The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Here’s my lesson for the day, guy playing as Andy can stand on the far side of the screen and fire Hishokens all damn day, but if I jump up and hit him with a Shippuken each time I get kicked. :stuck_out_tongue: Also I suck balls against Duck King and need to re-learn Big Bear and Billy.

I’m so happy to see people excited over this awesome game, it’s one of my favorites.

The lag is so annoying that it make me not want to play anymore. It’s just really random, and that’s what makes it annoying. You can’t even predict who you’re gonna lag against. i gave up about 40 games becuase i just stop playing in lag. Hopefully SNK fixes the problem

Ive played 70 matches and out of those 70 only 3 people lag, and everybody Ive played with so for have all been from japan.


btw, any tips on using Krauser? i’m thinking about picking him up but he seems a little weird to use. is he all fireball pressure with lots of standing Ds?

His fireball pressure is good but several characters can get around it (and just about anyone can crawl under his high fireballs except Big Bear, though he can Giant Bomb through it). Besides his stand D, his close stand C is totally rad (this regular stand C is no joke either, though inbetween his stand D/close stand C in speed).

His throws have pretty good priority and if you land his d/f+C a couple of times the opponent won’t want to get anywhere near you. I usually attempt this and then start the fireball pressure towards the end of the round. When the opponent gets more aggressive from this don’t forget about his counter. :smiley:

As much as i hate online play i have to agree with you on this one. FF Special has a pretty decent netcode out of 102 matches o my main account and 16 on my alt only 6-7 of them had bad lag. It’s still far from perfect but it sure plays better than crap like HF or even AE. Yeah most of my matches where against japanese people also i think the game is big there or something nobody is really that good though.

I just hope we can get SS2,KOF 98,or even WH Perfect next i like MS3 but i would love to have some more SNK fighters. I just worry that they will decide to go with AOF2 instead.

Abuse his B + HP, leg tomahawk is you friend… alot of people that ive fought get caught out by it. Try to use his jumping WK alot it negates alot of jumping kicks/punches and it can be used for cross-ups.

With some exceptions, jumping weak kicks are a wonderful thing in Fatal Fury Special. Try not to fall into the trap of doing them too early with Krauser though since his (as well as Andy’s, Geese’s and several others) stay out for the entire jump.

So even if you hit going up with it your opponent is going to know exactly where you’re going to be for the next second and a half, which is deadly if they’re using any other character with a forward lunging special move. You can find yourself escaping one corner and stuck in another faster than you can say “LEG TOMAHAAWWK!”

Fortunately Krauser has some brutal close normals and good throws to make the opponent fear getting close to you.

I never find the Leg Tomahawk to be practical compared to Krauser’s normals. I really need to get its timing and properties down again and start using it properly.

holy siht it’s neo rasa

Reposting the old Gamest tier list for comparison with the more recent one from

Tier List from January 1994 GAMEST
         | K  M  B  J  T  B  A  G  J  K  A  L  D  C  T |
         | i  a  i  o  e  e  x  e  u  r  n  a  u  h  u | Totals
Kim      | -  6  4  5  5  8  7  7  8  7  7  7  6  7  7 | 91  +27
Mai      | 4  -  5  5  7  4  5  5  6  5  5  6  7  6  7 | 77  + 7
Billy    | 6  5  -  6  4  4  6  4  7  3  5  5  6  8  7 | 76  + 6
Joe      | 5  5  4  -  6  6  4  6  6  6  5  4  6  6  5 | 74  + 4
Terry    | 5  3  6  4  -  5  5  5  5  6  7  5  5  7  5 | 73  + 3
Bear     | 2  6  6  4  5  -  6  4  4  6  7  6  5  6  4 | 71  + 1
Axel     | 3  5  4  6  5  4  -  5  7  5  5  4  5  6  7 | 71  + 1
Geese    | 3  5  6  4  5  6  5  -  5  5  5  6  4  4  7 | 70  -+0
Jubei    | 2  4  3  4  5  6  3  5  -  7  5  7  6  4  7 | 68  - 2
Krauser  | 3  5  7  4  4  4  5  5  3  -  5  7  4  6  6 | 68  - 2
Andy     | 3  5  5  5  3  3  5  5  5  5  -  6  5  6  5 | 66  - 4
Laurence | 3  4  5  6  5  4  6  4  3  3  4  -  6  5  6 | 64  - 6
Duck     | 4  3  4  4  5  5  5  6  4  6  5  4  -  5  4 | 64  - 6
Cheng    | 3  4  2  4  3  4  4  6  6  4  4  5  5  -  5 | 59  -11
Tung     | 3  3  3  5  5  6  3  3  3  4  5  4  6  5  - | 58  -12

Tier List from 2004.11.4 
         | J  K  M  A  B  J  G  T  K  A  C  D  T  B  L |
         | o  i  a  n  i  u  e  e  r  x  h  u  u  e  a | Totals
Joe      | -  3  5  5  6  8  7  6  7  7  7  7  7  8  8 | 91  +21
Kim      | 7  -  6  6  3  6  6  7  7  7  7  7  7  6  7 | 89  +19
Mai      | 5  4  -  5  6  6  5  6  6  6  7  7  7  7  8 | 85  +15
Andy     | 5  4  5  -  5  7  5  5  6  7  6  7  8  6  7 | 83  +13
Billy    | 4  7  4  5  -  6  4  6  5  6  7  7  8  7  7 | 83  +13
Jubei    | 2  4  4  3  4  -  3  6  7  6  7  8  7  9  9 | 79  + 9
Geese    | 3  4  5  5  6  7  -  5  4  6  6  6  7  7  6 | 77  + 7
Terry    | 4  3  4  5  4  4  5  -  6  6  6  5  6  4  5 | 67  - 3
Krauser  | 3  3  4  4  5  3  6  4  -  7  4  3  7  6  7 | 66  - 4
Axel     | 3  3  4  3  4  4  4  4  3  -  6  7  7  6  5 | 63  - 7
Cheng    | 3  3  3  4  3  3  4  4  6  4  -  5  6  7  4 | 59  -11
Duck     | 3  3  3  3  3  2  4  5  7  3  5  -  2  6  8 | 57  -13
Tung     | 3  3  3  2  2  3  3  4  3  3  4  8  -  7  6 | 54  -16
Bear     | 2  4  3  4  3  1  3  6  4  4  3  4  3  -  5 | 49  -21
Laurence | 2  3  2  4  3  1  4  5  3  5  6  2  4  5  - | 49  -21

Main differences and points of interest:

  • Kim is no longer the dominant force he was once considered, hes not even Rank 1 anymore, Joe is. The Top tier is alot more closely contended aswell.

  • The Top 5 looks more or less the same, with only Terry dropping in the ranks, and Andy receiving a massive boost from rank 11 to joint 4th.

  • Bear goes from joint 6th to joint bottom, i wonder what made the guys at gamest think he was good to begin with.

  • Jubei goes from a fairly mid tier character to just outside the big 5, no doubt to his insane traps.

  • In the gamest tier list, everyone apart from Kim (rank 1) and Cheng and Tung (rank 14 and 15), you could argue everyone else is more or less in a mid tier, but in the later tier list, there looks to be much more defined tiers.

So what you do guys think, does the gamest rankings still hold true, or is this later tier list much more accurate?

I do agree with Andy and Jubei’s higher ranking, I always thought Andy was underrated and Jubei is just awesome.

I’ve only fought a couple of Joe users recently but due to either lag or their not being able to pull off the Tiger Knee I’m not seeing it. He can put on some insane pressure though. I’m looking forward to some newer videos of Joe dominating.

Bear has the most damaging normals in the game and wonderful throws so I can see why players like him. Most players now aren’t going to get thrown unless a stupid jump is being punished, so Bear can only hold out for so long against safer pressure moves and projectiles even with the Giant Bomb.

I think on the newer ranking I’d swap Tung and Laurence. Both can get very predictable but Laurence at least has some range.

Overall though I’d say the new one is very accurate.

From the matches i’ve played so far, theres only been one person I HAVEN’T lagged with. Anyone here up for some games so I can test my connection?

Laurence is that low?

I understand his super is tough to perform in a pinch, and his guard counter attack (F+LP during guard) is slow and high…

But, crouch fierce has nice range and priority…and crouch fierce >> light bloody spin is safe and does two hits of tick damage. Rinse, repeat.

Also, standing strong kick has great range for punishing and poking. He has fireball protection against spammers with his flying cape attack. Plus, he has a slide kick.

Why’s he so low?

So why doesn’t anyone play this anymore? I just downloaded it and nobody is on…

Quite honestly it got boring. Skill level is generally too low on the whole. And when you do play someone good they drop cause for some absurd reason player matches are ranked aswell as ranked matches, with their own leader board and everything. I hate rank whores.

I think the random lag plays a HUGE factor, since it gets so bad. I mean seriously, how is it possible to top #R in terms of delay.

I’ve only experienced a couple of laggy games personally, but i only tend to play people with 200ping and under.

About 80% of my games are lag free, but that 20% is so bad that it makes me not want to play anymore. And keep in mind this is me playing people from 30ms - 80ms

A you seem to know a lot about FFs can i get a game from you too see how you play if thats ok… ill send you a friend request

I dont know how much of you guys have seen this yet, but i was playing a guy who some how hacked the game as we were playing it and gave his player super speed as well as infinet life so no matter how many times that i hit him i could not win, he got me both round perfect and if you’ed play me brfor you know that not going to happen …not to toot my own horn