The Fast Food Thread

Local/regional joints > chains

I don’t eat fast food anymore, but when i did i ate at Kidd Valley. Local Seattle-area joint with huge burgers and awesome garlic fries.

As far as chains go, I dig In-N-Out and Five Guys.

Nigga you stupid. If pho took 5 minutes to cook I’d have it for dinner every other day. That shit takes at least 3 hours for something of decent quality. Just because they serve it to you at a reasonable time doesn’t mean that the prep time was just as fast.

Here are the advantages of making your own burgers:

  1. you know that its actually beef
  2. you know where it came from
  3. it tastes 10x better
  4. you can marinate or season with the best shit you know of
  5. it costs 1/5 the price
  6. its healthier (but I know, you fatties dont care about that) :stuck_out_tongue:
  7. you can load it with as much cheezy gooodness as you fucking want
  8. you can STUFF the patties with fucking MUSHROOMS and ONIONS and shit. Its epic.
  9. you know the patty is gonna be thick, and not this paper-thin money-saving crap
  10. your burger with be fucking dripping with delicious oily goodness by the time it meets your salivating mouth.


  1. it takes longer to make. Big whoop. You know you have extra time to make it anyways otherwise you wouldnt be here right now.

Anyways, hate me if you want but you know Im right.

man im getting tired of hearing pho this and pho that… I don’t want to stereotype but come the fuck on yo…

i eat like 4 or 5 mcdoubles w/o the bun at Mcdonalds…chomp chomp

Roscoes is not fast food at all, but it is fuckin good!

This thread is clogging my arteries.

I seriously hate the fact that Mcdonalds doesn’t do 24/7 breakfast. Even though it’s probably better for me that they didn’t since I’d be eating there all the time, I’d still like the option to get a Mcgriddle or sausage biscuit any time of the day. Breakfast hours is the only time I eat at Mcdonalds.

Quick question for yOu fast food heads:

Which restaurant offers the best choices for a Halaal meal?

In a powerful moment of idiocy yesterday I got a bacon cheeseburger from McDonald’s on my way to a friend’s place. Shit didn’t even taste like beef!

McDonald’s burgers taste too sweet… like candy, but not.

The health subject aside, in this economy, or lack thereof, fast food is rich man’s eating yo.

Sure I could pay $6 for combo meal thingy that’ll barely fill me up…OR i could just go to a grocery store and buy six LBs of chicken for the same price. Then go home and cook it myself. Takes longer but is the better investment.

Chick Fil a.

They have NONE here in Boston, the nearest one is 40 minutes away and I do drive that far just for some. =D

I agree too bro but time… it’ll get ya!

Also I get home from work close to or well passed 11pm and who really feels like cooking that late at night?

There’s one that I know of in Michigan and it’s on a college campus. What kind of shit is that?

I love Del Taco’s shrimp tacos and burritos. I’ll be sad to see them go.

damn dawg, I love del taco but I’m way too scared to eat anything seafood related there. I’m fine with my dog food tacos

I was right next to a Del Taco when I lived in California and thought it sucked (Fanatiq timed me out on his stream for saying that, LOL). Then again, that was like six years ago and I only had like a standard taco or whatever, their burritos look damn good.

Yo, if anyone is in Pasadena, hit up the El Taquito Mexican food truck. They got a restaurant too, but the food truck IMO has the master taco makers; and I don’t just say this because my brother works there.

that’s weird cause the only chick fl a in Minnesota is in a college campus also.

If your looking for a quick death, Culver’s and Hardee’s/Carl Jr is the fastest route there. Shit is the bomb tho.

I’ve been dying to try the Southwest Patty Melt from Carls Jr, but the closest one is two hours away. :frowning:

Culver’s is beast. Only Fast Food joint I know whose menu is like the size of a restaurant’s.