The El Fuerte social thread (off-topic thread)

IDK, the girl on the scene. I’m not gonna play 3S since I don’t like parries as a concept.

Q. Q is beast. Q is all that is man. Q is FIGH-TING MA-CHINE! Just feels good when you hit, or even better, combo with Q. Seven foot robot/man/thing keeps it simple and powerful. It’s that or Alex, just because DDT is stylin’. Point is, if you play Fuerte, stick with low tier. POWAH TO THE LOW TIER!

Tiers, schmiers. I play who I want. Top, middle, low, bottom, or Roll tier, I’ll play who I like.

I just had a 10 game win streak in 3Soe by backdash, hadoken, backdash, air tatsu, repeat.

People are so bad.

I like Alex and Hugo. That said, I don’t really care for third strike.

So with all these super special awesome characters coming out for SF x TK, what characters are you guys dying to sink your teeth into, out of the confirmed that is. I really wanna try Poison, Ibuki, Julia (dat Xing-Yi Quan), [S]Rey[/S] King, Nina, Yoshimitsu, Hwaorang, Raven, and KUMA!!!

I will be main-ing Poison. Interested in Hugo, Rolento, and extremely interested in Steve and King.

I like the idea of Steve having moves for evasion and followups, but I’ve never been a punch-only person. Hopefully, if she’s in, Xiaoyu will satisfy that demand for me since she’s notorious for her skills in evasion and mixups.

And King is all kinds of cool. Like with Fuerte, I have to at least give him a shot.

That’s my backup stick. What do you think? :3

fap fap fap

… I want that fucking template… I want clear buttons.


I have been playing Deus EX Human Revolution the games really fun. I walk into a room get my stun gun shoot a guy in the face and I headbutt his partner. Afterwords I get grabbed from behind and break free to headbutt him also. This all happened less than 10 seconds. What are your guys and gals favorite snack to eat? Mine is peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

Curiously appropriate avatar.

the only thing more fun then headbutting someone is headbutting someone’s fist

PB n J is OP snack. But my favorite is [SIZE=16px][COLOR=#0000de]Morir soñando (Milk and orange juice) [/COLOR][/SIZE]

My favorite snack depends on my mood and what’s available. I may go for tortilla chips with or without salsa, PB&J or some other sandwich, or just drink water.

I hit the gym today. Did legs.

Leg press I usually do 3plate. My trainer says ok and we do 5. then we did 7, then 8, then 9.

then we did the rest of his insane workout. I’m so damn tired right now and my legs feel like jelly. But I feel good.


I’ve been doing Kung-Fu, monkey style (think if Fuerte did Kung-Fu and acted like a monkey, you’ll get the idea). Oh my God, I couldn’t tell you the soreness I get from this, and I love it. The next SF game needs a monkey practitioner. Virtua Figher has one with Eileen, but I’ve never heard of one in a 2D fighter.

And physics is hell, but online videos are such a great source. I’ve actually been able to apply one of the concepts (center of mass) to my kung fu, and I figured try to apply those concepts to that will not only make me understand it better, but actually care about it.

I’ve been sitting in my ass eating some delicious Cuban pork and yellow rice.

I submitted a resume to EA nearly a year ago, and after bringing the delay to their attention, I got a call earlier this afternoon, and got a brief interview. I was asked the difference between testing and playing and provided an example of a glitch (I was gonna use the Seiei Enbu glitch, but I used the MvC3 Zero glitch instead). Unfortunately, my class schedule doesn’t let me do the part time job as a game tester due to my schedule. If I didn’t have my lab and my Monday night class, I probably would have it now. Oh well, they’re gonna hold on to my resume, but they want me to apply at the end of the semester. I just need to find a consistent four hour gap each weekday.