The Fatal Fury Special Thread

Man I forgot my password on GGPO lolol. Lemme go look for it. I enjoy playing Kim because he’s cheap, and has a kick ass theme song for his stage.

Geese/Big Bear/Kim Kaphwan/Mai has the best 4 themes easily.


The Gamest tier list seems like BS IMO.

How is Tery better then Andy for starters?

Andy seems insanely good.

Yo why aint nobody on?

Holy shit! FFS GGPO?! I need to get on this, stat. I’ll try to get on later around 8PM PST or earlier hopefully.


ggs Shady424 (WeakBomb is my alt).

Come on people, play FFS!

I’ll be getting on this heavy in a week or two.

Just a noticeto say guys, you can meet and organise matches in the IRC chatroom ‘#SNKPlaymore’ room on ‘EFNet’.
Lots of snk players in there, so you’ll always find a match and some good snk discussion.

Good games this week to

  • BBH. Really nice games, man. Bear gives me a headache.

  • DeadlyRave-Neo. Another Bear player, this time with a lethal Power Bomb ability.

  • Crayfish. I was actually enjoying those Laurence VS Tung matches. Good stuff.

  • Mr. Geese/Virtua_Leon/alan_partridge. Really nice set yesterday, thanks.

Looks like the Japanese are already on this, with the news being passed on to the Henahena players as well in in the 2channel forums. Should be pretty exciting in the coming weeks. Lots of high level play.

Speaking of which, good Japanese players to look out for include

  • baby punks. Duck player, who is really skilled at the various set-ups of his DM.

  • Iori2000. Another skilled player. Very good Kim.

Where are the rest of you? C’mon, bring it!

Hell yeah gg’s! You were rocking some ass with Terry too.

nana77 and OmisoSoup are two very good Japanese players too that always seem to be playing each other, they play a wide variety of characters and are really fun to watch.

yes ggs man, yeah alot more people are getting on it for ffs, i wish there was more on karnov though

Damn, more people played this game than I thought. Sometimes the FFS room in GGPO has more people in it than Garou. I’m GenesisDC on there, I’m a scrubby Geese. Get at me.

My only complaint about FFS on GGPO is no Ryo… but oh well.

I guess Ill check this game out since its on GGPO. It seems to a lot better than Karnov and Breakers. Hopefully FF3 and Real Bout FF2 will get put on later.

Is there any way to obtain the frame data or an more up to date tier list?

Yea I just saw them play. They made me want to get into this game

I’ll be playing from time to time. I’m new to the game, so if you see me on there feel free to play me. I play Terry, Kim and Mai.

I really hope they put in Real Bout FF2. it’s the best of the FF series imo. the combos and animations are terrific. even by today’s standards.


I finally got an answer to this… sort of

This video details how to do the standing Break Spiral. But… it’s all in moonspeak and goes into great detail on every frame and I have no idea what it’s saying. All I know is that I still can’t do it no matter how fast or slow I do the motion. :\

Neew tourney videos up at HenaHena:

hi guys… i love this game but it’s very difficult to find games on 2df (i cant use ggpo), so if anyone wants to play with me (i’m from italy btw), my nickname there is: fiol
Feel free to send me a mp here ^^
I use Cheng and Jubei. :shy:

hello :slight_smile: , i am in ggpo and 2df for some matches,

about japanese players, they are really beast, Hena R-9 , Kou-mei

in ggpo or 2df, or in arcade tournament o.O

R-9 vs Koumei



i try again… is there anyone who plays this game on supercade?
i cant find any matches… i use big bear and cheng.
i’m from italy so within europe would be better, but i think i can play also american players… please hit me up.
it’s so depressing that nobody plays this game online…

Guys just a heads up, after I finish running the SF2HF tourney, Im going to be running a FFS tourney. If you want in, just post here, or PM me. I’ll start proper recruiting soon.