I’d have to say that may be a bad idea, very very low health there. I’m experimenting with Wesker/ Ammy and a third, so far Deadpool is a terrible fit, but Sentinel is good, though where is he not good.
Certainly low health?I get destroyed easily if I’m not careful. I think storm is the weak link. So I’ll play around with other Ammy/—/Phoenix teams. I don’t like Sentinel, but I may have to learn to love him. (How about Taskmaster? Tron?)
I’m still very unsure on my 2nd character. Currently Amaterasu(cold star)/???/Sentinel(Force L). Completely blanking on a third. I tend to use glaive and go surfing a lot (:df::h:). I’ve been messing around a bit with Taskmaster, and he’s good for continuing aerial combos, but I haven’t been impressed with his assists and I don’t like his lack of air mobility. Tried Chris for a while, but played him horribly and didn’t like him (except for :qcf::h:).
Considered M.O.D.O.K., but he’s insanely awkward and difficult. Mainly considering one of the fliers (Morrigan, Storm, maybe Dormammu or Magneto). Any suggestions?
I’m planning on using Shuma when he comes out, and eventually phasing out sentinel when I feel comfortable beating him. (I really don’t like him, frame disadvantage on everything. But he just wins, and I hate to say that I’ve gotten a lot better with him after playing him for so long)
Personally, I dislike Tron, just something about her bothers me… As for taskmaster, he’s a good char imo.
Lhet, MODOK works amazingly with Ammy and Sent. That is my current team.
Current Team: Ammy/Storm/Sentinel
I use Ammy as my point, mostly using her rushdown with the help of Sentinel’s drones to keep the opponent where I want him/her to get hit or be on block. For a keep away tactic I use Storm’s whirlwind assist. All 3 of their supers work together pretty nice and its also a good way to safely DHC if needed. Sentinel is obviously my powerhouse with the use of his HSF then DHC to Okami Shuffle or Hail Storm more damage. So far I am getting some reset options and unblockable setups with them, writing them down and maybe post it up.
nowadays I’m mixing my teams up more, sometimes I’ll start with ammy/x-23/sent or x23/ammy/sent combinations. I still play my old team I had in here every now and then.
lol?am I the only one who doesn’t like Sentinel?
I don’t think very many people like him. But generally people like winning more than not playing a character.
i’m actually new here, but right now i’m trying out ammy/zero/hulk. been working alright for me i guess. originally used hulk as a joke with my friends… but he’s damn good for me haha
God Team: Amaterasu(Cold Star)/Dormammu(Purification)/Thor(Mighty Strike)
On point: Ammy
This is my God Team that I’m working on. I have Ammy on point for rushdown (and to test the waters, so to speak). Thor is there as my heavy hitter, and as backup for Ammy. Dormammu is my zoner/keepaway guy, as well as my anchor to clean up once Ammy and Thor are gone.
X-23, Morrigan, Ammy. I use X-23 as my battery and with Morrigan I use the Dark Harmonizer assist and bring Morrigan in to do some combos (after I use X-23 for a bit). If im having trouble with Morrigan or I feel like playing Ammy I tag her in. I know it sounds kind of stupid.
Sent is a good backup to any team and his comeback potential is retarded so there is that. X-23 is my point char because I like how she plays and now that its known you can get around damage & hitstun scaling with her Weapon X Prime super, I use Amaterasu because Cold Shot is the easiest way to combo into it and then time slow super is a good followup… two meter one hit kills w/no x-factor usage. Still need to practice em to get more consistent but this seems to be a very legit strategy. X-23s mixups are better than both Ammy & Sent imo.
Rotates into an Ammy point team too, X-23 low hitting assist gives Ammy very powerful mixups with her multi-hit flame air C. One hit kills are tougher with Ammy on point but her zoning abilities are more useful in certain matchups.
i play x-23/ammy too, but i play akuma as my third character. akuma tatsu assist is pretty good for both x and ammy to get in and especially to get around projektiles and it allows x a relaunch after otg anywhere on the screen for a good plus of damage. akuma is my backup and he is just fun. with 3 meters, his demon is a big threat for every zoning character.
how do you instant kill the opponent after weapon x prime? do you do any follow up with ammy slow hyper after it? i alway dhc’ed into shuffle. better opportunities?
lol sorry when I say “one hit kills” its not instant. it just means you can touch the other guy once and then hit confirm into a combo that does 100% damage to them even if they had a completely full life bar. cinematic hypers like X-23 dp super (weapon X prime) when DHCed before they finish into certain supers (ammy time slow) reset damage and hitstun scaling, so you can do a 600k damage combo as X-23, DHC into Ammy and then do another 500-600k+ by doing a second full combo. combo I was practicing was a variation of the flame BnB, but you can use glaive too.
there are vids kicking around of some of the setups.
I thought the hitstun decay glitch was with ammy’s/zero’s/phoenix’s/etc. super, and x-23’s/storm’s super is used because it stuns the opponent long enough for them to recover and do a follow-up.
lol yeah, that’s what i meant, i just titled a 100% combo as an insant kill. ^^ my question was which combo exactly do you do with ammy after the wpx? i didn’t mess around with it yet since i didn’t know this before… which variation of the flame bnb?
I was thinking bout running storm/amateratsu/someone, at the moment dante but any suggestions are welcome. My original plan was to have storm with w/e assist, ammy with cold star and jam session dante, storm and ammy can use jam session to help there keep away game will dante and storm can use cold star to improve there rush down. But then I thought why not try something a lil different, so my new plan is to play storm in a form similar to her marvel 2 version, i.e flying and hovering around the place building meter with bloom and a few hits her and there and then spamming that ice storm. The only issue with the second build is I can’t really play an efficient rush down with storm anymore since she kinda needs an assist to be decent with her rushdown, so maybe ill use jam session as a lock down assist.
So my question to y’all is what do you think of this team build? And which do you prefer between the first and the second build and who would you suggest for my 3rd character?