I really want Sirlin to work on a remake for Alpha 2 or 3. I remember he was talking about this a long time back. He did such a great job with HDR that he should definitely be the man for the job. With his experience with HDR it should also be a lot smoother.
Assuming they are allowed the time and resources to make sure that a playstation and xbox versions are identical too.
Here’s something I REALLY hate about SFIV. A big character like Honda can easily neutral jump over every fireball thrown, makes it seem like there is no projectile zoning in this game.
Not really. It’s pretty easy to jump over fireballs when they’re thrown at a 30-45 degree angle regardless of whether you’re a big or little character.
Oh, I know. Its just even dumber that all the fat characters can do it too!
yeah we should be able to lock them down all day!
Looks like you main Vega in SSIV. I’m going to guess that since Honda is a bad matchup for him, you decided to learn Akuma as a counterpick for Honda… except you’re trying to play the match like you would in HDR. I get that Sirlin thinks IV has its flaws, but if he were trying to get better at the game, don’t you think he’d say something to the extent of not handicapping yourself to HDR logic in a game that doesn’t recognize HDR logic? Every character has bad matchups … even Sirlin (who apparently is a demi-god here) can’t fix that.
Its actually the other way around: I main Akuma. I go to Vega when I’m getting my ass kicked as I feel very comfortable using him. I’ve been playing him like I play him in HDR, yes, but I won’t stop yet because people online haven’t figured my walldives out (its actually pretty simple).
You play akuma in SSF4 and youre complaining that honda can jump over fireballs? Man the shit akuma can do to people on wakeup is absolutely retarded. Please dont ever complain about another character in sf4 when you’re maining akuma
I’m not complaining per se, I’m pointing out the fact that fireball zoning has been weakened drastically in SF4 compared to HDR and ST. Again, I point to the fact that even characters like Zangief and Honda can easily jump over fireballs, whereas in HDR they’d have to be more creative. Obviously if jumping were toned down then I’d re-balance characters like Akuma accordingly, but regardless the jumping system still remains a negative in my view.
EDIT: If you choose to interpret my post as simply complaining, then its your loss and not mine.
Do you want to zone in general, or specifically zone with fireballs? Why not try Dhalsim? They mixed up what antiairs he has relative to HDR, but he still has a lot of them and the concept is the same: play keep-away , know your antiairs for each situation and zone.
EDIT: Oh yes, and his teleport is not glitched like it is in HDR
ok. let’s say it’s honda v sim, and sim throws a jab fb midscreen. what can honda do?
neutral jump? honda’s so fat he’s forced to steer forward and then he eats sim’s fierce because of trip guard and then the situation is reset. or he can try different normals like nj.jab to try swatting sim’s limbs but he’ll probably land into the jab fire and pushed back even farther. or sim can just rh. or honda gets lucky and inches forward. oh wait honda doesn’t have charge anymore (if he did in the first place). whoops.
walk forward? great idea, sim’s stand fierce is nutritious. that’s how honda built up all that muscle.
focus? sure, and then honda gets tagged by stand fierce during dash recovery. and either way sim blows more fire.
jump forward? at best it’s a free back+rh unless honda gets lucky spacing j.strong or makes sim whiff (obviously a very likely scenario). or sim ultras into oki, at worst trading. or sim has super which he built up from the million or so jab fires, plus the free ultra from the untechable knockdown.
block? great, we’re making progress!
ultra 1? LOL NO.
yeah sure, honda can get a lucky jumpin or buttsplash, and it becomes pretty terrible for sim. but how is that different from, say, dic’s TOD (except sim won’t die from that single hit)? or honda getting close in any game in general? honda’s worst matchups in 4 exist for the same reasons. like this matchup - I mean, half the round spent whiffing oicho for super meter? ugh.
To be fair, if they fixed that glitch then the matchup for Zangief goes from difficult to unreasonable.
Almost every vs sim matchup becomes unreasonable.
He’s already a bitch to get in on in the first place.
To be fair, Dhalsim is not unreasonable. He gets raped by Vega and Chun Li, hard. If you think Dhalsim is so good, then try maining him, and see how difficult it is to control him. Either that or counterpick him. = J
I didn’t say he was easy to use, I said he is very hard to fight against.
I’m not in the habit of counterpicking.
I only said it becomes even more unreasonable if the glitch was fixed which was mentioned a couple of posts up.
Yeah, I said vs Zangief for a number of reasons. Fixing the reversal teleport glitch doesn’t affect some matchups as much as others. For instance it would make no difference to the task of getting in in the first place - it’s him being able to teleport out that makes the difference. For most characters, if he was to reversal teleport you can just close him down again, but Zangief has the most problems even getting close. The fact that Sim cannot reversal teleport means that once Gief is in, the match is almost his. In fact I do play both Gief and Sim, and I find a lot of the times, a match is decided on the one time that Gief is able to get in. It’s still probably an 8-2 matchup for Sim, but at least once Gief is in, it’s almost a free win which kind of balances out or compensates for how shitty the matchup is.
If you fix the reversal teleport, or remove the ability for Zangief to lock down Dhalsim, then you have maybe a 9-1 matchup. Zangief might take 50% damage trying to get in, but once he’s in the job is done. If Sim can teleport out of tick SPDs then you have to spend another 50% damage trying to close in again and it just makes it retardedly hard.
Lol @ matches vs. Sim becoming unreasonable. Use the damn guy before labeling him that way.
According do Gian, Dhalsim only loses one matchup in VST, against Claw, 6.5-3.5. He demands experience and reflexes, but some people have that and he is a very strong character in their hands.
Finally, I want to point out that the argument that one must use a character before stating something in terms of game balance is a fallacy: that’s like saying to every person that can only beat me with their main character that such character is overpowered. Very few people can use Dhalsim well, and still this means nothing when talking about ideal matchups, which consider players with are good with their characters. For example, I have seen a number of people on GGPO pick Akuma in VST and lose. I suck with him even more than with my main, and I am sure I ain’t the only one. “Spamming” (I don’t like that word) air fireballs in a way it can not be countered is much easier said than done.
Are you serious? Coming from a hawk mainer like you? Even I can agree that if sim could reversal teleport out (even with its shitty recovery) it would still make it unreasonable