The Goddess gets picked first. (Amaterasu team compilation and team strategy)

So I switched it up since I last posted here. Im bouncing around

Nova ( Cent M ) / Ammy ( Coldstar ) / Spencer ( Slant ) and Nova ( Cent M ) / Ammy ( Cold Star ) / Sent ( Drones )

I like Spencer for his assist with Nova and helps keep people on the ground when Im using Ammy, but Drones are just too damn good for mixups and getting in. But I hate Sentinel as a character.

I strongly believe, that if you honestly hate the character you should drop them, no matter how good the assist is, it might make your ammy better, but it’ll make your team weaker. Sent takes a lot of work to be competent with(despite what everyone thinks) and if you don’t like him, your definitely not gonna put that work in, so just go with Nova/Ammy/Spencer or Nova/Spencer/Ammy

Spencer/Ammy/ X

I’m currently at a loss as to finding an assist for Ammy. I usually have Doom in the back on plasma beam, but I don’t really feel like it helps her out a great deal. Not to say it’s bad, but I feel like there’s something better I might be missing. Quite frankly, my Ammy is balls and I’m more or less waiting for the opponent to make a mistake. I sit on reflector stance for probably 95% of a match and rarely do anything beyond the basic HHHHH. I really just want her on my team for the annoyance factor of THC Arm + Shuffle (Army shuffle?).

Though, at the same time, I guess Doom does fit the team; it’s not exactly hard for me to find ways to DHC Doom into play either.

I have thoughts on playing a couple of teams with ammy i like her i think shes godlike i like 2 start her out on point i was running ammy (cold star) strider (teleport) & doom (hidden missles) i was also thinking of playing ammy (cold star) iron man (smart bomb) & sentinel (A assist) then i thought of switching out sentinel for doom since i like doom i’m still not sure of the perfect team but if i have to keep any 2 characters it’ll have to be ammy & iron man

Oh yes, Ammy in XF lv3 is a beast. I play Thor / Strange / Ammy, when everything fails i go for a Veil of mist and Ammy XF lv3; she have loops, +1.000k combos, and a plethora of ways to get in. Wesker is overrated, Ammy is the character that should be feared in XFlv3.

Ammy has neither a teleport nor combos from full screen projectiles, sorry. I mean, XF3 Ammy is good and all. But do you even know why he’s nicknamed Dark Wesker?

Actually, Ammy has a full screen combo starter by activating XF with Okami shuffle, similar to the combo Wesker gets with his Maximum Wesker. You can also chain a cold star L / M / H into Okami shuffle and start the XF combo. Ammy doesn’t have a teleport but has Vale of Mist. [btw, i haven’t seen those full screen combos with samurai edge in Ultimate, the gun was nerfed, not even in XF Lv3 is possible i think; samurai edge into Maximum Wesker is another story]

Ammy XF lv3 + vale of mist > Wesker XF lv4

Hi guys, I’m pretty new to Marvel and would appreciate your input on my team
Currently running Cap/Hawkeye/Nova but kind of want to switch out nova because his moves being unsafe on block is a pain to deal with, and i’m not a fan of his movement at all.

Anyway was thinking about doing Captain America(Shield Slash)/Hawkeye(triple arrow)/Amaterasu(Cold star)
I don’t know much about Amaterasu, how good do you think she will do on this team?

I mean you can get a combo off of Okami Shuffle full screen if you XFC it. But if you’re already in X-Factor? Not so much. And yeah sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Wesker can totally kill you off of gun in XF3 with glasses off. He can’t do it normally anymore, but he still can in “XF4”.

but hey if you think they’re comparable then go win a bunch of tournaments with your Dark Ammy and show everyone wrong I guess, then I’ll believe you

I’m currently playing with Ammy (Cold Shot)/Nemesis (OTG whatever its called)/Arthur (Daggers) and I’m planning to take it to my first tourney coming up soon, the team manages meter well and Daggers provides a really strong pressure game for both Ammy and Nemesis (Ammy to rush and Nem to zone.), Ammy’s cold shot also helps out with angles Nem and Arthur can’t cover, Nem lets you otg to extend combos obv and sets up for unblockable situations.

As for DHCing and THCing it seems to work steady, Nem uses his launcher ultra in the TCG causing OTG while all characters can DHC well into each other and if I whiff a ultra or it gets blocked I can try to dhc into gold armor depending on Arthur’s position then switch back into another character to abuse the stronger knifes.
Ammy is the only real rush character on the same using Nem and Arthur assists to create pressure to go along with my mixups, as for Nem he can use his Launcher and Tenticles with Arthur out to creature a strong wall on two axis and you can even combo launcher if you can get 3 daggers to connect off the assist.

Overall I’m really liking this team, all 3 characters have a pretty strong x-factor usage specially Arthur with his gold armor it’s won me a bunch of games. I’m hoping to get as good as I can get with Arthur so I can rep him more. I also want to get really good with Ammy which is why I’m posting this here along with the Arthur forums, I really feel like Ammy can apply strong pressure in reflector with Arthur daggers backing her up

Sorry for the long post but can anything give this poor scrub some comments haha

Hi guys, I’m just consulting for some input.

Team 1: Amaterasu (B) / Doom (B) / Hiryu (Y)

It looks like a modified Team Clock, but I swear it plays differently (mainly because I’m still kind of sucky with Doom, lol).
Lately this has actually been the team that’s giving me my highest win rate, and the strategy behind this team kind of coincides with my preferred playstyle.
In a nutshell: Hidden Missile lockdown in order to get a mixup with air throws/Shuffle (for airborne opponents) or basically spamming instant overheads (for grounded opponents). This has been working insanely well for me so far, and I like doing resets pretty much everywhere so the lockdown strategy gives me that jump on the offense. It also gives a bit of defense as I have trouble hitting things that are teleporting very well (I think most Amaterasu have this problem?) which fortunately Doom can solve well provided that the opponent doesn’t cover it with a beam assist (…which is unlikely, probably).
My qualm about this team mainly is the order. Hiryu’s been proven time and time again to be a great anchor, and Doom with Vajra assist is one of the more godly braindead setups in this game. However, due to my mainly Amaterasu-oriented strategy, I’m actually calling out Assist 1 instead of Assist 2, and Vajra doesn’t really help Amaterasu that much. I’m then pretty much forced to call Doom in a safespot and I’m kind of left with an annoyingly ‘self mixup’ danger when stuck at close range. (…‘self mixup’ because most of the time when I actually try to mixup the opponent I end up getting hit instead, like I’m doing the mixup against myself @_@) It’s becoming annoying how I’m easily being opened up by heavy rushdown due to Amaterasu’s below-superb (not saying it’s bad but a lot of other characters just seem to outspeed her) mobility, I guess?
Any input on this? I really wanna improve this team the most as I think I feel comfortable with this team.

Team 2: Felicia(A) / Storm (A) / Amaterasu (B)

This is one of my earlier vanilla teams and I’ve been sticking with this team for god knows how long. This time I actually prefer to use Cold Star as the lockdown.
By the minute however I noticed that this team is getting less and less efficient the longer I use it. I’m finally understanding how Cold Star assist is insanely punishable and it’s pretty hard to throw it out even in the correct range. The fact that this team is weak to air mobility is not helping, which is why sometimes I seriously want to replace Storm(A) with Doom(B) instead. However, Storm benefits a lot from Cold Star as well, and although I’m pretty comfortable with playing her I actually think I’m still a bit scruby with my Storm; how exactly should I be moving around the screen as Storm with this team? Because my preferred playstyle is getting opponents into infinite mixups, I usually rush down like crap, but then I’m having the same problem with Storm like my problem with Ammy in the first team: I’m not exactly the fastest thing alive. I still tend to self-mixup myself. I also have this insanely bad habit of spamming Hailstorm :confused: This also forces me to use Amaterasu as an anchor with her XFlv3.5 but even then for some reason I don’t get what I should do against a defensive opponent inside the Vale of Mist; I can’t seem to mix them up well even with that insane speed. Any help on this point? I seriously think that the main reason why I’m not doing well with this team is because I’m playing them wrongly…

Oh and I hope you won’t laugh at me but I seriously could not beat Wesker teams with both of my teams… which to no surprise is actually a huge chunk of the teams of the people I play with :confused: Usually I run into Wesker middles or Wesker points and not actually anchors…

P.S. I’m horrible at using the Glaive. I mean I’m not really sure how to play with it outside of combos, so I’m basically just using the disc for the entire time that I’m not comboing… any help on that as well?

Ammy’s assist is mainly for rushdown characters. If you need a lockdown assist, she is a great option. She should work for Cap but is less optimal for Hawkeye unless you like rushing down with him instead of shooting arrows.

In general, if you succeed with your team and you really like it, stick with it.

Arthur’s dagger assist is a very underrated. It’s great for rushdown and in combos since it locks down fine and is very easy to fit into a combo. As far as Nemesis goes, I like him on point but if you found uses for his assist, second is fine. He does DHC very well off of Okami Shuffle. XF3 Arthur definitely has its merits.

You might want to switch up Doom’s assist to beam then. Vajra covers the air while Doom covers the ground. As for your self mix-up issue, I don’t quite understand it. The person doing the mix-up is the one pressing buttons. The other guy should ideally be blocking so the only reasons this issues exists is if your mix-up is predictable/bad or the opposing character has anti-air options or a better normal than the one you’re throwing out. Against heavy rushdown, the counter can help protect against it especially if the opponent is predictable or has few reliable ways to hit Ammy. Wesker’s standing normals whiff on Ammy so the opponent is usually going low, so use Fireworks M to cover that spot. If the character likes approaching in the air, Fireworks L.

Glaive in general is great for spacing and getting in. Glaive stab functions like a dive-kick and you can cancel it into a weapon-change to stay safe or feint it by cancelling into Head Charge L/M. It’s also great for aerial movement. Glaive j.H is one of the best normals in the game. Although a bit slow on start-up, it crushes jumps and crosses up easily due to the exaggerated arc of the swing. cr. H sweeps at a decent distance for easy hit-confirms. It also has the highest damage output of any stance.

Cold Star is indeed very punishable. In general for her assist to be at max potential, the character has to have ways to protect her or have a rushdown game fearsome enough to discourage button-pressing from the opponent. Ammy isn’t weak to air mobile characters as anyone not watching the ground will eat a counter and get Izuna dropped for their troubles. Glaive j.H covers a lot of space as well. Storm’s air game is her strong point so I don’t know what your issue is to be honest.

If your opponent is defensive (as they should be), you can air-dash in and wail on them with air-throws, cross-up disc/glaive j.H, instant overheads, glaive stab mixups, clipping ankles during chicken blocks, etc. She has an insane amount of options. She’s no Dark Wesker/Phoenix/Taskmaster/Felicia but her anchor game is extremely scary when done right.

Really, your issues are the ones you’re stating yourself. The teams you have on paper are strong. Work on your mix-ups, mobility and defense and see if that doesn’t improve your win-rate. UMvC3 in a nutshell requires you to have good fundamentals and defense due to the high amount of activity happening at any point in a match.

I played a bit more and I found some issues:

When my opponent plays defensively is exactly where I shine; it’s when the pressure is on me that I seem to have problems with. Basically I’m having problems trying to get the offense back in my side and if I lose my point character due to it, I end up losing the match. It does not help that Amatearsu basically falls in like, one combo.

Maybe this is why I prefer Hidden Missiles for my Doom assist; Hidden Missiles, as long as they’re fired, will force opponents into playing defensively, which is exactly where my preferred situation comes in play that easily. But yeah again, if I’m exchanging offenses with my opponent for some reason I just really always become on the bad end.

And by ‘self mixup’ I basically mean that when I try to go for the mixup, for some reason the opponent just happens to hit me with his own normal instead and I basically end up on the wrong end of my own offensive mixup, basically making it that I just got myself into a bad spot.

For example… the team I’m majorly losing to right now is Trish/Wesker/Spencer in that order.

Trish obviously zones out in the air until she finds an opportunity to use the dive kick. The dive kick has this really high chance of crossing up and for some reason after I DO block the dive kick it’s either I end up blocking in the wrong direction or my own c.L gets punished with Trish’s c.L. What should I do in this situation? Now that I think about it, would putting out the Glaive here be more efficient as I can somehow knock her out of the dive kick with j.H? Another thing I’m thinking that I should seriously use more; Izuna Drop?
As Amaterasu, of course the obvious option here would be to Okami Shuffle her out of the air. But without meter, this is basically where I struggle. Hidden Missiles help me out here but it’s not really a failsafe way since dive kick basically makes everything miss, even Vajra. If however I get the lockdown on Trish instead, I can actually get her into 2 reset easily and take her out.

Wesker. Well, the number of times I’ve beaten Wesker is totally outnumbered by the number of times I actually lost. If I don’t take out the Trish, the Wesker becomes 10x deadlier because he gains this insane mixup as he uses Low Voltage for Trish assist. Not cool especially since the timing of his teleport and calling the assists in between his blockstrings is almost always timed perfectly in that even if I pushblock, crap still happens to me. Now that I think about it, the Glaive would probably also work out here since Wesker can’t cover the top-left and right corners of the screen, and Edge Stab is basically a dive kick for Ammy… will it work out? Again Hidden Missiles help me out here since he actually sometimes teleports straight into the missile beacon.

And Spencer. Even though I know this guy is scary, I still can’t believe how more intimidating it is when you’re actually up against a good Spencer. I absolutely don’t know what to do against this guy. Though pre-patch I DID catch this Spencer into the Grapple Hook-Izuna Drop glitch one time and I just lamed him out, haha. But since this got obviously patched I’m not sure what I should do anymore…

Hm… I actually played a bit more earlier and it seems like my Felicia-Storm-Ammy team is actually suffering from air game? Maybe it’s because I’m still kind of stupid with Storm and I absolutely don’t know how to play her that much yet as I treat her like MvC2 orz. From your statement, Storm has an advantage over air mobile characters? I actually don’t get how, maybe you can explain briefly?

Maybe it all boils down to the fact that I don’t even have the game readily accessible to me and thus I can’t practice lol…

Oh yeah sounds like you need to learn how to block and play defense. It’s no big deal. It’s way easier to do well on offense than defense in fighting games; learning how to play defense is something that everyone struggles with in every game. Learn what your opponent has that’s good on block, respect it and don’t get beat up by frame traps. For instance, Trish’s dive kick. You can’t poke her out after you block that, it doesn’t work. The move is too good. Just have to block. LUCKILY, you can actually fairly easily defend against Trish air stuff by throwing up paper; if she’s rushing at you, she’s gonna eat a hit. And it’s not something you can really convert to a combo terribly easily, but even if you fail at that you can get pressure off of it, which is what you want.

Wesker… Just be ready to air throw him out of teleports, haha. Approach low to the ground and work your speedy pokes. Both Reflector and Glaive have different things to work against him that are reasonably effective.

Spencer. What to even say here… Don’t be a dummy and get hit by a Lancer. I know, this is a really silly thing to say, but it’s unfortunately the best advice I can really give. His pokes are not as fast as yours and much of what many Spencers do is not really safe, but they know you have to respect it anyway because if they’re correct about when you would punish it and they Lancer instead there you get hit. However, most of Spencer’s extended pressure doesn’t really work on Ammy due to zipline going over her when she crouches, so there’s that at least. Also throw him at every opportunity.

OK now I really have to keep this in mind now.

Problem though is that this particular Wesker I’m playing actually just uses the ground teleports though. And because of the glasses buff I almost always lose to poke wars orz

Yes I see where you’re coming from here, but for some reason there are still situations where I lose to him in a poke war. Maybe it’s because the hit stun from a j.S or something puts me in so much blockstun or something because I’m fairly sure that I’m not supposed to lose a poke war with Spencer… so I’m thinking that whatever he used to force me to block before it is causing the problem.

So basically, against a Spencer, crouching wildly can go well? I just have to have my reflexes ready for that overhead command normal, right?

Trish’s dive-kick functions like every Capcom dive-kick: it’s stupid and ridiculously high on frame-advantage (unless you’re Ammy, in which case, you’re cancelling on block into weapon change so it’s still stupidly high on frame advantage). Never try to outpoke the opponent afterwards unless you’re going to XF guardstun cancel. Try to count the number of air actions she does while in the air and preempt the dive-kick with the high counter or paper. The counter does not care for cross-ups; if an attack would hit her, the counter will trigger. Trying to anti-air dive kick with st. H works but it’s risky if you time it wrong. Also, you have Vajra assist. It’s currently her worst enemy and she has to respect it or eat a hard knockdown.

If the Spencer you’re fighting likes to j.S alot, show him the high counter. Spencer can’t do much in the air when he commits to a move. Most people also have certain block strings where they fit in the overhead so push-block it before they get the chance. And of course, always watch the arm.

Again, remember that Wesker’s standing normals whiff on crouching Ammy so unless he’s opening up after the teleport with st. H (forgot if that whiffs or not), again show him the low counter. If he’s trying to run away and shoot bullets at you, show him Solar Flare. After eating a few of his own bullets, your opponent will be convinced that’s not something he should do.

The general rule of UMvC3 is to block low so many things tend to fly over her head. Food for thought: launchers trade with dive-kicks. It’s not recommended that you do that but it does reset the situation, leaving both of you unable to punish the other.

I’ve been using Ammy on a Frank West team to set-up quick Level 4’s, but I’ve been having more fun using Ammy as an actual character, so I’m considering modifying my team to be more animal-friendly.

Amateratsu (Cold Star) / Frank West (Shopping Cart) / Ghost Rider (Hellfire)

This team is basically an all-or-nothing gamble on Frank getting to Level 4, since it seemed like a fun team for me to use. I would start off by pressuring with Ammy to either combo into TAC or switch Frank in to get a combo by himself and DHC into Mist Vale to get double the experience from the combo. I’ve also noticed that by using my assists during Ammy’s Reflector blockstrings, I was able to apply an almost endless stream of attacks to pin down my blocking opponent, building a lot of meter in the process.

So my question is; what are some good assists to use with Ammy during blockstrings, or characters with good Amateratsu synergy in general? My current Ammy team works fine, but I’m curious about what other characters I could be using with her, especially as a replacement for Frank.

So I probably just time it so badly that Trish ALWAYS manages to dodge the Vajra using the dive kick? I’ll try the timing of this then.

Another thing though I don’t know if you’ve read it but the mixup I actually run against into Wesker is not the high low, but rather the left-right. He has the Trish Low Voltage assist functioning as his ‘beam’ and he pretty much uses the quick teleport to catch me off-guard. The Low Voltage assist has high enough hit stun so that it’s basically a mixup where even he doesn’t know if I should block left or right, which is kind of orz. Aside from seriously keeping my air game I really don’t know what to do at this point.

Currently running Trish(peekaboo)/Frank(Shopping Cart)/Ammy(Cold Star)

Nothing’s really changed for me IMO since I took out Dante in vanilla and put in Frank. Trish/Ammy still work well and Frank/Ammy are great once he’s at least level 2. But Ammy’s spot in this team is pretty solo but can be put on point instead of Trish (for the Frank level up or just to abuse shopping cart hiding her.)

I feel it’s a good team but my ammy is straight lacking since vanilla days.

Probably. Unless your opponent knows exactly when you call Vajra and dive-kicks at that moment, it’s the timing or your calls are predictable. Vajra doesn’t track dive-kicks properly but that means you have the go-ahead to throw paper or hold up the counter.

I’m aware of what you’re saying about Wesker. What I’m saying is that Wesker can’t hit crouching Ammy with his best standing normals, hence low counter. If your opponent is indeed covering him properly with an assist, then the best you can do is block it properly or avoid it by jumping at the right time. Wesker’s teleport travels a fixed distance so be aware of where he’s going to show up when he teleports. The funny thing about Trish’s projectile assist is that it has much higher guardstun than hitstun (not recommending that you get hit by it though)

Any useful assist is good with Ammy since she can play any role on a team. For rush-down, beam and lockdown assists, Tatsu, and drones work fine. For zoning, beam assists, arrows, hidden missiles and vajra work fine. For combos, OTG and wall-bounce assists work fine as well as anything that adds damage without scaling the combo too badly. Here’s a small list of characters with good assists for each category (not all of the options but some).

Doom - any assist
Akuma - Tatsu
Sentinel - Drones
Dante - Jam Session/Weasel Shot
Frank West - Shopping Cart


Doom - Hidden Missiles/Plasma Beam
Strider - Vajra
Hawkeye - Triple Arrow
Taskmaster - any assist (up and horizontal are the best options)
Sentinel - Drones


Spencer - Slant Shot/Armor Piercer
Wesker - Samurai Edge/Ghost Butterfly
Nova - Centurion Rush
Hawkeye/Taskmaster - horizontal arrows
Doom - Hidden Missiles