I completely misread what Coth posted. I thought he meant anyone against Sim was unfair, not that he’d be unreasonable if his teleport glitch was fixed. I agree that the glitch should stay.
And for the record I use Sim very often as an alt.
I completely misread what Coth posted. I thought he meant anyone against Sim was unfair, not that he’d be unreasonable if his teleport glitch was fixed. I agree that the glitch should stay.
And for the record I use Sim very often as an alt.
I never said he doesn’t take skill to use, in fact his curve is above me.
Fighting a player who can use him, sucks.
I use sim as an alt sometimes as well but some matchups I honestly have no idea how to fight like chun and vega. Vega feels like a mindfuck sometimes and chun just rapes. I like him but I dont think I have the dedication to play him.
Also - seriously considering switching to fei. This character is heavily underrated
For the record, I wasn’t talking about fixing Dhalsim’s Teleport glitch. It just seems that every once in a while somebody complains about Dhalsim being unreasonable, or Balrog being broken or Vega being unfair. I’m just like, y’all complainers have no idea what you’re talking about and have no clue how tough it is to actually get good with them. TBH, all 3 of those characters are maybe the toughest to get good with out of the whole game, in terms of execution and matchup knowledge.
And I agree that fixing Dhalsim’s Teleport would be unfair. I’m definitely in favor of nerfing it if it’s fixed. Like a reversal Teleport can only go so far and not full screen. Or give it lots of recovery time. Cuz that would just suck as Zangief or Hawk, having chased him down, and he gets to runaway full screen for free.
I don’t bother with Chun or Vega with Dhalsim. Hawk handles them better.
About Fei, I use him all the time in ST. Old CW is so much ownage.
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C’mon now Blitz, Vega one of the hardest characters to get good with? How hard is it mash cr.strong and spam dive attack? Next thing you’re going to say is Honda is more than just mashing buttons and spamming headbutts.
I thought he was saying Sim was hard to use…
And I know like… you know… no one plays her but Cammy is also no fun for Sim. Cammy has all the tools to deal with Sim in ST and has the same hitbox on j. mp in HDR when done in Neutral which means you can hit the slides and all of his limbs. Cammy v. Sim is NOT in Sim’s favor… in HDR its better for Sim but still Cammy’s got the edge…
(I have to point out these matchups where I can because Cammy has so few of them…)
Good to know you guys can follow a line of posts.
5.5-4.5 at most, IMO. Dhalsim is a beast in HDR.
Oh I disagree. By most accounts HDR Sim isn’t quite as good as ST Sim and while the best tool Cammy had against Sim was nerfed (J. Strong) it was left in place in neutral which is just fine when you’re able to bait out a number of Sim’s limbs… I think its 6-4 but that’s not all that different I suppose. When we consider how few bad matchups Sim has in the first place, Cammy having an advantage at all is noteworthy.
True, Vega is probably not as difficult as Dhalsim or Balrog execution-wise. I meant more about handling his fast walk speed. This is the reason I rarely use Vega, even in casuals. I feel like his walk and jump speed is on crack! I mean, I can handle Chun Li or Fei’s speed (just barely), but Vega is way too fast for me. I usually over-shoot or under-shoot my pokes, get too close to the opponent or whiff my normals from too far away. Diving and turtling with Vega is (relatively) easy though, I meant being aggressive or rushing down your opponent.
Honestly a lot of things in SSF4 can be abused because of lag. The game might be more playable with much better netcode. I am learning a lot of advanced tricks and traps to stop turtles using option selects. Even though it is an inferior game you have to look at how you can take advantage of the imperfect engine. It isn’t completely unplayable but I highly doubt SSF4 will be a classic game.
Instead of the development team spending all of their time on costumes that we don’t even get buying the game they could have worked on the engine. I believe the top SF2 and SF3 players can become the best in SSF4. They just have to study the engine more and not play the game exactly like SF2 and SF3. You have to realize it is not the best, stop whining, and win tournaments after figuring out all of the option selects and intricacies of the engine until something better comes out if you want to be the best in SSF4. It is better than Tekken 6 at least. Maybe that is selling out going where the moneys at though.
The netcode for online play in SSF4 is still inexcusable for the current most popular modern fighting game. Or is Smash more popular?
The more I play HDR, and the better I get at it playing Fei. The more I see the game differently, and the more I second guess his position on the tier list. People continue to sleep on this character.
A lot of people say that about Fei, and Hawk too. The reason for that is cuz tiers are just a matter of opinion. Nobody should take tiers very seriously. Also, the bottom tier of HDR/ST are the most competitive bottom tier of any fighting game out there.
Eh. Honestly I think Virtua Fighter 5 deserves that title.
IDK anything about VF5, so I prolly shouldn’t have opened my big mouth. LOL Either way, ST has one of the most competitive bottom tiers IMO.
fei seems beastly because he is the main thing about the game is that tiers DO exist but they are tight. Tighter than any sf4 player would ever admit. Except for cammy-honda of course.
Zangief and Hawk vs. Honda seem worse imo.
Well, I think each side of that argument has points… But those people have in common??? HONDA! That fat sumo wrestling piece of down-back holding garbage! lol (Thelo, if you read this, nothing but love my man! no homo).
Stored Ochio and the level of forward movement on HHS shuts down Cammy pretty hard… I know Gief and Honda’s problem lies in getting in as well. But that’s Honda’s nature as a character, he either owns you or gets owned, not a whole lot of inbetween there.
But for the record, Syxx is right, Cammy / Honda for most onesided matchup in ST / HDR… CAMMY PLAYERS UNITE!
Oh and yes, (and if he were here, you know he’d remind us in his infinte wisdom… he shall who remain nameless), Virtua Fighter has historically had the most balanced tier list of any fighter ever… now taking VF out, HDR does a pretty good job on the balancing front I think with the exception of Akuma and he’s tourney banned anyway so that’s irrelevant.