Thanks for the reply. I’ve been trying to learn Glaive combos but my initial problem is getting into that stance. I have a hard time buffering that input during the heat of a match. I suppose that is why you said get a good assist to cover her right? As for characters I’d be willing to use I like…
[]Shuma Gorath
In no particular order. Are any of them viable with Ammy?
Firebrand is definitely viable with Ammy, you can set up unblockables with Firebrand’s H Demon Missile + Ammy assist really easily.
While learning how to change weapons mid-combo is recommended, it isn’t necessary unless you prefer playing in one stance over the other for the match. As for changing in the middle of battle, super jumping and doing it in mid-air works fine. Using paper to cover your change works as well.
If you’re using Ammy on point, few of these characters offer her anything of value. Dormammu has Dark Hole which is decent for covering her approach and mix-ups. He’s also the best anchor on your list IMO. Hulk has Gamma Wave to help her get in but it’s a bit slow. Anti-air Gamma Charge is great for defense but she has a hard time converting it into a combo. The same is somewhat true for the regular Gamma Charge. Firebrand’s spitfire gives her an OTG but outside of combos, it isn’t that useful.
Katana-Rama is fine for combo extensions but nothing else. Quick Work is pretty good for high-low unblockables. Nova’s Centurion Rush M is pretty good for high-low unblockables as well. These don’t get her in though.
Shuma’s Mystic Ray assist is the best one on this list in my opinion since it covers the entire screen and clears most of the crap away. However, he is a high-execution character and requires a lot of help himself.
If you want Ammy on point, Ammy/Nova/Dormammu, Ammy/Shuma/Dormammu or Ammy/Hulk/Dormammu seem like your best choices.
HOWEVER, Ammy helps Nova, Firebrand, MODOK, Deadpool and Dormammu pretty well. If the character has decent mix-up capability, Ammy allows them all the time in the world to use them if the opponent is stuck under Cold Star. She’s one of the game’s best support characters.
Firebrand/Ammy is really strong, like the poster above mentioned. She provides him with unblockables. Nova, Spiderman, Dormammu, Deadpool and MODOK can use a lockdown assist with great effect.
MODOK/Deadpool/Ammy, Firebrand/Ammy/Dormammu, Nova/Ammy/Dormammu are pretty decent teams on paper.
Wow, as always thanks for such informative posts. Originally when I started playing, I was only picking characters I liked but I wasn’t thinking about practical things like setups, combos, DHCs and such. I’ve taken everything you’ve said into consideration and I don’t think I’ll use Ammy on point. She does seem like a great anchor with lvl3 X factor… for now I’m going to give the MODOK/Hulk/Ammy team a try and if that fails I’ll try the Firebrand/Ammy/Dormmamu team. Once again thanks, I’m gonna hit the training room and learn some team synergy and combos.
I’ve got a friend who uses hsein ko/ammy/akuma. Any tips and combos?
…Wow. That’s bold.
I can see the thought process behind it. Giving anyone great assists will make them better. However, I have a feeling he’s trying to get Rimoukon out asap and tag out. Ammy (or anyone for that matter) gets better when people are scared to press buttons, like when using Rimoukon. Hit-confirming off of a Senpu Bu assist is tough for Ammy. You can however use it in a combo. You can also fit Tatsu and Senpu Bu in the middle of her Glaive combos.
I haven’t had experience with Hsien-Ko/Akuma though. Theoretically, if Hsien-Ko is rushing down, Tatsu will clear any projectiles in the way. It also helps her when zoning with Gong as Tatsu will clear out rival projectiles.
Ammy has piqued my interest.
Where would she fit best with Haggar and Chris and how good would her slow mo hyper be to help Haggar get in/Chris pile on the chip damage?
Cold star looks real good for both of them.
I’ve been playing Haggar Ammy Task since day 1 of Marvel and that team is completely amazing (Barring a tryst I had with Iron Fist but I don’t speak of that anymore).
Ammy can pick up opponents after Haggar’s OTG, she holds him in place for mixup shenanigans, he can combo off cold star into a reset of his choice (You don’t really want to complete the combo since it kills the damage), he can relaunch after a THC involving her though the timing is pretty strict, said THC pins people down long enough for Haggar to get in, aaand they DHC great together. The only downsides is that (To my knowledge) Haggar assist doesn’t do much for her and slow has never really helped me all that greatly with Haggar. But seeing as I use Haggar on point, those don’t matter too much. So by all means, they make a great pair, Ammy is a mayor’s best friend.
Funny. I use Task right now and was gonna swap him out for Ammy. Thanks for the info
Hey, I have a question…
I want the anchor on my team to be an otg assist and a good x-factor lvl 3 (before you say it, I don’t want Wesker). I’m trying out Iron Fist, but I’m trying to do my normal Ammy combo (that usually includes Deadpool’s otg assist) and Iron Fist’s Crescent Heel seems too slow/ short ranged to do the job. Before I pass on Iron Fist, I’d like to know if it’s just me not being fast enough or if, after a basic air combo in the middle of the screen, it’s impossible to dash in, call Iron Fist otg and actually have it connect on a downed opponent.
Can someone faster help me out, please?
Also, any suggestions for my anchor would be appreciated. I run Spiderman (Web Swing)/Amaterasu (Cold Star)/ ???Good XF3??? (otg assist)
Felicia (Sand Splash). Dark Felicia is DANGEROUS and her sand splash otg is very good as well.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll try her out!
In the mean time, I’ve been fooling around with She-Hulk. I feel like she compliments Spiderman (the other half of my team) pretty well. Is there anything Felicia excels in that She-Hulk doesn’t?
She Hulk has more health and prolly has an unblockable setup with Spidey using torpedo assist.
You’re kidding me, right? I can’t figure out a way to make my Felicia do well on anchor. Her unblockable setup is overrated, I swear, this is based from experience.
That said, I just shifted my team around to have Felicia on mid; she’s mainly on Sand Splash duty just to extend the disc only-meterless combo to follow up with an S->Okami Shuffle, which makes the combo look like a standard damage meter positive BnB, which is good.
Uhh… you’re doing it wrong? Maybe you’re fighting some heavy zoners or have trouble with zoning period but Dark Felicia is the truth.
Hola Ammy players! So I have finally decided to pick up Dog because I really want to use cold star assist for serious lock down mixups (I have been using drones way too much… time for something new). The team I am thinking of running is Jill/Dante/Ammy. So my basic is what should I practice with having ammy anchors? What sort of mixups and stance changing shenanigans and what not. Also what are her optimal SOLO non X factor combos and optimal non x factor combos with Jam Session (if anyone else runs Dante/Ammy). Any other general tips and tricks would be appreciated!
i dont use dante with ammy so not sure if this would work, but you might be able to use jam session at the same time as your launcher to lock them down long enough for a charged j.H, other than that you could use it on the ground to land a charged thunder edge, possibly after landing her glaive 6H string.
For mixups there’s the basic air dash cross up although thats risky now, you could also go for double overheads using her air weapon change cancels.
All of her good combos are in glaive, she doesnt have any good solo combos with the reflector AFAIK, but you could always hit confirm with the solar reflector then change to glaive (like after st. or cr. H) and continue the combo. I think her strongest BnB is: st.MH, cr.H xx Thunder edge L, st.LMS, j.M xx Head charge H, charged j.H, charged thunder edge L, st.H, cr.H xx Thunder edge L. Can be a bit tricky to get down though especially being able to land the j.H into thunder edge correctly so that you can follow up with st.H. Ofcourse you could always go for her usual glaive BnB which is st.MH, cr.H xx Thunder edge L, st.LMH xx Thunder edge L, st.MS, j.MM, glaive dive (df.H) xx QCF + S xx Okami shuffle. You can also cancel out of glaive dive into weapon change L which gives you some reset options.
f+HHHH in Glaive Stance is an XF3 infinite with many ways to connect to it from a ground bounce or a throw. She also has a corner carry in Glaive stance with S -> H delayed S -> S -> H delayed S -> etc. -> (at corner) S xx TK Okami Shuffle. Check the video thread for it.
Like stated above, calling Jam Session after a launcher will lock them in place, giving you time to do two full-charge j.H. where you can transition into full charge Thunder Edge L -> f+HHHH.
Her old reflector combo builds the best meter assistless and it’s the stance that Marlin Pie, Clockw0rk, Liston and other Ammy anchor players get their first hit-confirm to start their XF3 run. Whether or not you want to change stances mid-combo is up to you. You will have to change stances multiple times to stay unpredictable with her extreme speed. She’s very similar to Felicia where if Ammy is in your face, it’s damn near impossible to shake her off without a reversal, especially during Vale of Mist. Her instant overhead becomes extremely difficult to react to (IADDF air LM or IADDF air S).
If your opponent is content with super-jumping, start clipping ankles when they land with her ~2-3 frame rapid-fire cr. L. If they fly, note when they are about to cross you up and throw an Okami Shuffle to ground them. Use Glaive Stab to advance as her falling speed increases dramatically, allowing you to cover tons of ground from super-jump height. Make sure to cancel into a weapon change because of its horrendous recovery. Get as many throws as you can as well and practice the follow-up combos.
Her solo incoming mix-up generally consists of throwing an H paper and either staying on the same side or dashing underneath them. You can also super-jump and do Head Charge H as they are landing on the paper. The mix-up is more effective in the corner and much better during Vale of Mist.
You’ll find Cold Star assist to be extremely grimy. If they get caught blocking, you have all the time in the world to mix-up, especially with Jill. Make sure you’re in the position to press buttons though as Ammy puts herself out there for the opponent to hit if they aren’t blocking something.
For this combo any tips on hitting the standing H after hitting them with the charged thunder edge L. Also do you charge it all the way. I seem to be whiffing the st. H in this combo
i think the most important part is the charged j.H, if you do it too early the charged thunder edge wont launch them high enough to be able to juggle with st.H. If you do it too late it wont come out, you have to time it just right so that charged thunder edge hits them while they’re still high from the ground bounce so it launches them higher. And yes you have to charge it all the way, if you dont fully charge the attack then its no different than the uncharged version.