Some Billy notes from an IM sent to r3ko:
Billy Combos
(optional) jump-in attack-> crouching C-> A pole strike or spinning pole or super fire wheel
far standing C (1~3 hits)-> crouching C-> A pole strike
far standing A x 4~6
close standing A x 1~3-> spinning pole or super fire wheel
meaty crouching B-> line attack (front plane version) or close standing A-> super fire wheel
Shortcut method for billy’s fire wheel combos:
[jumping C-> close standing C-> fire wheel] is performed as
Jumping C-> qcf+C,DF,QCB,UB+AC
[cross-up jumping C-> close standing A x 4-> fire wheel]:
jumping C-> close standing A x 3-> QCF+A,DF,QCB,UB+AC
About Duck vs Billy.
The (comprehensive Japanese Garousp) page mentions far standing A-> cancelled into a light pole strike for poking. Don’t forget that far standing A chains/links into itself, and you can also tack on a light pole strike after the As for that extra bit of damage.
The page also mentions that for anti-air against Duck, Billy should back-dash and then poke with standing As into a light pole attack.
After blocking Duck’s slide, Billy should make duck block a crouching B and then several far standing As into a light pole attack. Mentions that Billy’s CD can beat the slide(?)
Billy’s CD counters Duck’s Head Spin Rolling.
I’m also pretty sure that Billy’s gets a free crouching C after blocking the A Head spin - perhaps even a combo into his A pole strike. Far standing A is also possible.
Some Tung Ressen Kyaku set-ups. Remember that the RK also inflicts stun damage. So if you hit your opponent with a few blows shy of stunning them fully, you can use the RK when they’re in defensive mode, in order to get the dizzy.
as a wake-up against grounded opponents:
the RK has good reach and can often catch the opponent unaware when used in this situation.
crouching A (blocked)-> crouching B (blocked)-> RK:
you can also start the sequence by walking in with Tung’s quick and lock-down-enabling standing As; once the oppnent has decided o block these without resisting, go in a crouching B, wait for the charge to complete and then do the RK.
to reverse poke strings:
particularly useful against poking sequences which do no keep the opponent in block-stun. you can use the RK the to reverse a poke.
whiffed C+D attack-> RK:
against the smaller characters only.
you can “suck in” the opponent as they travel with their sliding attack. usually occurs when attempting to reverse a poke. possible against kim’s DM, and perhaps andy’s zan ei ken.