The FPS (DOOM, etc) Thread

It was highly acclaimed and sold very well the year it came out tho…


Trying to get used to the DOOM dance again. The best plan I have is using the chainsaw on a low level demon mid-fight for ammo while waiting to use the flame thrower on a cluster of demons, I don’t recall being desperate for ammo this much in DOOM 2016.

Still on the cultist base and having a lot of fun.


A different type of rip and tear but, hey, during these tough times, we take those.


I started playing DOOM 64 last night, too. It’s actually pretty awesome!


That’s because they have drastically reduced the amount of ammo you can carry and upped the frequency of using the Chain Saw.

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Just finished the Cultist base a couple of hours ago!!
The build up to the boss fight, and the fight itself was awesome!!

You got to see the lore and the construction process all throughout the level.

Also…you can go back and replay levels to gain experience and extra lives (I believe!!)

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It is. The spritework still looks amazing to me to this day.

100%, but between bigger firefights I always chainsaw the lesser enemies and I purposely pick up whatever is in the area before moving on. I’m still able to basically use the Plasma Rifle for entire firefights by itself just about, which I don’t think they intended haha. They purposely changed a lot of things to make the game harder and to force you to swap weapons during fights though, according to interviews with that one guy who said 2016 was too easy and that you could BBQ the entire game with the Double Barrel exclusively.

@Graphic You can upgrade your ammo capacity too, I upgraded it once so far.


Yea I get why they did it and in some ways it’s really good but in others it’s kinda ass. Ive had to die on purpose a couple times because i ran out of ammo and the only enemies left where heavies you cant chainsaw with 1 pip and id already scooped the ammo for the area.

I haven’t had that happen once so far, but keeping my ammo topped off is always on my mind. I upgraded the ammo capacity once as well.

It also helps that I rarely need to use anything other than the Plasma Rifle for most fights so far. The secondary fire AKA the AoE explosion puts almost every enemy type so far into a stagger state by itself just about. A few shots from it → AoE explosion=glory kill on Hellknights, Spider Masterminds, etc. etc. I got the Double Barrel shotgun too, and while the reload is brutal, the damage output is insane. It does more damage than the Rocket Launcher. :rofl:


Ive upped my ammo 3 times and i still constantly run out. In fact its got me stone walled against the Murauder right now because the Super Shotgun runs out of ammo too fast.

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Yeah… The platforming section to get the Slayer Key on the Cultist Base is a fucking cunt. I see what you guys are talking about.

Also, that Slayer Gate is brutal. After about 45 mins worth of attempts, I finally dropped the difficulty down to Hurt Me Plenty. I’d rather do that than come back later and replay the whole level when I have more upgrades… Maybe it’d be a bit easier on PC, but I was struggling on pad. I should probably enable Aim Assist but I’m stubborn lol

The platforming is weird. It feels like God of War platforming in first-person when I think about it.

I’m not sure what it adds to the game other than to break up the action a bit(which is what the puzzles do already.) I dunno, the platforming feels out of place. No one liked it in the Rise of the Triad reboot either.


Yea I honestly think the platforming sucks. Especially the ones with the floating walls that arbitrarily decide if you can stick to them or not. Some of them have taken me 8 or 9 tries, it’s very frustrating and grinds my rip and tear to a hault.

In 2016 it was smartly used as a way to have more vertical level design and that was great, but here it’s just “Here’s a huge pit, have fun jumping over it.”

The wall climbing is kinda meh to. It’s not bad but its not good either. It’s just there.

Edit: I take it back the wall climbing facilitated the creation of the floating walls and I hate those So the wall climbing sucks to. Lol.

Doom 64 to me is the real Doom 3.


Yes got that Murauder. Fuck those guys have too much health.

Also the load times are impressive.

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The actual DOOM 3 is a great game imo. I think it’s aged better than Half-Life 2(the clunky vehicle sections drove me nuts back then) and there’s just this charm to it all. The game is dripping with atmosphere, probably the most atmospheric id game next to Quake 1 and DOOM 64(though Midway made DOOM 64 IIRC.)

I had a lot of fun replaying it in last-gens BFG re-release. I’d like to try the PS4 version too, maybe if I ever see the DOOM 2016 bundle with the old DOOM games I’ll grab it, though who knows if that’ll ever happen with DAT CORONA.


I plan to play and finish DOOM 64 before I touch DOOM 3 largely because it released befote that one did and thus far, Ive managed to play the Doom games in the order they came out.

I was checking the status of my nieces and nephew’s copy of AC New Horizons and while doing so, it showed that my copy of DOOM Eternal is now due this Wednesday. I considered canceling my preorder but I’ve already been charged. Figured I would just get it as it may be the last new physical game I get for while.


Oh don’t get me wrong Doom 3 is solid but for me felt too much of a change in atmosphere for me. Looking back, (and having a chance to play again) I do agree with you. If you play the games in order, Doom 64 in between both games feels like a good transition towards the main 3rd game. I’m just being nitpicky.

Never would I have thought I could get all of Doom on Switch but having this still gives hope that we’ll get more…like a Quake remaster or at least collection.


I’ve been playing this on Nightmare and for some reason it feels easier then 2016 on nightmare. At least for me.

Seems you can replenish your hp with ease by spamming glory kills.

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You’re a mad man