If you TAC, and xfactor pretty much right when it starts, you’ll be able to have enough time to charge the unblockable while they are in blockstun from the arrows if I recall correctly.
Basic throw stuff
[details=Spoiler]Off of back air throws, you can use a whiffed Air Bon Voyage into H Hell Spitfire to combo. Doesn’t work at super jump height.
Air throws in the corner can be made a bit more reliable by doing QCB+L into QCF+H into s.L, etc etc. The fireball can move past them in the corner, causing them to fall out. So the s.L helps with confirming.
QCB+M works too but only at lower heights.
At super jump height off of a back throw, start with QCB+M cancelled into j.S then QCF+H when you land. The j.S causes the Hell Dive M to not end your momentum when it is over, so you will land right in front of them
Firebrand can combo off of his standing forward grab. Basic information, but good for people who block everything you do but stay on the ground. For some characters, you need to dash forward before using H Hell Spitfire, so do that with everyone. [/details]
Simple tricks
[details=Spoiler] Firebrand can combo off of his OWN hard tag if he is in Luminous Body when he comes in.
A well timed Air Bon Voyage can cross up the opponent sometimes. As in, if they jump and then they block the Bon Voyage just as they leave the ground, you are likely to end up on the other side of them and a lot of people don’t expect that.[/details]
Do a full combo, but after you do QCF+S into back dash into s.S in the corner, on the way up, do a quick j.L. That causes them to fall out. Then a slight delay and then a j.H
If they aren’t blocking (As in, trying to tech out of the corner or trying to counter a TAC), then they will get hit by the j.H which can be linked into Devil’s Claw into a new combo. People seem to learn this one fast but if have good TAC synergy on your team, it forces them to have to decide between blocking that reset or countering your TAC. Even if they block it, you can trick some people by going into the Devil’s Claw anyway. If they stopped blocking at all, it will hit them. If they continue to block it, you can do a QCB+L into a high/low mixup. However, the last QCB+L can be predicted and punished if they expect it. I can make a video if this is hard to understand.[/details]
Basic synergy
[details=Spoiler] As far as simple synergy
[spoiler=“Firebrand/Ryu”]Firebrand/Ryu isn’t too bad. With Ryu’s Hadoken assist, you can do A1, QCF+L, wavedash into c.H for a near full-screen hit confirm. Also, Dark Fire into Shinku Hadoken hurts and is a great DHC.[/details]
Dark Fire can be DHCed into Rekkoha before the last few hits of Dark Fire
Dark Fire can be DHCed into Lightning Loop, but the timing is pretty strict. You have to DHC almost immediately, jump, delayed j.2H (3 hits), j.S, land, jump, LV3 buster.
Sougenmu’d Hadongeki can be good for Firebrand’s mix-ups (blocked c.H into Hadongeki into QCB+M). It crosses up and the two projectiles give long enough time to confirm. However, fast players can grab you out of it. So don’t be predictable.
Zero can use Demon Missile as an extension to his BnB
s.M, s.H, f.H, s.S, j.M, j.M, QCF+H, land, dash, jump, call Demon Missile, QCF+M, land, jump, j.M, j.M, LV3 Buster xx DP+L, land, s.H, s.S, j.2H, j.S, land, jump, QCF+H xx LV3 Buster xx DP+L into lightning loop.
Zero can also use H Hell Spitfire assist as lockdown.
Firebrand can hard tag into Zero on certain characters. Here is the video I made
BnB combo
[details=Spoiler]Here is the combo I use off of a c.L
c.L, c.M, c.H, s.S, j.H, QCB+M, j.H, land, s.H, s.S, delay, j.H, d+H, QCB+L, c.H, s.S, delay, j.H, QCF+S, dash back, s.S, slight delay, j.H, j.S, Dark Fire
You can exclude the c.L and c.M if you confirmed off of better things, such as j.S or j.H[/details]
Combo into Luminous Body
[details=Spoiler]Here is a combo that gets you into Luminous Body.
Any time during a normal combo, before HSD is too high, and you still have your dive kick and you’re in the corner. . .
c.L, c.M, c.H, s.S, j.H, QCB+M, j.H, land, s.H, s.S, delay, j.H, QCF+M xx QCB+M+H, j.M, j.H, d+H, QCB+L, c.H, s.S, j.H, QCF+S, dash back.
From here you can go into a reset or just Dark Fire. Another relaunch causes them to fall out unless you do s.S into j.S.
What’s good about this is that it guarantees that you’ll be in Luminous Body when you end the combo, which is good for resets and mix-ups.
This also works, if you start with Bon voyage
Bon Voyage, dash back, s.H, c.H, s.S, delay, j.H, QCF+M xx QCB+M+H, j.M, j.H, d+H, QCB+L, c.H, s.S, j.H, j.S, Dark Fire[/details]
Hope some of this helps
I was looking into picking up firebrand and this is some good stuff to help catch me up quickly.Keep up the good work! (=
How would you set up a fuzzy guard with Firebrand?
I’d like to see more about resets people have been using or discovering especially setting up the unblockable, etc.
For Ryu/Firebrand, you can also mention that if your slide gets blocked and you need to be safe, you can call Ryu’s Tatsu assist to cover your qcb+L/M, since that’s actually not safe without cover (people can just air grab you if they know it’s coming).
Looks like Firebrand can actually break 500k without using any special moves or assists. Going off some guy from GAQs. No proof though.
Hey guys, I think this will be a great thread for new and old players alike. As far as my experience with Firebrand goes, I have been tinkering with a few things. There is a modification on his bnb where after you launch with S you can go j.H>hell dive M>j.H relaunch (may need to tag them with H before the relaunch for positioning) and finish the combo normally, but the damage difference is barely noticeable (I think last time I checked it was maybe 8-10k). I don’t know how useful this is, but someone might be able to find out some cool stuff.
As far as teams go, my current team is Firebrand/Trish/Amaterasu. You can set up the unblockables off a TAC using Round Harvest and her trap assist is very easy to run into when Firebrand is swooping everywhere. I also tried Dormammu in place of Trish, which I believe is Zak Bennett’s team. It’s pretty nasty. He has an amazing set up for incoming characters where if you kill them with Dark Fire in the corner and that kills them, or a DHC to Stalking Flare will kill them, he leaves Dormammu in and charages up the two Creation one Destruction mix (I think thats it) for the meteor rain. The Stalking Flare auto tracks the incoming character and forces them to block, and as they come in use the meteors and hard tag to Firebrand, run up and hit them (to keep them in block stun) and call Ammy for Cold Star. I think characters with very quick moves ala Bionic Arm and Taskmaster’s Shield Skills can mash out of this, but especially to someone who hasn’t seen it before, this pretty much guarantees an unblockable before the character can even get a chance to touch the ground.
Sorry if that segment was wordy and confusing, but I recommend trying that out or a similar set up if you can figure it out. The salt it induces is so tasty.
Double checking some stuff tonight. Adding in small section dedicated to resets and fuzzy guard. Also gonna start up a guide for comboing after a hard tag (its after a bon voyage right?). Expanding combo guide and will start looking up Firebrand gameplay. I got some of myself playing but Im not very good of a Firebrand player myself lol.
If anybody has any vids of any Firebrand player, either of themselves or any other good Firebrands, please post them up. Thanks
Well it would be better then no video so sure why not lol
Hey, don’t just mention unblockables and DHCs for teams! For example, Doom Missiles might set up the unblockable, but I find the beam a lot better for Firebrand, considering I run Ammy. It locks down and lets me in instantly, as to where missiles can just be superjumped, soaked up, and I can’t do jack about it.
What I’m saying is that Fbrand teams benefit a lot from beam and projectile assists, too… Okay, everyone does, but Firebrand especially. Hellevator M crossup hijinks are too good to pass up! On another note, forced bounce assists can extend his combos for the damage he really, really needs, like Nova’s Centurion Rush. Finally, I like to have DHCs that let me go into Lumenize and throw down. Honestly, what is anyone gonna do when they’re in dogveil with a lumenized Firebrand?
You’re also leaving out the dive loop. It adds a little difficulty, but doing a very low j.H at the start of a launch combo, cancelled into M dive, H, L dive, S allows Firebrand to have a meter-efficient combo. The damage is the same, but you don’t blow what you started with, which rocks.
As for matchups, I can say that raw, uncharged H missile is good insurance against people teleporting behind you, and you can use the H fireball to keep people from wavedashing. For specifics…
I can only really talk about Magneto, and not really well. If you get touched by this guy, he doesn’t need to squeeze you. Expect to die. All the same, I think this matchup is in Firebrand’s favor, because Magneto can’t run away from or lame Firebrand out, and once he’s touched, he can’t really expect to get him off all that easily. I like to spend a lot of time in this fight Lumenized, so I can keep up with him and land a hit on him when he’s trying to fly around and stuff. IIRC, the fireball can stuff Magneto’s air fireball, but not the Disruptor. Helldive and Hellevator around him if he’s zoning you-- Magneto’s zoning is linear, not counting assists, and he’s always committing to something. Against rushdown mags, you can st.L him out of tridashes and confirm into a combo-- it’s risky, but it’s something. If he gets in, be patient, block the mixup, tech a throw or something and there, you’re out. Just don’t mash st.L. Please? And, as a last note, kill him. On teams with Magneto on them, Magneto is very, very often the problem character. Don’t let him be.
Good thing you mentioned the meter-saving loop, If you’re in lag instead of going into Hell Dive L, just drop down and do St.H -> Launcher to avoid dropping the combo.
I need more specifics on this loop. How it’s supposed to look?
You want to do it pretty close to the ground, start hitting H on your way up from your super jump, after the 2nd hit cancel into medium hell dive. Near the end of the hell dive H again, and make sure it gets two hits. If they’re close enough to the ground you should be able to combo a standing H afterwards. Rayray does this in one of his BnB combos here, around the 4 second mark, and the 22 second mark, you see what it should look like.
Also not sure if we want to throw in making advancing guard useless with helldives, not sure how advanced this thread is supposed to be. But being able to instant overhead L, and then L hell dive to stay in their face even when advancing guard is really useful.
Thanks bro. I decided to pick up firebrand so im really new to the character right now. I was grinding out the dive loop earlier and I had a hard time getting my ground S to hit before the opponent can tech. I realize now that i probably wasn’t doing it low enough.
NP, if you’re just learning him it’s not suuuper essential to learn immediately, the regular bnb without it is fine. Just gives you slightly more meter for basically the same amount of damage. I’d focus on practicing movement and such with him first. The last thing you want to happen with him is to be hit, because he pretty much dies to everything immediately.
Yeah true. But I got his main bnb down and I get ocd over damage and meter optimization. lol
what should i be practicing in regards to his movement? He’s a different character for me since he based around air movement and doesn’t have a teleport or a air dash.
Just getting used to his command air dashes in general. Like you said, it’s not the same as a regular air dash or teleport, it’s more of a glide. Some of the more useful things with his movement are…
Air medium hell dive, hitting S/H at the end to let it’s momentum carry you forward. Allows like half screen hit confirms into full combo.
Jump L into L hell dive for a really fast up/down mixup. Really hard to block and can negate advancing guard.
Luminous Body: instant overhead L into air bon voyage to combo. Also really hard to block especially with how fast he is in luminous body. You can literally loop this on the opponent if they are in the corner, and it’s pretty hard for them to get out.
Does firebrand have any air to ground combos without having to use Devils Claw (down H)?
What do you mean by air to ground combos? Do you mean comboing someone in the air, and then continuing that combo on the ground? If so there is obviously bon voyage, and if done early enough in combos you can Air H, M Hell Dive, Air H, land H.