The David Sirlin Appreciation Thread/HDR is the Best Street Fighter Game Thread

Shoto v honda is just as bad in the opposite direction.

Don’t forget about Soul Calibur 1.

It has one of the best balanced cast ever.

There are many 4.5/5.5 and 5/5 matchups, and a few 6/4 matchups.

Nothing above 6/4.

Yeah, 3D fighters in general don’t have as much tier variance as 2D fighters do. That has a lot to do with how 3D fighter characters’ options are a ton more similar than 2D fighter characters’ options. Like yeah, everyone has high, mid, low attacks, of roughly comparable range, and can move roughly the same way. Meanwhile in 2D world you’ve got guys as different as a guy who just zones you to death from fullscreen with fireballs, a guy with super stretchy limbs, a guy who can’t do anything at long range but murders you in closerange, etc. So by their very nature, 3D fighters will be more balanced than 2D fighters (at the price of less character variety).

Not saying that either way is better than the other, I love VF and I love SF.

True story, I played Seung Mina for years in SC, never realized she was bottom tier, still wrecked people all around…

Thelo, I did actually see you playing VF the other day… I think with Zass… The only VF I remember playing was VF 3 (I think) on my Sega Saturn…

Yeah, I was playing some HD Remix with Zass, and at some point he mentions he likes VF, then I said oh, I love that game, used to play it all the time. Then we switched to VF for a bit, hahah.

HDR is the best fighting game ever made because I said so and I’m always right lolz nooobs!!!11111111111

Sim v geif is the most unbalanced matchup IMO.

As much as I hate playing Zangief vs. Dhalsim, I don’t think it is his worst MU. More than anything, I feel the biggest problem is that this match boils down to getting lucky. Getting lucky trades and lucky knockdowns is pretty much the only way you can win. As long as you get enough trades or knockdowns, he will start to hesitate throwing out limbs which lets you get in. The other problem is that he has BS dizzy potential (I’ve been dizzied by two random hits numerous times) which makes approaching even more annoying because as soon as you get hit you have to stop until the stun wears off. His super is also BS and baiting it is basically all you can do against it. I’m just glad he takes more damage than usual. Overall I’d say the MU is 35-65.

the worst match up is probably akuma vs gief but im sure ya new that lol but i think it was well balance its just hard to make a game where another character just domiates another

Poor Gief lol


Cammy V. Honda is much more difficult than Sim V. Geif.

Take it from a man who knows… I’m with Fatboy on this one…

New Sirlin interview!

An option to bring the old graphics back, Booya! (No one say anything bout the background not changing, i’m not tryin to hear it).

Just want to say I take that back (what was said above). Kind of an ass hole thing to brush off others wants on what’d be cool to them in the game. Having those options would be tight. I use the Classic Music personally and would like to have the original announcer for an option too.

What’s up with some kind of update for this game man?

Shit, I deleted my original post by accident when I just tried to quote a certain part, lol.

What? Cammy has never beaten Dhalsim in ST! Lol. Where did this myth come from?

Dhalsims who were not very good and players who use many characters but do not realize they can not master them all, I suppose. All in all, they did design the game around that premise.

I also believe they did not know Zangief had advantage against the shotos.