The Emilie de Rochefort (Lili) Thread

only one character in this game can anti air cross ups n that’s ogre , you have to block I’m afraid , even dragon punches can get crossed up

alpha counter is prob best bet here

and lastly no answer other than improve your footsies

  1. Against crossups, you have to block. To make up for crossups being rather bullshit in this game, they’re not that rewarding on block: You can mash counter or backdash out of the followup, or do something else dumb, like super. It sounds scrubby, but you have to tell your opponent you’re not afraid to challenge.

  2. Pressure is scary, but again, know what’s minus so that you can mash afterwards, and don’t be afraid to throw counters in the middle of strings. Again, scrubby, but your opponent isn’t gonna go full rambo if he knows you’re not afraid to challenge.

  3. If you get outpoked after landing a + hit by something other than DP, then you’re just not pressing the buttons hard enough. If you actually hit buttons as Lili, you can just hit st.LP/cr.MP/cr.LK and such until you’re pushed out. They can’t actually mash that with anything than DP.

Pressure is hard to describe, but if you’re worried about the poking out, then just hit buttons harder and know when you’re out.

Does her ex counter cover all options, could it be used as a viable reversal?

Hell to the yes. covers cross ups. ex moves. Only gets beaten by throw. 180 damage is well worth the meter usage and it starts up quickly.

Quickly, as in instantly–it’ll beat meaties.

Do the regular versions (specifically LP reversal) counter crossups?

I’m a bit confused about the launcher discussion. So Lili’s launcher does 100 dmg instead of 50 if done raw (as in, not from l x m x h x launch combo)? Is that right?

Under what circumstances would this be useful?

Sorry I’m a newb and the vernacular here sometimes has my head spinning.

launchers beat lows it’s risky ,but an option

also some characters can juggle into launchers

Ah figured so, thanks!

Np pal. Gl!

No, Lili’s launcher does 100 damage instead of 50 always. Even in cross rushes. This is a unique property of her launcher. Obviously it scales in combos like every move but it doesn’t scale in cross rushes or off normals just because you did a chain, like others. So, xx launcher, the launcher does 80 damage.

Reposting this here instead of the guide thread. Though I’m not really sure what belongs in what. Oh well.

Interesting okizeme I saw Keshikaran (#1 Rose in SF4) use.

After a hard knockdown Sunflower Lance (needs all hits to connect for hard knockdown)

Whiff st.HK, jump backwards.

If opponent rolls: j.MK for extremely ambiguous crossup. Follow up with whatever.
If opponent doesn’t roll: HK Air Spine Shot as soon as you can react, it should connect low enough for safe pressure or a combo if it hits.

errr, this seems like the closest thing we got to a social for this board :L
So, New to competitive fighters. Played smash bros brawl to a top level but otherwise nothing.
Anyway, lili’s command divekick. Yay or nay?
and what do we do in the way of wakeup?

Seems like proper blocking is about all you can do wake up-wise. Which is probably for the best as it’s important to learn. Although she does have a decent counter - I just don’t know how to use it yet.

You have a counter and you can technically use the invul on knee (whiffs crouchers) and rabbit (not like that’s gonna do much), but for the most part in this game, you’re going to have to block. Learn to block, and learn to use forward roll to punish commitment and force your opponent to give up ground to cover your roll.

Her counters are all really good, but depend on your ability to predict/read the opponent (unless they’re poking with a move slow enough to counter on reaction). This is not really as big a disadvantage as it sounds, as Lili has a pretty basic and intuitive conditioning game to get people to hit buttons on cue (and then counter those buttons).

Her LP counter is a really good short-notice anti-air, but can be clowned by certain crossups if you’re not careful about correcting it. I got nailed by crossup Vega FBA a couple times after successfully countering it from the front.

Her MP counter is your primary deterrent to jab/crouch jab pressure. Really risky to try and dial in the middle of a blockstring, but if your opponent has pushed themselves out with a safe but negative move (say a -2 chain or so) and intends to push back in, you can use the gap to jiggle around a little and see if you can bait a poke.

Her HP counter is probably the most risky because it’ll only beat true lows, but it can still be really good against characters with obscene low forwards if you use it in your footsie game. Cammy in particular springs to mind. Round start walk-up psychic low counter (if you know your opponent loves c. MK) can really screw with people’s heads. Even if it was just a really good hunch on your part, people don’t like having their lows countered. Makes them wonder if you’re smarter than you appear to be (so obviously you should try to be a smart player so that people will REALLY be scared to attack you).

Good use of Lili counters is a big part of what makes her pressure so fearsome IMO. When used properly, they kinda help you control a middle ground between Lili’s outer range (anti-air df+HK range, where nobody wants to jump at you) and Lili’s inner range (point-blank to harass people with jabs into Bedtime, lows into Dendrobium/dash cancel, and Peacock Kick poking, where people don’t want to hit buttons until you either space yourself out or go negative on frame advantage). Make people worry about whether or not to poke at you (for fear of counter), and you get a lot more leeway to move in or out unmolested.

But of course if you’re in a serious pressure situation like people dialing advantageous jabs on you as you wakeup, block and backdash are of course the preferred options, in that order. Don’t be a hero. Heroes don’t have oil fortunes.

Haven’t been following the thread so forgive me if this is known, but is a gdlk instant overhead. I feel like 6RH is stupid to use when mixing up after tag canceling into lili from a lockdown sort of move (like xiao’s phonix stance qcb.rh) since the frames are pretty bad. Tested on ibuki, not sure who might be smaller than her crouching.

Anyone catch Chris Hu’s Lili matches today Spooky’s stream? His Lili was dominating the match against Chris G.

He’s going to be in winner’s finals soon. Hopefully does archive.

I really dunno about j. LK instant overhead. It’s universal, but it’s crap damage even by instant overhead standards, and all the standard instant overhead safety hazards apply. They would have to be on the absolute magic pixel to die from j. LK. If it were special-cancellable, that would be a different story.

It would be crap damage, but I’m sure certain teams can confirm off of the instant overhead if you use it during a switch cancel for 50/50 with cr. LK or something. That’s obviously going to need more work, but I’m sure there are plenty of setups that can confirm for clean 50/50

Chris Hu putting in work with Lili. Finally getting a solid idea of how she plays.