I was so happy when I beat him. I kinda just thought I had to run around killing a few of the remaining fodder… …
That’s interesting, I use the Plasma Rifle and Heat Blast against the bigger guys, with the combat Shotgun and Sticky Bombs for the fodder. I haven’t really been using the Super Shotgun that much to be honest. Your strategy sounds like it should be better though. I may run through a few rooms and test it out. The mastered Super Shotgun is good for armour from far away guys.
Also, thanks again for the tips yesterday. I have much better aim and movement now.
Yea max level super shotgun is amazing.
Plasma Rifle. To me it’s the “workhorse” gun of the game, good for literally any situation outside of the few times you’re in a small hallway. The AoE blast is too good, I don’t care what demon I’m fighting against with it because I know the AoE blast will put them in a stagger state almost by itself.
Other than that, I’m using the Super Shotgun the most and the Chaingun occasionally. Super Shotgun has fantastic burst damage, it’s great for chewing through the tougher demons. Chaingun just cleaves through everything, but you can only kill 1-2 demons before it runs out of ammo entirely, but I guess that’s to balance how good it is.
Fully upgraded frag grenade so I can toss two at once=too good, depending on how big the firefight is I’ll toss 1 or 2 of those out while Flame Belching. I upgraded it so the cooldown for Flame Belch is reduced.
I’ve been using more of that melee skill that basically 1-shots anything and takes out the armor of the stronger Mancubus enemies. I got an upgrade that makes it so anytime I’m at full health that any armor I gain contributes to its cooldown coming back up or something.
I occasionally use that one gun which has a secondary fire of shooting out a bunch of smaller rockets, that secondary fire is great. I used it a lot in 2016 but I find in this game it’s overshadowed by the Plasma Rifle and Super Shotgun.
I find the Rocket Launcher fucking sucks though, its projectile is slow as hell compared to how fast-paced everything is and it does less damage than the Super Shotgun. I dunno, I never use it.
Sounds like I need to up my Super Shotgun usage. I’m really not using it enough
The mobile turret is so fun on the Chaingun, but yeah, let it rip for 6seconds and you’re done. I thought that shield mod would be awesome, but in my experience it only takes like three shots and I think it’s huge, so you pull it out with a bunch of guys blasting at you and it’s gone before you can really start fucking demons up.
Anyone get to Sentinel Prime yet?
Won’t spoil it for anyone else, but there’s some cool history there. It’s the first time in Eternal I looked forward to picking up codex entries.
I went with the mobility upgrade for the Chaingun. Once you get it, you run at full speed even with the secondary fire deployed.
Super Shotguns burst damage can’t be ignored, it just rips through every single damn enemy type in 1-3 shots.
Yea you need to use the Super Shotgun more that things a fucking beast.
I agree the Plasma Gun is the new work horse weapon.
I always forget about the Blood Punch till I melee randomly and wipe out 3 or 4 Demon’s in a single punch lol.
Just fought the Gladiator. That wasn’t fun at all, he’s another enemy type that belongs in an action game.
I noticed last night that the two grenade types are on separate cooldowns. Pretty cool, but it’s going to take a while for me to start swapping between them in big firefights.
I fought my first Archvile. He wasn’t in 2016 IIRC, he looks cool as hell. I thought there was a totem in the area…but it was him buffing the monsters. Now I think they brought back every DOOM II enemy except for the shotgun guys/chaingun guys, everybody else seems to be here.
I fought another Marauder. I had an easier time, I lost a life the first time I fought but this time I just scrapped by. I was on my deathbed but I Flame Belched a demon --> glory killed him just in time, I had like 30 life haha.
My best strat against the Marauder is to queef out all of my grenades and then just try to wait for an opening so I can blast him with the Super Shotgun. I feel like if I don’t wait for an opening to attack that I’m just wasting ammo. I take out his pet as soon as possible, and I dash around like I’m playing Mahvel against him(and in general TBH, just unlocked the Dash upgrades and those feel great.)
You and I are close to the same spot.
Yeah, he’s definitely getting easier. Like you, I just keep chucking grenades at the prick.
Also, I’m starting to see the beauty of the Super Shotgun. Thanks guys.
Super Shotgun is Bae.
I thought ammo you used in Gates or Secret Encounters didn’t effect your ammo in the campaign afterwards. Was I wrong?
I wanna post some screens but I don’t want to give spoilers to people.
Imma just post early lvl stuff these days.
Damn the mastered Heavy Cannon is a monster. Instead of needing to reload its secondary rocket fire, you can shoot it endlessly. It went from being a weapon I barely use to the weapon I want to use first before swapping to the Plasma Rifle or Super Shotgun.
I think I’m at the last level or close to it.
Yep, the very first time you see them the little tutorial page pops up and says you don’t recover your resources after you do one, fail or not.
The Rocket Lock-on seems really fucking strong. It burns through ammo but after removing mancubus arms, one salvo kills em. Makes those snake dudes way less of an issue too
/opinion from someone that hasn’t played the game.
I still think the rocket sucks even with the lock-on that shoots 3 at a time. The travel time of the rockets is horribly slow and taking the few seconds to lock-on is a waste imo, you could shoot off the Super Shotgun twice or more in that same amount of time.
I dunno, I just find it and the regular shotgun not worth using.
Finished DOOM Eternal. Steam says I spent 11 hours playing it, but that doesn’t include the time I tabbed out to look at stupid stuff, so I think it realistically took me somewhere between 9-10 hours or so.
I won’t spoiler anything, but I will say the last level was fucking insane. It felt like the old DOOM games with all the crap on screen(just like how DOOM 3 felt a lot like the older DOOM games with the Hell levels.)
There were 2-3 Hell knights on screen at once, multiple Pinky demons, Imps, Revenants, almost every single enemy type at once. I had to BFG them off the screen to get some breathing room. I went into the last level with TEN lives and I ended it with like 3 or 4, the firefights before the final boss were batshit crazy and it was more difficult to get through the level itself than it was to axe the final boss, haha.
Great game. I want to play some of the Master Missions and honestly, I kind of want to revisit DOOM 2016. If I don’t I think I’ll bust open my copy of Vanquish+Bayo, I’d like to revisit those titles since it’s been so long.
Huh, I read that wrong then. I literally thought it was the opposite, haha.