The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

So i’m trying to pick up a new “fun” team. What do you guys think of Zero, Spidey, Ammy? What assist would compliment ammy well? I was thinking his Web Zip move? Anything else i should know? Also I have resets w/ ammy that can lead into the ultimate web throw for a guaranteed kill using her slowdown move. Also another team i was thinking about was ammy, spidey, dorm (purification) what do you guys think about that team as a another team?

I am completely clueless on Spiderman. I’m fairly certain all his assists are mediocre for anyone though so anything would work. Ammy/Dorm isn’t the greatest combination but Dark Hole does create a huge visual obstruction to hide instant overheads (kinda what Felax does with X-23 and Dark Hole).

If you have an UWT setup, then don’t worry about anything else with Spiderman. It’s a “fun” team after all.

Yeah true. Well I want to get good w/ it too and maybe use it in local tourneys like during the first few rounds or so and see how far I can get w/ it and if I go no where then just switch to my Zero, Ammy, Phoenix team. Also w/ Purification w/ dormammu you can get alot of ground bounces w/ ammy in sword mode which maximizes her damage more.

So I recently started playing Zero/Doom/Ammy and I’m really enjoying the synergy of the team, I’m just running into a problem using Ammy as an anchor. The Doom/Ammy duo gets the job done pretty well, most people stay the heck away from me and are forced into a defensive posture. But when I have Ammy as anchor I have a problem opening people up.

I also find the Dorm matchup to be kinda hard especially if Dorm manages to get full screen.

Abuse her throw game and fast normals when you get close. Rapid-fire cr. L opens up chicken-blocking pretty well. If they like coming down with an air-to-ground normal, use the counter. Pop the XF when you get that hit to make your comeback. Learn how to turn any hit-confirm into the XF3 infinite.

The Dorm match-up is in his favor if he manages to get full-screen so do everything in your power to make sure it doesn’t get to that point. Vary your movement patterns so he has to guess to keep you in blockstun with pillars. He loses pretty badly to fast normals at close range which is exactly what Ammy has. His tall hitbox also makes him pretty vulnerable to instant overheads. Vale of Mist can give you sometime to get in as well. Of course, beware of Chaotic Flame.

If you see him use Stalking Flare (I summon the power), buffer Okami Shuffle immediately. The Fire will knock him out of it and destroy the ball unless he XF’s.

My current team is Zero,Ammy,Vergil and was wondering what you all thought of this order and if there was any basic tips you could offer with ammy sense I just picked her up.

Glad to see you picked ammy up. If you have any specifics about team synergy mainly I can help you w/ the Zero/Ammy part (maybe even vergil lol) but yeah you have 2/3’rds of my team so I feel that I know alot about the synergy. If anything check out my videos for some inspiration/match footage of me playing.

Okay thanks is there any setups using coldstar that I should know about?

Well something really good about cold star is that you can get near to untechable ground throws w/ zero in the corner and if you have someone in your 3rd slot that you can use to convert off of zero’s ground throws like i do w/ phoenix then it’s perfect. Like a setup i do if i have someone in the corner is i pin them down w/ zero and right before cold star ends i do zero’s light teleport so that his back is in the corner, then i do a back groundthrow right when they are out of blockstun since the light teleport on the ground has very little recovery then I convert off of phoenix overdrive assist for 500K+ damage w/o meter.
Also when you pin them under cold star you can go for unblockables w/ zero using his sougenmu shadow super for easy conversions (I can’t do that because I have to save meter).
Another thing that i’ve developed which gets people every time is when you have someone pinned under ammy assist you can go for fuzzy guards. Like while being pinned you can Tigerknee zero’s light air qcf L attack so you can go for instand overheads w/ Air M or Air L while they are still in blockstun.
Another thing I do which has worked like 95% of the time for me is when they are locked under cold star assist w/ Zero I normal jump up then do air S (makes them think to block high) then L teleport down and go for a low L/M. This is a really good fuzzy guard setup.

Awesome thanks for the tips thanks to Vergil’s assist I can convert off of a back throw in the corner. Thanks for the setups I appreciate it I was also messing around with the fact that if the air S does hit them you can easily cancel in to the medium divekick and finish your combo.

Yup no problem. I’m copying and pasting a video I posted on gamefaq but yeah I would say to pay attention to the match I played against M. Lorenz and Tong to see what I did w/ Ammy assist. The other matches I did pretty bad couldn’t get much started lol.

“So I competed in an orlando tourney yesterday that I got 2nd in. Aside from some poor choices like 2 pelican tags and some dropped stuff I think I did alright. I’m dissapointed that I didn’t get first though because I felt that I could have done better.

So this seems like a really dumb question but what kind of mixups can you get off of Cold Star assist? I’ve been running Task(hori)/Spencer(slant)/Skrull(tenderizer) for the past 5 months and I’ve been pretty much assistless in the neutral. It’s cool when you get that hit because you are killing off that touchbut it’s a strain to land than hit sometimes. And I figured Cold Star would help make my life easier but after messing around with it (I’ll admit, it wasn’t too long, only about 20 casual matches). I know the assist is godlike for tridashers and teleport heavy characters but I don’t play those character types. Adelheid, help me out.

Depends on who you you’re playing. With Task you can set up unblockables with it in the corner which is quite nice. Spencer, well, if you can get the opponent to block you can set up your zipline mixup with different highs/lows. Skrull actually has teleports, so… Well, but they’re not really what you’re thinking about here, I know. For all of them you can pretty much call it as you do some general offensive action; forward movement from the point character makes it kinda hard to deal with her. As long as you can get them to block her you can at least get one high/low with anyone, and it’s easy enough to reset to neutral at the worst.

Yeah I planned on running Task/Spencer/Ammy. I’ve been running Task/Spencer since vanilla and love those 2 together. In my quest for an assist to help them out I settled on either Doom or Ammy as the best candidates. I think Ammy will be a much smoother transition than Doom and a more compelling character to play. She is just so different than all the other characters I play and I think that just may be throwing me off. Thanks for the help, I’ll hit the lab to see what this team can do.

I really like playing as Ammy, and so I figured I wanna make a sideteam using Ammy on point. What are some good assists for her?

Something that allows her to extend her combos for extra damage and something for her neutral. I actually find that when I wanna play Ammy on point, Frank’s Shopping Cart and Nova’s Centurion Rush are great for this. Apparently Jam Session is amazing for her too

My point Ammy team is my Frank West team as well. Playing her on point encourages you to rushdown because of her fast normals so a lockdown assist is recommended. Shopping Cart is really good for that. Jam Session is incredible for her as is Weasel Shot. Hidden Missiles are also great for her too, allowing you to play a bit of keepaway as well as providing you with a combo extension. Drones and Tatsu are also pretty good as well.

Anything that wall-bounces will work to extend her combos and damage. I’ve seen Zero’s Ryuenjin assist used as well so I’m assuming Vergil’s Rising Sun works as well. I’m including those two as they can turn any of her touches into TOD’s providing you know how to continue into LL’s or Sword loops off of a DHC.

Mmm, thank you to both of you, luckily I’ve already been practicing Zero, Dante, and Vergil just to gain some experience as to what they can do, so I’ll try to incorporate them into an Ammy team and see what I like. Once again, thanks:)

Ammy w/ Zero’s Projectile assist especially in clone mode is completely derpy. It makes ammy vanilla ammy and allows her to air dash virtually safely (aside those w/ beam supers or supers that are invincible on startup)

Speaking of which, anyone here who uses Ammy + Jam Session give me pointers or something? Again I’m getting the Happy Birthday Disease.