The Fatal Fury Special Thread

u know that i ll be there (as well as my bro) :smiley:

i post this again:
anyone still play this game online?
i can be on ggpo and supercade… everytime i go to ggpo i see only japanese players :frowning:
pls hit me

I usually play it on supercade because I only have this Japanese player to play with. I can be either in GGPO or Supercade

where are u from? ^^

Texas, USA

uhm i’m from italy… i wished u were from europe xD
we can still try though ^^

List of non-Japanese GGPO players who you might come across:

Biollon (Italy)
Spinalblood (Italy)
teddy4fun (Romania)
s-e-h (UK) -> feel free to send me a PM if you want to play
crayfish (UK)
virtua leon/alan partridge (UK)
ash p (UK)
omegasomething (USA)
deadlyraveneo (USA)

except biollo and teddy4fun, i ve never seen the others lol (crayfish only for HF)

s-e-h (UK) is u? xD

maybe because i never play during the evening? xD

You know I’ve been wondering about this for a while but…what good are supers in the game? Also what supers are useful/good and what supers are utterly useless?

I don’t think any supers are comboable in the game, so…basically just anti-air, whiff punish, or chip kills.

kims does as does geeses i swear mais does to

i rarely play anymore, teddy4 fun always beats me haha
i really should use a stick for this game, i like kim and jubei but i can only use them for a little while on pad my hands start killing me, i find pad really inaccurate for ffsp

Geese (character specific), Kim, Mai, Andy (situational), Laurence, Billy, Tung (situational), Axel (not really practical) can all combo into their DMs.

Kim’s A x 1~5-> crouching C-> DM is is one of the most feared combos in the game, since it’s so damaging and fairly easy to land. Billy’s and Mai’s DMs would be next in terms of combo ability.

Lots of DMS are really great in this, with many doings plenty of block damage (Laurence, Bear) and being safe when blocked.
Duck’s and Jubei’s are long-ranging command throws with plenty of sneaky set-ups. If I were to say which is the worst, I might mention Cheng’s, but even that has its uses.

We need you, Leon - it’s lonely in there. Most days it’s just teddy and me.

Good game, they should HDR it after they finish to release all classic titles they can (along with their compilations for the 2nd or 3rd time).

my main is Big Bear, i use the dm only as anti-air since it’s start up is really slow, but pretty good damage.
i used to play also cheng, his dm is so and so but not bad
teddy4fun is very good, i played him on supercade some months ago… his geese was beasty! last time against him i lost sth like 10 times xD

Thanks for the info, but could you also post your thoughts on the supers you didn’t mention, as well as more info on how those characters are able to combo into their super?

What information are you looking for specifically? Most DMs are discussed in this very thread.

Some exhibition movies showing various DM combos:




Keep in mind; ideally to combo into the DMs, you’ll want to have the opponent’s back facing you as this allows for longer hit-stun and less push-back.

this afternoon i ll be on ggpo… if u want to have some matches with me, pls add me on msn so we can settle sth

Duck king is my homeboy

i’m on ggpo now… if anyone wants some games, pls join…