takes up so much space in the news. Nobody fucks with our holidays). Government’s been doing nothing because they “don’t want people to be scared”, and them not taking responsibility for ANYTHING has definitely caused an increased spread. Once they DO decide to do something, their actual response is pathetic, instead they’re trying to use it to push through a tax cut that doesn’t have majority support in normal situations, jeez.

Fuck, Denmark’s foreign office has flagged Norway as a “land where you should exercise caution” because of how badly we have managed the virus. This is fucking embarassing.





And if you had bidets you wouldn’t even need it.

More DBFZ questions:
I don’t understand, why is Adult Gohan not seen as a good 3rd? Between the fact that by the time you get to him he’s bound to have some levels of potential unleashed, and if I recall correctly his EX air kicks are plus ob, aren’t they?
I understand he didn’t have the kind of assist you’d want from your anchor in the past, but now he’s got both beam (albeit on a 12 sec CD) and somewhat of a Yamcha assist.

Any of you jokers want to face the king of SRK?

Be on for couple hours. :sunglasses:

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So I just caught a whiff of the news and saw that toilet paper and hand sanitizer was being used as prizes for a claw machine game. I’m talking the machine filled with the stuff.

I really hope that’s not all who was buying that stuff.


Some clarity on the tournaments.
Also, fuck, I wanted to go to Taipei Major >:(

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