The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

I bet after a counter you could get a good combo going since it will DHC glitch and flip them up and i think hard knockdown.

Hi Ammy Boards! After playing Ammy a little bit I’m really excited to make a team based around this character. After reading through all these pages and looking at team comps, I’ve seen a lot of cool ideas. I plan to run Amaterasu as anchor making use of Cold Star/Bloom the entire game.

I’m unsure of a point/mid character to go along as I want this team to have really really good synergy. I started playing the Marvel series when Ultimate came out so my execution is not quite that good but here is some of the characters I’ve been looking at. Please recommend your own setups that you think would benefit from Dark Wolf the best!

Firebrand- I’ve never tried to the unblockable in an actual game but I’ve seen some videos and it looks really promising. My main concern with having Firebrand on point and Ammy as anchor is having a mid character with a sufficient health pool and good DHC/assist synergy with Firebrand. A team of Firebrand/Akuma/Amaterasu just seems really squishy to me.

Doom- Honestly everytime I go to the SRK Main Teambuilding thread someone will ask " could you recommend me a good team that compliments this char?" and the next 5 posts will say " try zero/doom/wesker/vergil". I realize there is never a bad time to pick this character, I’ve been kind of avoiding him just to how popular he is but I’m willing to give Doom if he fits.

Nova- Cool, fun character that hits like a truck. I know Moons plays Nova/Task/Ammy and does really well. Potential character I’d be think about playing. I’m sure he’s very dangerous in the corner with coldstar and his fly/overhead shenanigans.

Captain America- Considered making a team with Cap on point/Beam Assist 2nd/ Bloom Ammy anchor. With the idea that while cap is doing all his combos and upback shield throw spam i can sneak some Blooms in. Caps Shield pressure is very harassing vs certain Matchups in my opinion.

Hulk- Don’t know if Hulk+Ammy have that much synergy but I’d like to see this team work. May all depend on the 2nd character with an assist to help Hulk get in.

These are just some that come to mind, I’ll update later after some brainstorming maybe? Thanks guys and feel free to post ideas/comments.

I’m in a hurry right now so I’ll just input one thing

The xxx/Doom/Ammy shell has been mentioned several times, and for good reason. These 2 characters on those positions already give a HUGE majority of the cast all the synergy it needs.

Like zekira said, xx/doom/ammy works like a charm, so you can literally pick whoever you want at that point and make it work. Suggestions for who to pick? Well from the people you listed firebrand, nova and captain america are prolly your best options, but you can literally put anyone in front of this team and it will prolly work. You not only want someone who can take advantage of her assist, but also someone who can wreck havok using her THC. So pretty much anyone with good mix-ups and a fast hyper(like spencer).

Heres a question for all you ammy faithful, due to here severe lack of damage, do you guys recommend selecting teammates who have above average damage output to compensate for it? Or do you just go with what works? I ask this in lue of picking a spencer/ammy/hawkeye, and while Im definitely sticking with this team I was wondering if you guys thought in general ammy players should be looking for teammates who increase her damage output. While I think it helps, I hardly think its necessary since our boy clockw0rk wins on the regular with ammy and strider.

I always like to run characters with strong DHCs behind ammy, such as sphere flame and million dollars, but tbh I think I just coincidentally like characters that have really good DHCs with ammy

Could someone please list the pros and cons to ammy being in each position ? It would really really help me out regarding team composition. Thanks a ton

Take the general advantages and disadvantages of said position and you basically have Ammy’s pros and cons.

She’s that diverse in that she basically falls into the ‘general’ group.

Hello Ammy players,

I’ve been in team crisis mode for a while now, I’ve locked in Dante/Vergil is 2 of my spots finally but am having trouble finding a third, i’ve been thinking of throwing Ammy on the team, but unsure what position she would work best in for those two. Any ideas?


You have two choices and one choice I have that is absolutely unsure:

Dante(A/Y) - Vergil (B/Y) - Ammy (B)


Ammy(B) - Dante (A) - Vergil (Y)

I need expert opinion on the next one but I think this might work:

Dante(A/Y) - Ammy(B) - Vergil (Y)

Ammy can fulfill any of the 3 major roles. Ammy also loves Jam Session, but she can live without it.

Just, whatever you do, don’t put Vergil on point for that team. You have two great batteries at your disposal if you choose Ammy, which is perfect for Vergil.


Vergil - Rising Sun or Rapid Slash
Dante - Crystal (OTG for your extended combos)
Ammy - Cold Star (for your lockdown)

Dante/Vergil/Ammy works as well but I like Vergil on point with a neutral and an OTG assist. Team Devil May Arf is very fun to play and it’s very effective.

EDIT: wut

Vergil should definitely be on point lol. He wrecks the most face with two assists.

I just don’t like the idea of Vergil starting with less than 3 meters :expressionless:

Also Rapid Slash is also a delicious combo extender. But so is Jam Session and Cold Star anyway soooo :expressionless:

Thanks for the input! I started messing with Ammy yesterday, she is really fun to play. For the moment I’m running it Ammy/Dante/Vergil just until I get used to Ammy since I’ll have to play her a lot more in the first slot. Once I’m comfortable with her I’m unsure but I will try out all the different ways you guys listed.
Thanks again for the help.

I run Ammy point (cold star), Shuma bridge (mystic smash), Akuma anchor (demon dive kick)

It works really well because on point Amateru can easily bark her way through the first two opponents without needing to switch out, plus when she synergies with Shuma’s level three by way of a dS TAC you can easily pull out a bnb that does roughly 880k. Many people choose Shuma as anchor with (mystic ray) however I find that mystic smash helps extend most combos no fuss as well as bring Shuma’s corner pressure when you have your opponent pinned. Vise Versa when running Shuma on point using his strong mixup options with the air smash plus cold star creates some really hard to get around situations. Akuma’s (demon drop kick) is there mainly because it is critical to extend a Shuma ToD, however the downward wall motion works really well to box opponents in when using those Russian skies! Plus if you want to get stylish (not optimal for damage whatsoever!) you can S.(A2).j.H.S. to relaunch but to this day I haven’t found a practical use for it whatsoever ha! Both Amaterasu and Shuma work great as a battery because she gives very lenghty combos, as does he but additionally with many multi-hit normals to boot. Then when it comes down to it a Lvl3KFC akuma with 5m can easily ocv most teams with sheer ridiculousness and chip. There is obviously much more to the equation but these are the base tools my strategies have birthed from.

Just food for thought, so take a bite if your hungry.

I think my favorite part of this post is you not mentioning using demon flip kick for unblockables.

That is because I don’t use it for unblockables, so why would I mention it? I only use it for the Shuma ToD, personally I don’t enjoy using Akuma as an assist ever since they took away the untech knockdown off of the tatsu. I play my way, you play yours, don’t go feeling all rich now.

You’re so jaded now. :[

PS: Hey Stark can you tell me the best Ammy combo in your perma-glaive stance kthx???

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Does Ammy have any synergy whatsoever with Strider’s Vajra? I can’t think of anything beyond super reflexes/psychic ability leading you to get the glaive dive OTG…

Other than grounding them for a mix-up, not that I’m aware of.

The most common use of Vajra is to swat people out of the air if they’re trying to work silly stuff, but Ammy has her own ways of doing this and doesn’t really need Vajra. It’s just not particularly helpful.

That explanation is very helpful and makes sense! (Darn it.)

Thank you!