Currently listening to a episode of JRE and he has a top cdc guy on talking about Corona virus, nigga I’m shook. The only good thing I’ve heard so far is it doesn’t really effect kids that badly. Said it’s just getting started and we could be dealing with this heavily for another 3-7 months. Also the old people disease thing is a myth, they’re seeing severe complications around the 40+ age group and up.
I never really thought about it but the graphic jump from SF 4 to 5 was pretty high for character models.
I really wonder how SF 6 will look.
That’s because SFIV was about as ugly as a train crash.
V looks better no matter how you slice it. Even Ken’s rotten teeth look a lot better in V than whatever he was at IV.
I agree some characters and animations were rough.
Still did not stop me to enjoy the game and basically find my favourite character in the franchise though
I listened to it too expecting him to say that the fears are unwarranted but he kind of did the opposite lol.
Exactly!! He said he would get to the part to calm the fears, I’m almost finished and I haven’t heard anything comforting yet! Just said he healthy, don’t be fat or smoke and let it run its course. And don’t expect a vaccine. People can be highly infectious with no symptoms and spread it with only breathing.
Just in case.
Tried typing 4 or 5 jokes asking how old she is in canon, or if she’s really a girl, and failed: can’t take back a wank.
Damn I didn’t even think about this. I hope they don’t cancel it the Olympics is my favorite…world event.
Spinnerism ducking me so he can get worked by a Sean player.
@ him twice, goes to play somebody else.
Most likely gonna be postponed one to two years.
Any of you guys wanna play anything?
The replies on this thread.
To anyone who plays guitars, it may be time to give your trussrod a turn or two
Played like trash and ended up in 7th at the round robin today.
But by Odin’s beard, the LAG on the stream station monitor was painful.
Lots of drops, late inputs and eaten inputs due to it all over.
Yeah, but look at the bright side. Not 5th.
The curse is broken!!!
Thats not even how display lag works.