The Fatal Fury Special Thread

(This is Airthrow posting under XTG’s account)

Yeah the input for this game is very unforgiving like ST. Actually when I am tired and my execution gets sloppy this game is completely unplayable, even worse than ST.

Hopefully when the FFS matches get digitized and uploaded sometime soon you guys will give feedback. :tup:

Its now for XBOX360 for what we hear…but then again we been waiting for NGBC for XBOX360 Live Also…

Tourney matches from Thanks to Taikoubou for uploading these.

Best 8:

Best 4, 3rd place and Final

Those match videos bring back memories of when I used to play FFS at SS Billards back in the day with my friends.

Again, legendary men return…


Crayfish, your back!?! How you been? Your gonna have to come to the next Neoempire event. You too Middlekick, then we can have some proper FFS games.

That Terry/Big Bear (Bear was the man!) match brought back memories of when I used to break my neck to get to the arcade after school and play FF2 for hours…

edit: all those matches (final four) were ill… enjoyed the Geese/Terry match as much as the Andy/Bear one… great stuff!

Any new news about the xbla version? I know that the game already got rated but havent heard anything since.

you thought I was dead after falling from that building?!

Massive props to Middlekick for keeping this all going, translation, updates, Utube encoding etc… thnx m8.
Some new matchvids up on Henahena, showing some bouts from thier (now 4 year old) killera server. Damn those intercontinental lagtimes:(. Not hugely keen on that Mai vs Joe matchup (always seems to be a become a Flame Fandango, G.A spam), but undeniably awsome skills, like airthrowing a backdash wakeup!!

Video’s further down the page too showing an amazing Duck vs Geese matchup (just awsome Duck poking and pressure stings) and a Duck SDM landing tutorial complete with text and input command icons!


I was wondering what the hell was going on with Fatal Fury Special XBLA so I did a little snooping around and saw Xbox’s website made a page for it already. It even lists the game being 400 points! Hopefully, that’s coming out soon since they already made a page for it and even tell you how much it’ll cost. It also lists it being 2-4 players. Quarter matches, maybe?

Very exciting!! Great find Mikhal. This is the biggest thing to happen for FFS since its release. Time to get the thread going again methinks.

I’m really looking forward to the xbla release, but until then I think we should give the kaillera p2p client a try. I’ve been playing ST on it and it works great. Because we have a thread full of interested people we should be able to do some matchmaking here, or make a thread about it in the appropriate forum.

Someone PM me if you’re interested, I’ll set up up with the client and we can get some games in.

Kaillera works great for the FF series, FFSP through RB2.

best way to do it is to hit Daroms or Reps (though Reps is laggy, more RB players there)
Daroms generally is the SNK server.

I got a feeling FFS will be out tomorrow on XBLA since last week it got its own forum over at Fingers crossed!!!

Wow. I didn’t even realize it had a forum, too! Maybe next week since this week is Ecco and Hexic 2?

Crayfish: I have seen some of your matches and I really like how you play tung. I noticed you combo’d the kick throw special, when should I be using that?

Now even the list of achievements are up! It’s looking better and better that this game is about to be released. If this comes out next week along with Puzzle Fighter, it’ll be the best week ever!

That can get confusing, because Tung is one of the few characters that Middlekick and I both play (dunno if any of my Tung matches are online?). I’d say with any grab special, you wanna try to bust it off every blocked normal, opponent hesitation, gap in an opponents pressure string you can, but due to it being a charge move, its a little more limited. Middlekick can prolly give you some specific sequences to work it off. He’s used it in some very Duck like pressure mixups in matches weve had b4.

Nice find. I like how they’ve tied the achievements in with the origonal arcade version easter eggs. Yes very exciting times!!
