I totally use Taskmaster horizontal arrows in my rushdown
I dislike zoning so kinda don’t if I can avoid it, it’s pretty good when covering the vertical with paper though
I totally use Taskmaster horizontal arrows in my rushdown
I dislike zoning so kinda don’t if I can avoid it, it’s pretty good when covering the vertical with paper though
Hence, why I said *some *options.
Also, have you experimented with Spencer’s Slant Shot in Ammy combos? All I’ve been doing with it is using it to pull them back down from f+HHHHH into f+HHHHH like my friend did in vanilla… which is terrible since it adds very little damage and scales poorly in UMvC3. I’m trying to figure out where an opponent pops up high enough for a successful wire-grapple to reset them (maybe after charged Thunder Edge?). Any ideas?
Making me take KoF out of my 360. How heartless of you.
Okay, seems the best time to go for it is after :h: :d::h: :qcf::l: anywhere. Call it so that it hits after they’re popped up by thunder edge; if you want to combo out of it, :s: jcc :qcf::atk::atk: If you’re okay with a very slight decrease in damage, you can gain more meter doing it after glaive :f::h::h::h::h: in the corner. That’s all well and good, but the reason I was in training mode for awhile is because I was testing out something else you can do with it. I believed it to be possible with Armor Piercer, but there was little point in ever going for it because I had more damaging stuff with that. This is a followup to doing it after glaive :f::h::h::h::h: that is pretty stylish and surpasses the damage you’d otherwise get by a small amount, but surpasses the metergain by quite a bit. This could be your go-to corner combo that catches your opponent off balance because hey, you don’t reset there, you use it to finish your sweet, super-stylish combo. And the next time you do reset and they hopefully eat a hit.
Glaive. :d::l: :d: :d::h: :qcf::l:, :l: :s: sj j. j.:qcf::h:, falling j.[:h:] |> :qcf:[:l:], :f::h::h::h::a1::h:, :s: sj j.:s: j.:df::h: j.:qcf::s: j.:qcf::atk::atk:
Or any other falling j.:h: opener should work. The ones I tested did.
The Slant Shot catches them before they’re groundbounced by the last :f::h: chain, gaining you another groundbounce to use at the end. In order to time it properly, press :a1: roughly halfway between the final two :f::h:s; In my head, I play the pokemon center “your pokemon have been healed” jingle to time it; quarter note, quarter note, eighth-eighth-whole, though you’re of course free to use whatever mnemonic you like.
Heh. Sorry about that. :X
I haven’t gotten KOF XIII (or played any of them) but many of my friends have it so I get to play there.
I was trying to add Spencer’s Slant shot into a combo since I’m using Wesker’s Ghost Butterfly as a replacement for Armor Piercer. It’s a bit tougher fitting Slant Shot into a combo than fitting in a wall bounce. I’ve seen some grimy stuff being done with X/Spencer so I wanted to see if there was something Ammy could do with it (got some ideas for comboing after whip f+HHHHH using Slant Shot as well).
Thanks for the combo and stay godlike Stark! <3
Off-topic, but
KoF XIII is the best fighting game of the past five years, for sure. Everyone should get it.
(Not that I don’t still like Marvel. I do. But KoF is absurdly good.)
A game that allows for the most creative combos known to man and doesn’t hold your hand through the gameplay? I’m inclined to agree.
Plus, kickass soundtrack.
Someone asked me over facebook to justify my use of Armor Piercer assist for Spencer, given my team. My response:
Is Ammy a good anchor? I’m trying to make a Haggar/Thor team work, and I need a good beam/lockdown assist for both of them. Cold Star came to mind, naturally.
She’s great as an anchor. XF3 + Vale of Mist is a nightmare for every character in the game. She has several infinites/loops that don’t require much to get setup.
Just remember that she will be very hard to control at first.
Yeah, after starting to practice with her I can’t even wrap my head around how I’m supposed to combo. Need way more practice, or maybe I should use my other choice, Dante.
Hey dudes, what’s up?
Just wanted to get some opinions on an idea I had. I’ve been wanting to make this team setup revolving around Dante/Morrigan, seeing as I feel these two are very versatiles characters that benefit a lot from each other while also being perfectly viable by themselves.
Now, the idea is to have a number of pocket characters that would mesh well, and change the playstyle of the entire team in order for me to be able to adjust to the opponent. So far Doom (missiles) is an obvious one, I was also thinking Viper on point and Strider for the assist. All these team combinations make for very different gameplay mechanics while all of them are also solid teams. (And yes, I know this idea would require hella lab work/time, but it’s cool and as far as I know hasn’t been done too often)
For some reason though, I keep on gravitating towards Ammy also, but I don’t really know why. For some reason I really like the theory of Dante/Ammy/Morrigan.
This would mean Dante with Cold star and Dark harmonizer, Ammy with Jam Session and DH and Morrigan with Jam Session and Cold Star, decent DHC’s, safe DHC-outs, all combinations of point + assists are solid, all 3 are decent to good anchors and all of them benefit from meter/Dark Harmonizer. Also, a triple DHC would change the order to Morrigan/Dante/Ammy with Vale of Mist on the field, Dante in DT and Morrigan with Astral Vision.
I would really like to get some opinions off the Ammy boards as to how you guys feel about this setup and how you guys would feel this works in practice rather than just theory.
Thanks in advance!
I am actually looking for a good character to fill in my 2nd spot… so far I have Vergil/X/Amaterasu. I know I could use beam assists but for some reason or another I just don’t particularly like the beam characters. some of the characters I’ve been thinking to fill that spot with are: Chris, Morrigan, Wolverine, Taskmaster. If you have any suggestions please share them =3
Mash it out. Her disc BnB is easily mashed out. Everything else takes a little more time. In general, it’s better to transition quickly into an XF infinite.
As long as you’re getting your hits in with Dante, adding Morrigan assist should easily get you the meter for your install shenanigans. However, be aware that Devil Trigger and Vale of Mist do not allow meter build while active. Dante/Ammy is a proven combination. He excels with a lockdown assist. Morrigan allows him to be in Devil Trigger more often, which makes him much harder to deal with.
In general, it’s a really solid team. As long as Dante puts in work, you’ll have all the meter in the world to do whatever you want.
Taskmaster is really good. Teleport + projectile assists is a tried and true method of getting in. Taskmaster/Ammy is a great combination as well, allowing him to set up sword master unblockables and other various mixups. Morrigan helps with Vergil’s tendency to drink meter to be at maximum efficiency. Morrigan/Ammy is a decent combination when Morrigan wants to rushdown. Otherwise, it’s lackluster.
I don’t recommend Chris or Wolverine. While Chris’s gunfire assist functions as a beam, he’s more or less a point character that requires both assist to be really scary. Cold Star doesn’t cover his weaknesses well, unless you’re rushing down with him. Wolverine doesn’t provide a good assist for Vergil. However, Wolverine/Ammy can work. Wolverine/Vergil/Ammy looks much scarier on paper as well.
Alright thanks man, needed some confirmation on what I was thinking by people who know more about the character than I do. I figured levelling up Dante would be the key to making the team work most efficiently. Is there any groundbreaking tech that Ammy gets off Jam Session? I’m still figuring out how Jam Session would benefit her (offensive) neutral game the most. Though I suppose using it on defense would work too, seeing as Morrigan assist can force your opponent to come to you instead.
I prefer weasel shot as opposed to jam session. Jam session is complicated to combo off of in practical situations and will scale your damage a lot. Also Jam session is bad for offense because it pushes the opponent away on block. Weasel shot is better in both combos and damage and gives ammy a good lockdown assist to set up a lot of tricky mix-ups with. Jam session is better for extending combos though.
Hmm yes, but substituting Jam Session for Weasel shot would also leave Morrigan without Jam Session and give her two horizontal assists that do little for her zoning game, so Jam Session is pretty much a given.
You can get two fully charged Glaive j.H’s in the corner if your opponent gets comboed into Jam Session. It helps with both Morrigan’s and Ammy’s zoning as well. Weasel Shot is recommended for Ammy since she can use a lockdown assist (too bad she can’t have Cold Star) but Jam Session is not without its merits.
This is my first time posting in the MVC3 boards. I am a fellow Ammy player in desperate need of advice for building a team around her. Right now I am running Ammy(Cold star)/Hulk(Gamma Wave)/Deadpool(Katana-rama) with less than favorable results. I use them both for OTG after a very basic HHHHHH string into her Okami shuffle. The reason I need help is because I am specifically trying to avoid using characters like Wesker, Sentinel, Vergil, Dante etc. If anything I really want to use Ammy with less popular characters like Shuma and Tron but I don’t think they have enough synergy to pull it off. Can anyone offer me some advice?
Right now I am using Deadpool (a), Sentinel (a), and Amaterasu (b). I was originally just a casual player during the MvC2 years but for UMvC3 I decided to focus on getting good at the game. Deadpool and Amaterasu were the characters I originally got use to when I picked up the game and Ammy is my best character at the moment though I still have tons of room for improvement.
My Sentinel however isn’t that great and I’m not sure yet whether I’ll replace it or not. I mostly chose him for the assist, but I feel that I can find a character more suited for me to fill that spot in the team. Previously I had Hawkeye (y) in the spot that Sentinel is in now, though really for me it seems like it depends on who I am playing against on whether I’m doing better with one of those two. Any suggestions?
Realize that Ammy can be used in any spot on the team and that she has much more than the reflector stance. If you’re running her on point, you should use all of her stances with her assists to function at full power. If you are only going to use the reflector stance, make sure she has adequate assists to cover her approach properly and utilize resets to get around her lackluster damage. If you want the best damage, learn how to use the Glaive stance. Her best damage comes off of that weapon and with two assists extensions, she can get up to 800k-900k with a DHC into a proper hyper.
Make a list of characters that you are willing to use. It’s easier to provide a proper team if you’re adamant on using her on point with a specific set of characters.
Sentinel’s Drones provides a lot of support for both zoning and rushdown. If you’re going to be using Ammy’s Cold Star assist, you should focus on mix-ups. Her assist keeps your opponent in lockdown for 2 seconds if they block, giving you all the time in the world to do the nastiest mixups you can with Deadpool. It’s lackluster in anything else.