The Complete Genei Jin Thread

about the:
Shotos (Akuma, Ryu, Ken And Sean)
st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+MKx2, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch (you can do a kara lunge just in case)

Do I have to walk a bit to connect st. strong to F+fierce

Not really, maybe you are just messing up the time
make the st strong forward fierce, right after yun raises his hands (activating genei jin)

just practice

for all those trying to get that ko finisher to connect…well just get the timing down…and if you’ve tried and tried and tried and still no…change sticks…my buddy J.D and i were trying to get the KO finisher done on an american stick…and we could only get to the shoulder part…we always missed the forward+fierce…a couple of days ago…i got some japanese parts…and now…we can consistently do the ko finisher…im not saying go out right now and buy new parts…put if you feel youve put in too much practice and still get no result…your playing equipment me be whats keeping you from reaching full potential…anyhow…great thread J.D, keep up the good work.

So you execute the palm before genei jin runs out for this finisher?

aaand you do it the moment you recover from (no cancel?)


So you execute the palm before genei jin runs out for this finisher?

aaand you do it the moment you recover from (no cancel?)


you must cancel the
but still , it requires timing

and yeah, you input the palm before the genei jin ends, but it will actually come out outside of it, requires practice

Anywa, First post updated, I added a resets section
hope some other users can help me with it, Im not a reset lover you know :sweat:


resets are mad good, especially after a command grab, when u know the damage won’t be that good. u might aswell get some meter back.
OR, you have to do a jab dp after your chain in order to charge GJ.

basically, if you do any one GJ hit, let the meter end, then do an ender, you get 75% meter. but the damage stays the same.
can’t hate on that

my fave reest is, chainxxjab dpxxgj, s.feirce, strong rushpunch, d.shortx2, s.feirce, feirce rushpunch, RESET, command grab, dp.forward, gj ends, strong dp, d.strongxxshort upkicks. 60% meter before mashing on strong…then you do a little comob and kill them somemore.

the examples are pretty obvious. here’s the standard KO ender reset:
chainxxGJ, s.strong, f.feirce, hopkickx2, palm, s.feirce, jump forward, land, s.strong, s.forward, palm, gj ends, palm hits, jab dp, f.feirce, rush punch. mash strong. 80% level.
and if it’s against chunli, just command grab her when she gets up, then s.forwardxxGJ…hurts bad and it’s FLASHY!:looney:

Are you sure? Dp, f+hp is a link on the ground, this is why I’m asking if you can land the kara too.

you guys need to get your terms in order. It’s not about “height”, it’s about “bounce”. If you think all moves make you fall at the same rate/o/speed, you’re sadly mistaken and are simplifying a somewhat complex system of physics…I just got back from class:wgrin:

Someone who has mastered the physics of the game, is going to be the illest GJ user.

there are other ways to do the KO ender than boosting them way high, but they’re hella precise, and they prove my point:
-how about executing the palm so that it has GJ speed/o/start up, but actually hits outside of genei-jin? I’ve done this a couple times and gotten meter back, and connected a dp after.

learn the physics, all these combos and set-ups will generally work on all chars with a little tweaking:
ex: vs.Q, walk up palmx3…vs.yang, just use kara palmx3.

forest for the trees.

First post updated with some resets

Im goin to add the super jump cancel explanation tonight


against most players, instead of your run of the mill [hop, hop, palm]x2, you can [hop, short kara palm]x3. does a bit of more damage, is highly more practical, and the same dragon kick jab shoulder ender works. there have been instances where the timing and placement is a little more strict, but with practice it will come naturally.

Yeah, it’s really useful when you dominate it. At first it’s hard, because you have to do the hop kick, and then do a qcb instead of a hcb for the palm to come out, or a command grab will interrupt the combo. But with practice, it’s not that hard

You can just as well replace the last standing fierce with Palm and do the regular ending here instead. I like it with Palm since there’s no need to kara-lunge.

I suck at doing c.mpXshort kickies on Ibuki. I can hit it on Twins but not Ibuki. Is the timing more strict or something? Currently I’m just replacing it with s.fierce or s.rh.
EDIT: Actually, now that I tried again I couldn’t hit it very well on Twins either. I’ve just lately started going for dragon kick enders and I’m kinda lost with them. Should the hit as late as possible?

Well in the shotos combo
if you make the Palm, DP + Roundhouse ending
the DP roundhouse doesnt hit consistently
thats from my experience of course
the one I posted was a safe version

now bout the ending on Twins/Ibuki

you have to walk and practically be right under the opponent
yeah the timing is very hard
but ok if you want an easier version instead of using st fierce, dp + roundhouse, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, ending

use forward fierce, jab lunge punch, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, ending

thats easier

I don’t have any trouble with the combo before X Kickies. I hit mp shoulder as high as possible too. It’s just that I can’t connect the dp+short with any consistency at all.

I guess I just always do too early…

When I fail the dp+short, it’s always because I did it too early… just wait until you are very near them.

from this day forward, “upkicks” will be known as “kickies”

lol, goodshit, lol:tup:

best advice i can give for cancellin into kickies, is after the jab shoulder or kickies, after you gj ends, just hold forward, go to down position, press strong, then do qcf+short…i only do it that way and it never fails.

Actually I picked the “kickies” up from CFE Yun forum. Anyway, it too good :slight_smile:
But like said, I connect, the kickies just whiff.
Well, I guess practice and testing makes perfect so I’ll just keep on doing it until I find the right timing.

Ok I see your problem
yeah its really hard to land that ending on the twins and ibuki

but like I told ya
I requires practice, you have to walk forward even more than the way you’re doing it
practice makes perfect ok

this will sound like a bunch of noob questions but what’s a good GJ combo for bringing characters across the screen? i understand about mid-screen GJ but i just want some advice on this certain situation. other situations are GJ combos after a, ( that im not near the corner at all), and after hitting a hop kick on a crouching opponent. last one is whats a good mix-up of moves during GJ when the opponent is blocking? i tend to do predictable moves such as repeated shoulders.