footsies are not all about range though
You can use Regular Feisty Rabbit to get through projectiles.
And you can use her Counter for anti-airs. I think MK to and DF HK depending on the angle. Also doesnt Lili have an Air Grab??
F-MK ALL DAY. I usually go for F.MK MP to get in and I can link LP F.MP MK into whatever special. Or Charge Cancel to continue pressure. Or on block of F.MK MP you can CH them with a crouch jab and link into the LP F.MP MK or go straight into the chain without cr LP. OR you can go into counter.
Lili has a shit ton of options. Her only downfall is that she seems pretty Meter dependent and her damage scales alot. BUT its hard to get her off you once shes in that ass. Plus she builds a ton of meter too.
if she’s meter dependant but uses a lot of bar
what’s the problem?
slam a meter gem on there
ugh you guys need to show me some match vids of lili. i can’t do anything at all
You can check the videos on my youtube page. We should start a Lili Video Thread
Meter dependent and uses alot of bar are the same thing lol.
I’m having a hard of a time linking her overhead. Can I follow up with it when I hit an airbourne opponent? Which time I try I always fail
Against someone who’s cornered, Lili can J-MK Before she crosses up and not appear behind them. I’m not sure if it’s character specific or not.
It’s a 1-frame link. I use it just to can-open.
She has a decent walk speed and better dash. Unless I’m missing something else.
Lili has great footsies, f+mk,mp is one of the best footsietools I have seen in this game.
Her has a good hitbox too, and her walkspeed and dashes are useful.
Up close she has both ex dive and hk dive that lead into combo, so pressing buttons on that range against her is a bit scary.
I just set my team up on a mirror match in practice mode on just the “hard” setting just for shit and giggles to see what the AI could come up with. I dont have the book but this shit is ridiculous. Lili’s pressure is insanely good.
WHY IS THE SECOND HIT OF f+MK, HP LOW??!!! Hilarious. Its not even a low in Tekken.
f+MK - Lili’s longest ranged command normal, leads into combo/super/wallbounce/corner carry
f+MK, HP - second hit low, doesnt look low, safe
f+MK, MP - safe pressure string
f+MK, MP, HK - last hit overhead, slightly unsafe
^^^thats a mixup pretty much in itself. Not to mention tag cancelling in this middle of that. Jesus.
Other little things I’ve found…
-st.LK xx Dendrobium and cr.MK xx Sunflower Lance are so difficult to deal with. Its what she has that makes them stop. You cant backdash on dendrobium, it kinda just “sticks” you in place, while her cr.MK has great range and leads you yet ANOTHER knockdown situation.
-Sunflower Lance has the range of her f+MK only it avoids throws, lows and the kick enders give her another canned string mixup.
-Knee/EX knee is a frame trap after st.HP. cr.MP target combo’s into st.HP which basically forces them to get sucked into the hitbox. And if they are anxious they will be going for a ride.
This girl is great.
Thanks for this post. This really helps. I was having problems with a gameplan for lili.
Side question. Are they gonna make a forum for all characters like Marvel and sf4?
Does lili have any respectable reversals?
but the knee whiffs on crouchers
and the lance whiffs on some crouchers based on spacing
also why are we all playing juri/lili
I’m pretty sure they will.
As far as reversals EX knee is basically a tiger knee with less range. She also has EX counter that counters highs AND lows, and has a nice long window to boot.
Theres lots of little things I’m finding now playing this game such as:
j.MK > Askua
Sunflower Lance > Zangief Green Hand
As far as gameplay (day 2 anyways) I’m getting in with f+MK because that range is just outrageous.
I start my pressure with those pokes. If they are too aggressive I knee their ass or let them fall into a command counter.
To break them open if they are blocking low f+HK is ok but kinda slow. Honestly I never use it. Sunflower Lance is overhead which is really stupid when you think about a safe special that covers space and leads to knockdown and combo on EX.
If they dont duck st.LK xx Dendrobium, f+MK,HP and cr.MK xx Sunflower Lance/Dendrobium them into OBLIVION
-Feisty Rabbit (obviously) - EX version only good at close range, you can get baited into SRK
-EX Knee hops over fireballs
-EX Sunflower Lance is imo the BEST fireball punisher that Lili has
-EX stomp/Regular stomp - regular stomp sucks for the most part but if they fall for it…hell why not. EX stomp, you dont have to be jumping forward, which actually works great as a mindfuck tool since they might not be knowledgeable of Lili OR…you may for instance be pushed full screen and about to fall on a fireball, then you xx EX Stomp and boom, they are on the ground. It’s unsafe, but using it to punish fireball happy opponents its great. You CAN be airthrown, and it doesnt trade with many attacks.
As far as drill …its unsafe so…shrugs I use it for a crossup sometimes. I also use it to land on the ground quickly, or to bait them into SRK.
I have more random crap, but the phones ringing be back later.
Use it wisely?
They shouldnt be ducking since she has 3 overheads that lead to mixup.
I’m trying out Rolento and Lili. Rolento is a very very good meter builder. You don’t need to build onslaught gems on her since she herself builds a lot of meter without it.
Im not :Kappa:
Lili shuts Zangief DOWN.
j.MK stuffs everything.
I also like j.LK j.MK because you get an air-to-air and a jumping poke all in one. And since its actually a target combo in the air, its like one great big hitbox for instance…the whiffed j.LK misses and they jump into the hitbox of the j.MK. Another good tool.
EDIT: holy shit feisty rabbit goes through ex wakeup throws. Grapplers are on notice.
God damnit why do I have to work today.
EX Throw??
And I know one. Vega. She has to take risks to get in on him.
Zangief’s EX piledriver…she twirled all over his ass. You can even see his arms try to grab her as shes rolling all through his fat ass. LOLZ.
I’m assuming Hugo, Abel, Nina and Asuka will meet the same fate.
i [think i] know of 2 of her overheads, mind elaborating on her 3rd one? (is it safe? or is there a string that leads into this as somewhat of a setup?) - - (unsafe but if you condition your opponent enough than easy damage)