The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Question: Since I heard there’s no button configuration on the XBox Live version, what is the button layout for this and does it work with the DOA4 stick?

I’ve only tried the demo, but I can configure the buttons on the DOA stick. I’ve read some people say that you can’t configure the triggers, but someone else can confirm that as I’ve never tried to change them. I just do the 4 button arc layout like the Neo cabinets.

So, when this game lags it just compound on top of each other. It’s like they didn’t input a mechanism to have it correct itself and keep up. I’ve found that lag occurs when there’s any kind of hiccup in the connection. You can have the perfect connection in the world, but if there’s a small lag spike, you’ll get GGXX#R type of delay, another lag spike and you’re looking at 1-2 sec worth of input delay, yes, 2 sec of delay. But other than that the connections are generally really good.

Also the triggers on the doa stick are mappable


Anyone have any Bigbear stuff/strats? :karate:
Also maybe we should start a FFS xbox live friends list.

OK, I figure out the mapping thing. But the Beginner CPU is kicking my ass. Well actually I’m trying to unlock Ryo, but I found out I suck at this game. What’s an easier way to unlock him? I know its “don’t lose a round”.

I wish there’s a training mode in this.

Unless you really want the achievements points, i wouldn’t bother. You can’t play as Ryo once you have unlocked him. The original AES code to play as him doesn’t allow you to play as him :frowning:

whaaaaaaat? nooooo.

just got this and this makes me wish my stick got here faster, i can’t do anything against the cpu without whiffing half my shit first.

tung is the best character ever though. old man fireballs are just too good.

I just realized difficulty on this doesn’t matter. It seems I have the same result on MVS level: First character is beatable, but the next ones are real bastards. Well at least I have my “Perfect Achievement”.

So I guess the game’s only good if you have Gold Live Membership and verse other people.

Ahh damn it, between this and SF2 HD I have to upgrade to next gen already. I thought I would have another year on my PS2 at least, anyone know if this will ever be available for the PS3 online store?

Doesn’t Jap PS3N have a good selection of SNK PS1 titles

Real bout fatal fury 2
Fatal Fury wild ambition
Metal Slug
Metal Slug X

I wouldn’t have thought any of these have netplay, can anyone confirm?

while it’s a good selection…

that’s the problem.

Well tbh it wouldn’t bother me if they got released worldwide as the PS1 versions, as long as they have netplay. If your really that bothered by sub par ports go play on kaillera.

I’ve been playing on kaillera for years

… ok, good for you i guess.

just got off a pretty big offline set with a friend using the XBLA version,
really fun games! few things though:

-goddamn that epilepsy flash is still there when you start out on Duck King’s stage, they really should have some kind of option to turn that off, much like you can turn off the KO epilepsy flashes in most console KOF games
-why is there no real versus mode that i could find? when you go to multiplayer the only options seem to come from xbox live but two people playing head up have to use arcade version which doesn’t seem to have an event mode so the winner is stuck using the same character :confused:
-trying to use the DOA4 stick for this game is garbage! you can map it to be like the original Neo layout if you want but if you’re like me and are currently used to the atomiswave style like
then your only real option is playing pad because when you try and map D to the left bumper ( which on the stick is where D in the above config would be ) it doesnt map right! so lame! trying to do TOD / redizzy with Jubei on pad is a royal pain!
-i agree with what crayfish said about line shift sucking, there really should be an option to just have fights be one line only!
-this is gonna come out weird considering i don’t even really play Krauser like that but what’s Krauser’s best option for stopping Laurence from doing crossup dive on Krauser’s wakeup into throw? my roommate was killing me with that shit the few times i played him and it seemed really bad that Krauser couldn’t stop it! felt like i was fighting ST Vega or something!

other than that i have to say bravo, that was some good stuff! anyone who plays add “aysez” for some scrubby comp, i’m usually on in the wee hours east coast US time :smiley:

I figure out how to set the DOA4 stick that way. Just set Y to whatever LT was set. Y and LT will switch places. Don’t know why its like that, but yeah you can get it to Atmoiswave style.

I downloaded that today!!

I forgot how hard it was to pull off moves on older games like that :wow:

Lucky I bought that VF5 stick, it helps a lot :tup:

This game is still hard as hell!!

Laurence desperation super is very tough to pull off!

And when lag occurs, that makes it even harder :wow: