The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Come on guys this comes out on xbla in little over 4 hours, wheres the hype?

Hey sup do you remember me from the boards my screen name on there is :We Live In Mr E:

Anyways I can’t wait tell it comes out!

anyone have any advice for krauser? From what I can tell you play the high low blitzball game until you see an opening, but I like to do the body splash cross up, into low kick into low blitzball or a leg tomahawk depending on the opp. anyone got a good game plan for the big guy?

I’ve never really played Krauser before, but i do know he has some very good long range pokes, which compliments his fireball game. And his leg tomahawk is good for moving around the screen to chase knockdowned opponents. I would say your better off ending combos with fireballs though, as they knockdown, unlike the leg tomahawk.

Act Krauser & Billy are the only 2 of my main characters that I’ve not yet posted a guide for. I’ll be correcting that in the near future :wink:


Awsome, keep up the good work crayfish. Also krausers back strong punch is too good to pass up. Range and priority!! been playing krauser all night so ill post up what I think later.

Awesome thread, just bought this for XBLA so I’ll be readin’ up on some stuff. :tup:7ku iugy.jblk’

Question can u play with Ryo after you have unlocked him?

I was wondering that too. I unlocked/beat him earlier today but I haven’t checked if he shows up on the Character Select Screen.

I’m loving this game so far. Been really lucky since I haven’t hit any batches of lag or anything during online matches.

Duck King rules

some people that play this are horrible :rofl: they either kick me out of the room or quit if I win.

80% of players just jump spam. But since there isn’t much lag this really isn’t too much of a problem

Damn this game brings back memories

Also. if anyone wanna play on kaillera or P2P kaillera let me know


Fatal Fury was originally supposed to play like Street Smart, but when capcom released SF2, SNK quickly redesigned the game so it would play more like SF2.
SF2 was released in 02/06/1991, and FF was released in November 1991.(I can’t remember the exact day)

WW was released before Fatal Fury.

yeh, my bad.

Thanks for the props Crayfish…it is my goal tog et as much vids for the SNK gems as possible…and I have many surprises and other things planned for the 2007-2008 year…

I’ve still got more stuff to upload like EVO East footage, Mexico footage, EVO World footage…all from this year…

Things pick back up again at NEC8.

So what can Mai do against Kim? Lol.

I’ve been using a lot of wall dives, rolls, I throw a fan when far away. Up close I spam the or try to throw. When is the best time to use the Fandango? I get punished 80% of the time I throw it out.

Force people to jump, then AA with s.C. Fandango is her best move, lots of priority, and it’s pretty fast. It sets up some decent mind games. after a knockdown stand far enough away that you can’t get hit by a reversal and do s.A xxx strong fandango. If they try to reversal, they pass through the fandango and you’re safe to do whatever, if they try to throw after the s.A they get hit. You can mix that up with s.A, walk up throw or s.A wait a split second then sweep, or s.A, s.A xxx fandango/fan.

People on XBL pretty much like to jump a lot, so you should be able to get some easy wins with her. Just throw fans and use s.C against most people, they don’t know how to get around it.

Ahh that makes some sense, I was wondering why a fighter had a co-op option in it lol. It’s interesting looking at gaming history, even for rip-off’s I like.

On the Ryo discussion is this from FFS? I had him unlocked auto in Vs., but I’m betting this isn’t what you guys are on lol. I love using him, his omega fireball (Can’t remember the name) is a normal move, and fun to spam.

Haoh Sho Koh Ken…and it looks pretty for a moving wall of energy sprite :wink: