The Emilie de Rochefort (Lili) Thread


Just hit the as early as possible and avoid using anything but the lk version of sunflower lance. Once you get the timing down, start using the mk version again.

I just found out while training that Lili can Pandora mode setup into herself. While you’re opponent is flying towards the wall tag in your partner, jump forward and activate Pandora Mode once your opponent is directly above you.

I made a short video showing a few more Ken and Lili Pandora combo’s, though you can do the solo combo with any partner because they are only used to set up Lili’s entrance. Well, you watch. Enjoy :smiley:

Edit: Removed the combo that was not possible outside of training room and added a new one.

When I was making my combo video yesterday I was a little bit disappointed in Ken’s potential to setup a Pandora mode combo, but with this discovery you don’t need Ken too create a setup, Lili is a one character Pandora mode machine. If you haven’t seen my Ken and Lili combo video it is posted a few links back, or just check it out on my YouTube account here.

Music name?

Nekomata Master - Goodbye Heaven

Is Lili the new Sakura? Flashing her panties like that, at least Sakura has the decency to cover her underwear with sports shorts (bloomers) :stuck_out_tongue:
Speaking of Pandora, I so dig Lili’s pose after activating <3

Lol is soo good on trade

Anyone tried this? I had the dummy do it to me in training mode and whether I held forward the whole time after the roll or I rolled and then held back, I blocked it either way.

Also, pretty annoying how Dendrobium dash cancel pressure isn’t viable. I’m starting to feel like her up-close pressure isn’t that great.

it is really good. She’s got nice frame traps that set up for a lot of her 50/50 game. Just den dash cancel is nothing spectucular. Just stick with the standard st. lp cr. lk,, frame traps.

Her up close game is relatively good, mainly because of four primary things:

  • EX Sunflower Lance allowing you to turn any string into a low -> high into combo into anti-roll oki on hit and + frames on block
  • Her st.LP being +3 on block, +7 on hit
  • Her st.LP, st.MP, d+LK TC turns any string into Lili getting up close and personal at 0 on block, +2 on hit, compensating for her walk-speed when using st.LP pressure.
  • Jump back HK ASS or neutral/forward jump EX ASS allow constant pressure.

I do agree, it can be hard to open a patient opponent with Lili. She’s more of a frame trap character than a high/low character, since her f+HK overhead is ass on block and her f+LK, LK low is even worse. I will say this, with one bar, she can play a VERY successful mix-up game of st.LP, f+MP xx EX SL or st.LP, f+MP, d+LK xx EX Dendrobium, and both lead to advantage up close on a failed guess.

Looks like she’s more meter dependent up close than I thought. Good thing my point builds good meter and doesn’t need it too much himself then.

You can jab right through cr.LK, s.MP and s.MP, cr.MP.

If u throw a meaty and they mash jab u will win on the trade and can throw out another move. Its pretty dumb but works into lili’s favor.

Players seriously need to learn that they have to respect Emilie de Rochefort! I’m tired of people jumping in on me and handing me free 318 points of meterless damage.

People are just so rude.

Just something odd I found out at a tournament a while back. Someone did a raw tag as soon as I started Lili’s lance, and the very final hit hit the tagged in character and didn’t get a knockdown leaving me free to combo. It was odd.

Can you recreate that? sounds very interesting to.

And you can tell it’s a mini-poster from a Philippine kids mag given her inclusion. :lol:

also lol @ Rolento being at the very middle, which I’m sure is unintentional.

Unfortunately, I don’t actually have the game, and only ever played it at Fergus’, and the tournament. When I eventually do get it, I’ll try it again.

I can’t seem to find a practical use for her CADC. The best i could think of was for a tick throw but the window in between becomes too obvious to the point where someone could tech it on reaction.

Would anyone care to enlighten me?

Back dash from a move that is minus.

This. If I’ve stopped you with an anti air counter, why then try to empty jump, especially when I can pull out the Andante. (Is that the best anti air normal in the game?!)

Can I combo from submissive heel at max range to punish rolls? Set up being hard knock down > dash forward> opponent rolls> Submissive heel