so, what makes ammy a good anchor? working on viper vergil ammy and mag doom ammy so i needa know what i should be doing
Ammy’s got decent matchups across the board. Her fast normals and throw range help out in matchups that aren’t so easy. An opponent blocking Cold Star turns them into the training dummy for 2-3 seconds which allows you to throw whatever mix-up/unblockable you feel like in that time. Her THC is the ultimate lockdown as it hits 90% of the screen and Okami Shuffle is the second longest non-cinematic super in the game. Any character with a THC super that finishes in shorter time than Okami Shuffle (so every character except Dante) can throw 1-4 mixups under Okami Shuffle and you also get one mixup that’s visually hidden by the giant lightning bolt at the end.
For me, anchor Ammy is about waiting for that first hit-confirm into XF3 to start the comeback. If your opponent is doing something unsafe from a decent distance away, you can pop Okami Shuffle and (if hit) XF3 cancel during the ice to start your run as well. She can convert almost any hit into a ground bounce and go into the XF3 loop that will kill anyone in the cast. She can ground throw/air-throw into that same XF3 loop as well. Veil of Mist makes her a nightmare in XF3 with a ridiculous difference in movement speed between you and your opponent. Your opponent can’t do much without being ridiculously unsafe.
However, Ammy’s damage is lackluster so you must make your XF3 run count. Fighting 1 to 1 1/2 characters with her isn’t too bad. Anything more and it’s tough to win. Fighting against the clock is also an issue.
What’s the best iteration of a Mag/Dante/Ammy team? And is it better than something like Dante/Vergil/Ammy?
Those orders are decent. Dante/Magneto/Ammy is probably better since it gives Dante a beam assist. Vergil/Dante/Ammy is superior though, IMO.
Ammy/Dante/Magneto is the best order for that team and the better team out of the two IMO. Trust me, it’s my team. Ammy has the better match-up spread and has better start of the round options against aggressive characters but you should start dante against some characters like trish that ammy has a hard time fighting without meter. Ammy also does more damage than dante on this team as long as you’re doing ground bounce reset combos which can usually get up to 900k after a DHC or 950k off of a really clean hit with not much to scale the combo. Whatever characters you can’t kill you can usually reset without having to worry too much and honestly since okami shuffle hits full screen even if your reset fails your opponent will probably have a hard time moving since you can just okami shuffle into million dollars for about 482K fully mashed(also good for tagging assists against certain characters that have a hard time punishing million dollars). Weasel shot is really good at setting up a situation for the glaive instant overhead combos and Disruptor is really good for comboing off of really far reaching glaive hits or at least making it less risky.
I’ve been developing tech for this team since vanilla so there is a lot more that would need talking about and I really didn’t get into anything specific here so I can even go into greater depth of what I just talked about. Feel free to ask questions or just ask me to be more specific. I’ll gladly oblige as it helps me understand my gameplan better when I write it down like this.
Looks like I’m going to fix my face. I’ve played anchor Ammy for so long (even in Vanilla), I forgot that she’s great with assists too. I’m always at a loss when I choose assists for her since I’m always going back to “well this assist works great with Ammy… but the other character can do so much more damage if Ammy is backing them up instead.”
After playing “A Crash Course in UMvC3 Ammy” team of Ammy/Sentinel/Akuma, I haven’t really played her with a lockdown assist. I might have to pick that back up soon.
It’s not so much that it’s a bad team in that order(x-ray runs it in that order nowadays) but that dante ammy are bffs in terms of DHC chemistry, covering each others backs with safe DHC outs, and are good at setting up setting up each other with a favorable position which makes it much more flexible. Then Magneto just rounds it out with a great assist for both of them and as a really good anchor.
I’ve always thought that this team without magneto would be ass because dante really needs an assist like magneto to keep people on their toes at full screen or at any position really. Mag beam turns every Standing heavy into a mix-up because I can cancel it into weasel shot(which you can link stinger after and if you call mag beam while doing that you can get a good damage bnb) or i can call mag beam and teleport which will even all combo together if the standing heavy hit and still be a non-true blockstring as long as they didn’t pushblock so it’s still a mix-up. And magneto really turns a lot of your glaive normals into really deadly weapons because you can convert off of it so much more(esp. J.H). Magneto doesn’t have the greatest DHC chemistry with dante unless they’re in the corner too so depending on where you get the hit you might not get the kill. And dante can really get by without cold star but it definitely helps out with his game alot, whereas dante with just coldstar is 10x less of a threat than dante with disruptor in more ways than just losing teleport mix-ups. Stinger plus mag beam is a really good lockdown and poke if you know when to throw it out. Stinger also destroys projectiles which I find really useful against characters that have a strong ground projectile game like zero or hawkeye.
Dante is also really good second in the case that you lost ammy and dante is coming in to eat the mix-up because he has a double jump which can avoid a lot of mix-ups for minimal risk. This weakness with it is that you open yourself up to throw mix-ups. But if you can make your opponent just try to go for the air throw attempt to punish it then you’re effectively making your opponent forego the mix-up.
So if you learned anything about my team today it’s this, snap magneto in and the team is much less scary lol.
ps. sorry if this is a bit unorganized lol but I hope it all makes sense. Someday I’ll make a huge write-up on my team and maybe a video and it will be much better organized.
Edit: I also like how magneto is still a fairly good anchor without x-factor so I can be more liberal with my use with it.
-Ammy can wreak havok almost like a zero when she’s on point, mainly focusing on doing a long combo that makes 2 bars, use Mist and mix on the wakeup, since that’s one of her strong points, at least that’s what i do, you just need some patience but it greatly pays off, also, it’s sad when you see someone who uses anchor ammy and just lost since she didn’t had the chance to confirm and use xf3, or she died on a welcome mixup. In my opinion, a good anchor is someone who can make a comeback when everyone else failed and only if he has an easy time doing it(like an anchor Dorm, chipping everyone).
Ammy has everything to be creative with her, limiting her options only to be time and xf dependant isn’t that good when you see in a more deep way and it’s easier to notice that when you compare the win-lose ratio of a anchor ammy on most streams…-
…whoa, let’s not go that far. Ammy can’t kill like Zero and she’s proven herself time and time again as a top-tier anchor with a top-tier assist. Almost all anchors suffer the same fate when you fail to stop the welcome mix-up
I’m aware that Ammy is a capable point character, I just haven’t explored her as much as I wanted to, apart from my 3 month stint with Ammy/Sentinel/Akuma and Ammy/Frank West/Skrull.
I’m just a scumbag Doom/Ammy player like the rest of them. :x
-Don’t be like the rest, then …and i agree with what you’re saying, but for example, Strider can survive way better than Ammy when entering the battle and he’s way better thanks to Brokenboros haha, since i care a lot about Ammy, i don’t like to leave her alone, because playing with the mind of the enemy is more satisfactory than just doing berserker combos until death, also, Ammy can kill almost like Zero, but with more work, of course, my personal combo does 1.1M with Divine Instruments as the finisher, so, i know what i’m talking about too, of course, it’s just a matter of tastes and preferences…-
Hey board, I just started up UMvC3 and love ammy but unsure who to use with her and in what order. Right now I’m running pool(kitana)/task(horizontal)/ammy(cold) and since I starting I love playing deadpool but don’t know how well he runs with ammy, so my question is who can I use with pool and ammy that’s effective or should I drop pool and go with a new ammy team?
Use Deadpool/Task/Ammy for now. Deadpool has a standing overhead and teleports so Ammy should serve him well. Task/Ammy is a great combination as well.
Ammy helps everyone in the cast in some form or another because Cold Star on block turns all characters into a training dummy for 2-3 seconds. Choose who you like first.
I currently run
Point: Capt. America w/ Shield Slash
Mid: C.Viper w/ Burning Kick
Anchor: Ammy w/ Cold Star
What do you think of this team, and how should I play the team (i.e what playstyle/strategy is best).
I am actually quite new to UMVC3 so any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I’ve been using Ammy up front, with cover fire from Doom and Dormammu. it works fairly well for me. just make sure you have the basics of your supports down in case anything happens to your front line
Thanks yaz I actually switch it up to task/pool/ammy just for the assist otg and the lockdown for task. How good is bloom compared to Morgan’s meter assist cause I feel that with this team all the meter I build with the bnbs end up being used up with a super at the end. That and should I use horizontal or vertical task assist, horizontal seems great for approaches but since he is point I don’t need it as much, and vertical seems good for combos (like doom missiles) And possible unblockables but it doesn’t track so idk how viable it is.
Bloom is much worse than Dark Harmonizer. She can be hit during her entire taunt animation during the assist. Bloom is only useful in very specific situations (I.E, you’re playing Morrigan and you want a meter assist).
Horizontal arrows are the default and is useful when you tag out Taskmaster. Stick with that unless you have setups with vertical arrows.
hey ammy people, trying to make something work - now i know not all of you would play storm, but im trying to find a combo with storm that works after storm+ ammy thc similar to marlin pie’s doom/ammy thc
i know you can tri dash to them fast enough to do a light typhoon and pick them up but i dont know any practical combos starting off of typhoon. any ideas?
I don’t think you could get much more than an air series off of it unfortunately. I don’t play storm that much but I tried getting combos with mags off of the THC by attracting them out of the final hit that does the hard knockdown then dash cr.h S(You might be able to do something similar). But all I could get was air series. And I tried everything. Magnetic blasts, fly loops, and hyper grav loops.
Maybe something in XF might work because of increased speed. I would place my best bet on a fly loop after pulling them towards you in XF.
You might be able to get a TAC off after a typhoon though now that I think of it since the typhoon might give enough time for ammy to go off of the screen.
Hey guys, could use some tips using Ammy as a battery. I love the character and I love her assist, but I’m finding it hard to balance doing work with her and saving enough meter for Hawkeye at the end. Obviously the ideal situation is to not get to Hawkeye, but Ammy is my weakest character and rarely holds up when Joe dies.
So, really, most of my problems stem from my Ammy not being that great, and not being able to burn meter for slows and whatnot. Even without meter though, I feel like Ammy with arrows is a really good character. Instead of spending a meter for a BnB that doesn’t kill, should I be saving the meter and go for forward roll mixups with arrows?
Yeah generally If you’re gonna burn bar and not get a kill it’s better to save that meter and go for a reset. Meter that you used for that kill could have been used to punish stuff in the neutral game. There are exceptions though, if you can get them down to where you can chip them out I’d consider it worth it for two reasons. 1. you could kill that character with chip easily, just play it safe and don’t run into anything. 2. Wait for the hard tag and punish, now you’ve got one dead character and another on life support.