The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Some Billy notes from an IM sent to r3ko:

Billy Combos

(optional) jump-in attack-> crouching C-> A pole strike or spinning pole or super fire wheel

far standing C (1~3 hits)-> crouching C-> A pole strike

far standing A x 4~6

close standing A x 1~3-> spinning pole or super fire wheel

meaty crouching B-> line attack (front plane version) or close standing A-> super fire wheel

Shortcut method for billy’s fire wheel combos:

[jumping C-> close standing C-> fire wheel] is performed as

Jumping C-> qcf+C,DF,QCB,UB+AC

[cross-up jumping C-> close standing A x 4-> fire wheel]:

jumping C-> close standing A x 3-> QCF+A,DF,QCB,UB+AC

About Duck vs Billy.

The (comprehensive Japanese Garousp) page mentions far standing A-> cancelled into a light pole strike for poking. Don’t forget that far standing A chains/links into itself, and you can also tack on a light pole strike after the As for that extra bit of damage.

The page also mentions that for anti-air against Duck, Billy should back-dash and then poke with standing As into a light pole attack.

After blocking Duck’s slide, Billy should make duck block a crouching B and then several far standing As into a light pole attack. Mentions that Billy’s CD can beat the slide(?)

Billy’s CD counters Duck’s Head Spin Rolling.

I’m also pretty sure that Billy’s gets a free crouching C after blocking the A Head spin - perhaps even a combo into his A pole strike. Far standing A is also possible.

Some Tung Ressen Kyaku set-ups. Remember that the RK also inflicts stun damage. So if you hit your opponent with a few blows shy of stunning them fully, you can use the RK when they’re in defensive mode, in order to get the dizzy.

as a wake-up against grounded opponents:
the RK has good reach and can often catch the opponent unaware when used in this situation.

crouching A (blocked)-> crouching B (blocked)-> RK:
you can also start the sequence by walking in with Tung’s quick and lock-down-enabling standing As; once the oppnent has decided o block these without resisting, go in a crouching B, wait for the charge to complete and then do the RK.

to reverse poke strings:
particularly useful against poking sequences which do no keep the opponent in block-stun. you can use the RK the to reverse a poke.

whiffed C+D attack-> RK:
against the smaller characters only.

you can “suck in” the opponent as they travel with their sliding attack. usually occurs when attempting to reverse a poke. possible against kim’s DM, and perhaps andy’s zan ei ken.

Middle Kick: This all sound slike good info, I will try to practice this and screw around with it. I am finding that Tung or at least my Tung, has problems with Terry and Geese. The ground fireballs eat me up. I find myself jumping over or plane shifting. I can’t sweep them obviously and I can’t evasive counter them ( the alpha counter thingie) anyway, are these just bad fights for Tung or am I missing something and not taking advantage of ways to get inside? I find that if I can predict when a power wave/repuken is coming out I can pop them on startup with a hard lunge punch ( the qcb +c) I can get people with this but I have to keep a specific distance from the oponent which is just outside Tungs range.

Also, is the bread n’ butter for tung jump in >A,A,A,crouching A, light lunge punch? I do this a lot but it leave me open after the attack and I have to mix up afterward or block or backdash. I know I can get a deep jump in and do the A,D (2 hits) hard lunge punch and knocks down and does a nice chunk of damage. What combos should I stick to for good damage that will not leave me open aftarward? Should I be using the fierball in the combos instead?

Anyway thanks for all the information on Tung, I think that at this point he is definitely, my main character.

If anyone wants I can post a lot of info I discovered about Laurence Blood.

Please do, I always liked Laurence.

So what are some good Mai tricks? I read earlier in this thread that you consider her broken or at least God tier.

The thing is to that Tung has a weapon that can makes throwing firballs against him risky. The standing C. Its like Dictators MK/HK against shotos, but on crack. Seriously this move is like a poke out of Samurai Showdown, midrange hitting, fast, huge range and amazing recovery. Keeping Tung just outside most characters poking range will allow him to snuff fireballs clean before they come out, and can punish any whiffed moves used to try to puch him further away, even sweeps, its insane. Tung is given the added bonus of a high priority command lunge, so covering lost ground is very easy if Uve got a clear road ahead.
If you do get pushed out, you can hold off a surprising amount of pressure with his own fireball. Just like Guile, Ur only gonna get two or three against fast fireballers before you have to take other action, but its it gives you some good breathing space to look at Ur options.

My initial fears, (after first witnessing the horror of her spamming the Flame Fandango), haven’t panned out (thank god), but I still consider the Flame Fandango and Airthrow broken. The airthrow thing is more of a general issue, as airthrowing in this game is a whole different ballgame to other oldschool games, but the flame fandango just doesn’t seem to have and risk-reward tradeoff. Invincible on startup and has amazing priority at the end, to me it should either have one or the other. It dumbs down many of what would otherwise be technical poking situations, to despirate GA spams. See the two aforementioned Mai vs Joe matchups.

Yes indeed, always nice to know more :wink:


Bear with me, typing w/ wiimote, a little Laurence info until I get home:

Laurence is an amazing mid distance poker. st. C is an amazing high priority poke with the cape. st. D is also good.

Psycho Crusher is alright, especially th B version. Cheap trick to get the opponent to take repeated chip psychos is 1 or 2 low B’s, psycho, low B psycho. Add throws to mixup.

The sword dash w/ HCF+P is amazing. Snuffs the opp. obscenely, good damage, easy to combo.

You should get more throws with Laurence than anyone in the game. Not sure why, but he ALWAYS seems to beat out other throws.

j. C is the best air to ground cus the attack box is far in front of his vulnerable box. Also once the cape is extended it stays out FOREVER, and if it lands you combo st. C hcf+A sworddash which should knock down.

There’s lots more later, I’ve been successful against some skilled players with him.

Think I’d better just point you in the direction of my Matador guide from page 1, incase you didn’t see it to save going over old ground:


Nice post. I think I have a few small things you havent posted yet.

Basically Laurence block strings, throw setups, super stuff.

Hopefully after evo me and XTG can make some FFS footage now that i have a decent PC

Very much looking fwd to all of that. I wonder if there is any chance of some FFS matches AT Evo? There was a pretty extensive SNK side event at Evo North organised by Dark Geese and the SRK-SNK scene, featuring WH Perfect, Breakers etc.:
Sure there wouldnt be any trouble getting some opposition with this crowd in the house. Cmon, FFS on the big screen!!

Now the Japanese really know how to put on a FFS tourney, donning Kazushi Sakuraba style wrestling masks:
and that belt is a work of art!!:


Next week for Fatal Fury Special XBLA!

Being a SF purist, I couldn’t really appreciate FFS back in the day…until I started using Duck King. This guy is the coolest fictional character ever created, aside from Hamlet and Guile. When I play with him, I feel like Hansel breakdance-fighting. He combines the rolleyness of Blanka, the style of Iori, and the sheer freakiness of a Japanese interpretation of American b-boy culture. So when FFS gave the opportunity to live out my dream of combat disco breakdancing, I was hooked. I even got good with Jubei and threw many pizzas into the face of the Hungry Wolf from Tardtown. However, the whole jumping from foreground to background deal caused me to lose many of my laundromat quarters. Because of this and other factors, I roasted the game here:


First the PS2 conversion, then Xbox live, now …MOBILE!!!

The gaming world is going FFS crazzy!!! Damn to think there were like 25 of us accross the whole planet upto a year ago. FFS is back baby, finaly getting the props it deserves :clap:

*like how they seemlesly spliced origonal Neo fottage in there too. Haven’t seen anything that dirty since they used to put the arcade shots on the back of Spectrum 48k/C64 cassetes!!


Well funny thing Crayfish is that I actually have Fatal Fury Special promotion organized into my next 2007-2008 SNK Campaign year…so you will see a Fatal Fury Special tournament if not casuals and many other things so stay tuned!!

Glad to see you are still keeping this thread up…esp with Battle Archives 1 out…many should now discover the beauty that is Fatal Fury Special!!!

Thats fantastic news Dark Geese. Was very impressed by what U and Ur allies had organised on the SNK side of things at Evo, getting so many good matches organised for so many reallly underplayed gems:
Infact FFS seemed kind of conspicuous by its absence, if you get me…
Really looking fwd to the coming campaign season, and hope U’ll keep us uptodate here in the thread. Great work.


LOL, your site is too funny.:rofl:

Funny stuff, but I was under the impression that the FF series was developed before SF2, but SF2 beat it to the mark or something so I don’t believe it’s a rip-off in the traditional sense. I’m probably wrong though given my luck…

Edit: We need Terry X playable in a future game, lol. Thoughts of Mr. X from Resident Evil and the Terminator come to mind.

Its goes like this.

SF1 then FF1, then SF2ww, then SF2ce, then FF2 and HF (came out same month?), then FFS and then SSF2 (also came out very close together?)

Ahh so it was predated by three SF2 games, weird how they came out so close together.