You have Alisa x Lili down twice.
Also sup airheads?
You have Alisa x Lili down twice.
Also sup airheads?
You really want a war out of this don’t you? I accept your challenge :nunchuck:
Personally I’d be up for facing off against the horde of Asuka Players once Version 2013 drops. More match-up experience and the chance to style some more doesn’t hurt right?
Y’all don’t want it.
On PSN tomorrow there’s gonna be a real fight. Fergus is coming to our neighborhood to scrap and I got a feeling he won’t be walking out the same way he came in. Lili army converge and eliminate this nuisance!
The converging and eliminating will be dealt on you.
I’m still waiting for you people to say please, and or thank you to me. No-one’s playing him without my permission.
Thank you :D.
I suppose I might be able to go online tonight just to get some more match-up experience vs Asuka. I’ve only faced like 3 and one of them was real good.
Looking forward to it. IF i can make it.
Just this one time, you’ll actually see me ask someone else for permission to do something. May I have this dance with Fergus?
But in Lili’s case Dance away!
Most of you probably already knew this, but I just discovered that the first hit of Lili’s Dominating Heel (aka, groin kick part) is special cancel-able. What kind of uses do you guys think there are for this? So far, the best I can come up with is knee groin charge deo for a possible counter hit, or groin knee CADC throw, as most people will expect you to do the follow up, or just wait for her to recover.
EDIT: And of course, backdash to make it safe!
I think that you’ve kind of listed them there. The idea is to kind of…well mix them up, like just pick one at random to use against a new opponent. Dominating Heel > CADC Dash forwards as far as I know is unsafe on block to reversal Shoto SRKs and 3 frame jabs I think. So if you get jabbed out of that, mix it up with back-dash. Simple as. (If It’s more unsafe or I’m wrong and/or it is safe to shoto reversals, feel free to call me out on it as a mistake is a mistake.)
I’d personally use it for frame trap purposes like doing a st.:lp: (or pretty much any normal with some decent advantage on block e.g. cr.:lk:, st.:lk:, cr.:lp: ) into Dominating Heel for a counter hit set-up. Call me crazy but on hit due to Lili’s increased walk-speed, she can get a raw launcher afterwards. Was this possible before this 1.07 update?
The first hit of this move is kind of deceptive because to the naked eye it looks pretty unsafe when in reality it’s safe to 3 frame reversals. Anything faster i.e. Julia, Ken, Zangief & Akuma though I think will punish it with their respective supers on block(Julia will be off that list when the patch hits.) There is also the option to blow someone up with raw launcher afterwards if they love their sweeps too much.
It’s also good against those who love to raw launch cr.:lk: into Heavy Languish strings as well. I think once people start to incorporate raw launchers into their game more, this move has the potential to become quite a dangerous tool to use plus the buff that it’s getting in v.2013 as well
That said, what you guys think about doing empty jump st.:lk: on someone’s wake-up? It’s something that I was playing around with last weekend in the lab and I think it doesn’t seem that bad of a tool to use if thrown out once in a while.
Gotta try and get some Heavy Languish strings off of that st.:lk:, looks like I’ll probably have to start another muscle memory exercise :nunchuck:.
Heavy Languish takes about 10 or 15 minutes to get muscle memoried, I believe. Now I use it all the time!
I’ll test that out.
atta-go! test things out. Only way you’ll learn awesome stuff with lili.
I’ll be honest i always learn something new about lili each time i go into the lab.
I thought of something (I forgot the name of the move) But if she needed to create resets in pandora or just need to open her opponents up, she could use her spin thingy and she has a nice mix up to continue getting damage very quickly.
would it be dominating step?
I’m going to take a guess and say:
‘The Spin’ A.K.A Rabbit’s Foot I think?
Hello. I am alting Lili and trying to learn her. I use her with Bison and I’m trying to figure out good tag combos. After a launcher from Bison, what special is best to tag him back in/continue to combo after I bring Lili in?
Generally a string of moves which end in :hp: Den ( :qcf: + :hp: ) is a good start since it causes a long float time allowing Bison to go to town.
For example:
:dp: + :lk: > cr.:hp: > :hp: Den > Tag
Heavy Languish also isn’t bad as it causes a good float state similar to :hp: Den. It’s also good for Bison in the sense that it doesn’t carry to the corner as much as the other ones so stuff like Psycho Crusher doesn’t land you in the corner as much which is somewhere I believe that Bison wants his opponents for the most part.
Heavy Languish (first two hits) x 2 ( :d: + :mp: > st.:hp: )
:hk: Angel Knee ( :dp: + :hk: ) is also pretty good as it launches them pretty high and it can carry to the corner somewhat effectively.
:dp: + :lk: > cr.:hp: > :dp: + :hk:.
Not entirely certain but after a :hp: Den you could get in Bison’s cr.:mp: > st.:hp: juggle combo off of the first and second examples but man that thing is tight as hell to land at least I think so. I should know since I’ve taken an interest in playing Bison in this game thanks to watching your game-play :).