The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

Hi guys, I’m back again. After some more experience I’ve come down to 2 main teams: Felicia+Ammy+Doom and Felicia+Strider+Ammy.

I frequently use the first team more, but my Doom incredibly sucks (at least that’s how I think… I just have no idea how his rushdown works :/) so I head for the second option, where people say my Strider is actually pretty good. The main reason I use the first team more is because at least in the first team I have a bit more HP.

However I wanna start using my second team more. Vajra is perfect for Felicia and we all know how Felicia+Ammy works well. Strider also works with Amaterasu assist well, and I just figured out that Ammy doesn’t really need assists to be all effective and that Ultimate gave her even more anchor points. Plus I absolutely don’t think Amaterasu has much going for Vajra (especially since I usually stay disc when grounded), but that’s probably because of my idiocy that I don’t have a combo after a j.3H :confused: Putting aside the fact that everyone in this team dies in one hit, would Felicia(B)/Strider(Y)/Ammy(B) work well, in that order?

Also people are saying that my Felicia is better than my Ammy which is annoying me like crap because I’ve used Ammy way longer than the cat @_@

You’re basically playing point character/Vajra/Cold Star like Clockw0rk does with his team. It works pretty well when everything is said and done.

Yeah I just tried it earlier and holy crap is it going well. Amaterasu anchor is no joke, and what you said about Dark Felicia is going well for me; this team is almost Combofiend approved (in that the order doesn’t matter) in that anyone of them can be an anchor…

Now I just have to figure out how to outsmart Ghost Riders using Ammy because they predict my Fireworks pretty easily :confused: (yeah I’m having problem against zoning, go figure)

isnt ghost rider one of the easier matchups for ammy? her counter pretty much shuts down GR.

Exactly, but my opponent knows that and for some reason he catches me off guard when I’m NOT using the counter.

I end up eating his assists rather than countering his chains, basically. The guy also knows the matchup, maybe I was just unlucky that I lost like 4 games in a row :confused:

Ammy is also a good matchup for level 4/5 Frank West for the same reason :wink:

Makes sense, frank west players love nothing more than swinging, and ammy players love nothing more than people who love swinging. I mean its like a scrubby doom player, what else is he gonna do?

Me personally Im having an identity crisis, my old ammy team just wasn’t cutting it. Now Im considering going with either firebrand/doom/ammy or doom/firebrand/ammy. With the first team, firebrand gets two amazing assists, and I get to hear doom yell “simpletons” whenever firebrand dies. But I don’t like having a character with such low hp on point.

On the flip side with doom on point, he can build meter for firebrand since doom builds a ludicrous amount of meter and Im sure firebrand can turn a full screen finger lasers hit into a full combo with the luminous body dhc. But with this order, Im putting arguably the best character on my team on point(and the one who does all the damage), plus Im giving up a good assist in favor of firebrands mediocre assists.

Im leaning more towards the first team since firebrand should be a difficult one to hit, plus it won’t be the first time I run a sub million hp character on point.

What do y’all think?

Check this out (from Page 10 of the Firebrand thread):

With tech like this, you could start Firebrand on point and still have a Doom-centric team. Alternatively, you might be able to go into the snap loop in place of the tag if you don’t have the meter for Doom Time. I’m really liking your proposed team (for all 3 members, actually) the more I look into their synergy…

Heeeeey I remember you, you were the one who was giving me advice when I was considering picking up firebrand. Thanks. On a side note, whats the snap loop? Are you referring to the set-up where firebrand snaps out a character, calls a lockdown assist and un-blockables them? Would that work with ammy? Since she hits and a lower angle than tenderizer?

Oh and as if as a sign from God, right after I make this post about firebrand/ammy I go check out the UK stream and theres a dude in grand finals running firebrand/dormammu/ammy. So for sure ill practice this team. Only issue now is I gotta wait till I get back from uni in april before I can really start practicing this team.

Got a link to that stream?

As far as the unblockable setup with Ammy, ILL_BILL found something that works pretty well. Not sure if it’s 100% inescapable like Tenderizer, but even if it isn’t it’s still really good:

Also, it’s cool to hear someone was repping FB/Dorm/Ammy … switch Dorm and Ammy and you’ve got the team I’m trying to make work.

hat tip

Still can’t decide which of Firebrand’s assists is the least shitty for Ammy. =/

There’s a JP player that runs Ammy/Firebrand/Vergil. He uses Demon Missile. Spitfire can be used as a delayed OTG for hard knockdowns from Fireworks counter.

New Ammy player here :smiley:
Can Ammy fit in a Tron/Sent team? Cold Star helps both but I’m not sure on how Tron/Sent assists can help Ammy.

Drones are the perfect projectile to cover Ammy’s slow-ass airdash. For Tron, are you still running Gustaff Fire? 'Twas a great assist for Ammy in vanilla (remember She-Hulk/Ammy/Tron?). I assume she can still follow up off of it as before (though the loss of invincibility sucks). I’m not sure how Ammy would use Bandit Boulder, except to be incredibly annoying from full-screen. That thing has an impressive number of durability points (10?).

Yup. Based on what I’ve read on the Tron thread GF retains its invincibility frames as a Crossover Counter, so it’s still useful for that. Still going to try Boulder though thanks! :smiley:

Is ammy considered a hard character to play. I was thinking of using Stark’s team which is spencer task ammy. Also is she heavy on the execution?

*Don’t get confused. It’s actually Ammy Spencer Task. *Foreground to background.

I think Ammy is probably one of the more difficult characters to use effectively, but… Executionally, she’s very learnable. The only particularly difficult thing is learning the delay j.[:h:] timings for glaive combos. But really, she’s nothing like, say, C.Viper or Vanilla Dante.

But really, screw difficulty! If you think someone’s cool then you should play them.