The Emilie de Rochefort (Lili) Thread

oh guys, don’t forget, lili has air throw. dont know why, but this is amazing to me.

Sunflower Lance is an Overhead

All her overheads are unsafe bar the forward Hk one.

I cant make left or right from her game plan though, her chains are all very predictable and dont really mixup with anything, unless they have frame advantage on some of them I really dont know how to make use of it all. Also divekick is pretty damn hard to combo off of and she doesnt have a kind of “get off me” move, the ex knee has invinciblity but whiffs crouchers :S

Anyone figured out some decentish mixups/pressure game up close?

Art playing Alioune right now, Alioune is using Nina/Lili

Does dive kick/ex dive kick force standing on hit?

My ken x lili team is great man, so my synergy. Lili can convert from so much damage off of his srk and obviously his tatsu. The most i’ve done with lili non super arts is 601. With super arts i’ve broken around 615. Not to mention i also found 637 damage combo with the two ^^ it’s all so great heh.

This song best describes Lili. [media=youtube]WdGQj1rtp74[/media]!

its soooo, lili-ish

Only when you hit it meaty on wakeup. It doesn’t force stand otherwise.

c.HP and f.HK do.

I had a really hard time trying to combo super after double L Angel Knee, and the most reliable method I found was L Angel Knee - L Angel Knee - to H Dendrobium - super. It works everywhere on the screen.

just switched my secondary character to Lili im really liking her so far heres some bnb’s.

First Combo (meterless):318 damage
j HK, s MP, c MP, f HP, angel knee, angel knee, c HP, LK sunflower lance

Second Combo (one bar of meter):418 damage
j HK, s MP, c MP, f HP, angel knee, c HP, EX feisty rabbit HK, s HP, HK sunflower lance


So what characters do you think work best with Lili at their side?

Besides Asuka because I know that’s a great team, I’ve been using Juri since the release and really like her SFxT part more than her SF4, but Lili has some awesome style in her fighting. I want to use them together, but team synergy is a bg thing in this game so what do you all think about Juri/Lili? I’ve been running Nina in that spot all day yesterday online, but I’ve been reading Lili works best with all the shot characters and some grapplers. The characters I don’t play with. lol What’s you guys opinion on Lili and who works best with her/vice versa.

First off that Lili Character guide thread is brillantly put together!
secondly just started her trials up yesterday sorry I’m late to the party with Lili but she’s looking really fun and I really enjoyed her Tekken 6

So any way question regarding trial – the little ankle kicker; what sort of timing is need to actually get the second hit? Ryu keeps blocking it – that prick.

The first hit can’t hit for it to connect in the trial. Just move further back.

I’m pretty sure one of the hits of Sunflower Lance is safe. Second hit I want to say is the safe hit in the string. None the less…

You cant possibly be having a hard time locking them down with Lili. f+MK is just too good. cr.MK is just too good, dendrobium is too good.

And I took a glance at the book, HK drill is +7 on block? What?

EDIT: can someone with the book PM me her frame data?

Good greif - you would think simple shit like that would be foot noted in the trial.
Like one of Law’s you do a Jumping Hp – doesn’t say you have to hit Hp TWICE!!! jack asses… haha

I have a question regarding Lili’s cross cancel, it does an EX angel knee. Is anyone able to combo after that? I thought there would be more juggle potential but i cant seem to get anything else on after that =/

I can only get a super off of it, you can do two normal angel knees into ex angel knee then super

ive found ken and lili work pretty well together, but if you can tell by my avatar, im not an execution heavy guy so, im having issues with uppercut motions :confused:

YES THEY DO A LOT! Most of the stuff if found between them can do half hp combos.
Also…when practicing combos…you can rekka chain her spin…that means…well you can’t zone her out as well. Once she starts spinning and you’re chucking plasma she can spin spin spin slide and she gets a hard knockdown and is in. and if you try to wake up srk you counter. HP counter stuffs shin srk…180 damage more…lili is looking very scary guys…

Unfortunately juggle combos are not possible after cross cancels. I’m sure you can switch cancel directly after and try to juggle with your partner, however that would cost two bars. If it could win you the match, it’d be worth it. Otherwise, well… two bars speaks for itself D: