The Emilie de Rochefort (Lili) Thread

me last Sept

And for no particular reason, Tag2U stats of the same.

Does anyone have any set ups to space the ultra ambiguous cross up?

gotta super jump. Usually can do it within poke range. Super jump up for the cross up. Works the same way in the corner. If you’re really feeling like messing with your opponent jf.hp does two hits and both can cross up.

Do you expect any up coming changes for Ms. Rochefort in the future? What would you want changed in the future?

The second I see in negative changes in her i’m dropping this game like a hot sack of doodoo and going straight to P4U

no one plays her enough to find any abusive stuff. Lili is a pretty honest character and has a lot of tools her tekken counter parts lack. Her only weakness is she can’t deal with pressure unless she burns meter. I kinda knew her partner would get a nerf so i’m trying to learn empty jump into ground tatsu. I’ve found alternative ways to do tons more damage than with air tatsu.

I like her because she has tools to deal with pretty much everything (except heavy runaway, I think that’s her true weakness.) not to mention some of the dirtiest mix up options.

Well guys I have decided to pick this game back up I recently dropped it because I have been focusing on Tekken 6 so I can be ready for Tag Tournament 2 and I pretty much got bored with the game and became lazy with my options and combos as you can see in my videos so I just dropped it. But now I’m back motivated into playing the game again but not as much as I used to due to Tekken and other stuff but anyway I will have a Lili vortex video soon that goes in depth with her vortex and her options and I guess a updated combo video sorry about my laziness in my vids.

I’m glad to be back :slight_smile:

I’m slowly getting better with Lili, but I’m having problems with her largest weakness, which I think is the poor range of her normals. How do I get around this weakness to put pressure on them? Also, what is her best air to air normal?

I would say it’s situational, and are pretty good. Usually if they are that close to me I dash under and andante the after the cross under. Are you using her as point or anchor?

Right now I’m using her on point so I get more playing time with her, but once I feel more comfortable with her I’m going to put her in the anchor spot because I think she’s a much better character with some meter. I’ve had some success with her standing FP and Peacock Kick. I could use a few more suggestions though.

Also, the timing to use Lili’s super on a falling opponent seems very strict - maybe it’s just me? What’s a good way to combo into her super or cross art?

I think I’m going to have to do this again myself, kinda’ “force” myself to play smarter with her until I’m completely comfortable with her.

I would say practice using her as anchor. If you can tag her into a combo that leads to a hard knock down, you’ve already done half the work you need to do. Lili’s tools shuts up reversal rolls which gives you the advantage for setting up mix ups. She actually has decent range of normals for her archetype. The only place you should be is in your opponent’s business, if not then tag out, she need momentum and meter, if you lose either you should consider tagging her out for your battery.

i’ve got a ton of new vids i hope to get up soon especially one that has a lili reset in it! Follow me on xbl guys i’m back in full swings training up for capcom invitational in august.

Gonna shot for the LA one in october, comp is gonna be rock solid though.

before i head to bed. found a 53% two bar combo with kenxlili. it’s super easy to do and can close out a match if my opponent is below 50% hp =)

does anyone know any relaunch combos with lili? (combos that combo into launcher after the point character chained into cross rush)

Yeah but I only know some with Guy and Lili

so it character specific? what is the juggle property? i figured i’d go do the math on this.

Yeah it’s character specific sadly

Anyone trying to help me with the LK angel knee > Cr. HP > HP Dendro > Peacock ?

Its like a 50-50 of me actually hitting it >.< is there like some magic code or something?

EDIT: nvm. after typing this, im doing much better… wtf